Second Year - The first one petrified

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I am shocked. 900+ views!! I can't even-

Just get on with the story cause I'm in awe.

(Y/N)'s POV

After visiting Harry in the Hospital Wing, and being shooed away by Madame Pomfrey, Hermione, Ron and I went back to the common room and sat in front of the fire.

"Malfoy's done it this time." Ron muttered, angrily.

"How'd you think he got to enchant the bludger?" Hermione asked.

"I dunno, but you said it yourself, we'll ask him about it when we get that potion done." I said, thinking hard.

"So, why didn't he enchant the other bludger to get you then?" Ron asked. This caught my attention, fully.

"It was probably because it'd ruin the whole game. If Malfoy needed to injure both of you, he can't do it with two bludgers, or they'll definitely call off the match because the Beaters won't be able to do their job." Hermione observed.

"You're brilliant, you know that?" Ron said.

Hermione looked flattered but she shook it off, now looking serious. "It's only a matter of time before he finds something to get rid of you, (Y/N)."

I scoffed, "I'd like to see him try. His broomstick won't be the only one severely damaged."

Ron shuddered. "I love you, (Y/N), but you scare me."

"Never to you, Ronald -"

"Ron." he corrected, annoyed.

"Ronald." I said again.
The next morning, I woke up, being shaken, mind, by none other than Hermione.

"Wake up, wake up!"

"Okay, I - I'm awake." I said, groggily.
"why so early?"

"We're not early." she said, "you're going to oversleep if you go for another lay in."

I got up, washed my face and did the normal morning routine. I walked down the stairs with Hermione to find Ron waiting for us by the sofa.

"Finally," he said, "let's go to breakfast."

After finally making it to the Great Hall, we took our seats near the front and filled our plates with our normal breakfast.

As Ron was eating on his food and Hermione was reading Gadding With Ghouls, I heard McGonagall say Harry's name.

"What do you think -"

"Shush!" I interrupted Hermione, "listen!" I urged.

"That night with Potter and his game, I'm surprised he even got the Snitch with a broken arm." she said.

Another squeaky voice came and I assumed it was Professor Flitwick.

"And on the same night, that first year, Creevey."

"Never let both (L/N) and Potter alone!" McGonagall said, "the monster is going for all the Muggle-Borns in the school. Creevey, being the first!"

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