Chapter 7: Research & Memories

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Mort sat at his computer desk at home, tapping away on his laptop. He had done as much research as he could on both the man and the supposed hospital.

The man came up empty, though Mort really didn't have a name so that made it hard. As for the hospital, all Mort could find were popular hospitals, destroyed hospitals, and a burnt down asylum.

Mort laid back defeated and let out a disappointed sigh. He looked next to his laptop at his phone that was buzzing. It was another missed call from Susie. He was purposefully avoiding her, he wasn't strong enough to keep withholding information from her and it didn't help that Susie was being very nosy, constantly showing up at his door to which he had to turn her away. Mort put the phone in his pocket and then looked up at a picture frame. It was of his girlfriend, Wendy.

He picked it up and examined it, he felt a pang of sadness prick him. Wendy had long ginger hair and red framed glasses. The picture was when they went on vacation to Sweden, Mort took the photo of her. Her smile was framed perfectly so big and wide and full of happiness. Mort wished he could go back to those days, just hanging out at home with her, cuddled up on the couch watching TV.

Mort reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter. It was cyan, his favorite color, and on the side there was an engraving. It read: To my wonderful boyfriend to light the way ~ Love Wendy. Mort looked at it and smiled and then put it back in his pocket, he always carried it with him.

Mort's thoughts were interrupted by his phone buzzing again, however this time it was John. Mort shook off his feelings and answered the phone "Hello?" Mort asked.

"Hey Mort it's John, look I just wanted to let you know, I've received information that the hospital we're looking for is in the woods on Tusawar." John said through the phone.

"Are we sure this source is credible?" Mort asked writing down the location on a notepad.

"I don't know, but it wouldn't hurt to check it out right?" John said.

"Right, Okay I'll check it out. I'll get back to you, bye." Mort said and hung up the phone. He stood up from his desk chair and stretched. Time to go hospital hunting Mort thought to himself. He headed into his back room where he had multiple cameras and audio recorders. He grabbed some cameras and microphones along with a flashlight. Mort went to leave when he spotted something in his room, a trophy.

It wasn't just any trophy, but the trophy Mort won for his coverage of a hurricane that ravaged through the town two years ago. He chased the hurricane and stayed on the air as it went on providing people with information to help themselves. That was the only biggest point in Mort's whole news career, but he didn't do it alone.

With him that day, was his friend Tony. Tony held the camera and filmed Mort, he was as important as Mort getting the coverage, maybe even more. Him and his friends were actually special, they lived on a secluded road far from the main town. It was just the three of them and their three houses.

Now Mort was remembering what John told him, he said that Mort could bring some people along as long as they weren't employees at the studio. While they still hung out, Mort and his friends grew a little distant after he lost Wendy. So what better way to rekindle friendships than with a trip to an abandoned hospital. Mort pulled out his phone again, and called his friends.

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