Second Year - Quiddich and Lockhart

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"I'm done with life Professor."

Ok, so people have gone as far as to make BOOK COVERS for me! I love you all sm! You're too good for me.

Another thing I'd like to add is a shout out to alwaysxharmione bc her comments make me laugh too hard. Like, I can't even with them. I also see her like, everywhere, so she's awesome.

Now on with the story! I've already taken up more than 80 words!

Third Person POV

The next day, however, Harry barely grinned once. Things started to go downhill from breakfast in the Great Hall. The four long house tables were laden with tureens of porridge, plates of kippers, mountains of toast, and dishes of eggs and bacon, beneath the enchanted ceiling (today, a dull, cloudy grey).

Harry and Ron sat down at the Gryffindor table next to Hermione, who had her copy of Voyages with Vampires propped open against a milk jug, and (Y/N) who was across the table, engaged in a good conversation with Dean about Quiddich and Football.

There was a slight stiffness in the way Hermione said "Morning," which told Harry that she was still disapproving of the way they had arrived. Neville Longbottom, on the other hand, greeted them cheerfully.

"Mail's due any minute, I think Gran's sending a few things I forgot."

There was a rushing sound overhead and a hundred or so owls streamed in, circling the hall and dropping letters and packages into the chattering crowd.

A big, lumpy package bounced off Neville's head and, a second later, something large and grey fell into Hermione's jug, spraying them all with milk and feathers.

"Errol!" said Ron, pulling the bedraggled owl out by the feet. Errol slumped, unconscious, onto the table, his legs in the air and a damp red envelope in his beak.

"Oh, no.." Ron gasped.

"It's all right, he's still alive," said Hermione, prodding Errol gently with the tip of her finger.

"It's not that - it's that."

Ron was pointing at the red envelope. It looked quite ordinary to Harry, but Ron, Neville and (Y/N) (who stopped with her conversation as soon as the letter arrived) were all looking at it as though they expected it to explode.

"What's the matter?" said Harry.

"She's - she's sent me a Howler," said Ron faintly.

"You'd better open it, Ron," said Neville in a timid whisper. "It'll be worse if you don't My gran sent me one once, and I ignored it and," he gulped "it was horrible."

Harry looked from their petrified faces to the red envelope.

"What's a Howler?" he said.

But Ron's whole attention was fixed on the letter, which had begun to smoke at the corners.

"Open it," Neville urged. "It'll all be over in a few minutes.."

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