Chapter 20: Betrayal

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Mort ran down the halls as he headed to the last place he remembered where Kevin was. He had so much adrenaline, his arms were shaking and he felt light headed but he kept going. It felt like his legs were carrying him but since he couldn't feel his legs it was more like he was floating. Mort only stopped when he heard a voice, Kevin's voice.

"Mort? Is that you?" Kevin said, his voice echoing from out of a room and into the hall. Mort stopped and turned to the room with a huge smile on his face. He ran over to the door and went inside "Yes! Oh my god Kevin, we can get out and esca-"

Mort stopped.

He looked at the ground as there laid the body of Kevin facedown, bloodied and broken. He had cuts and scars all over his body, his clothes ripped. He was in a pool of his own blood and behind his body was a trail of leading to him. Mort walked over and lifted his head up, revealing a dead faced Kevin with a bullet hole in his forehead. Mort backed away as his breathing grew heavier. He fell against the wall and stared at his friends body as tears filled his eyes.

"Kevin, no, why?" Mort said in a shaky voice. He hung his head down, he felt defeated. He couldn't tell what hurt him the most. The death of his friend, the guilt of it being his fault, the fact he most likely suffered, or the fact that he was trying to get away before being killed. Mort looked up and wiped his eyes and noticed something in Kevin's hand. A video camera.

Mort reached over and pryed it out of Kevin's cold hands. Mort held the camcorder up to his face and stared at the screen. There was a video on the screen, the most recent video. Mort hit play and the video began. Mort could hear Kevin's grunts as he crawled across the floor along with coughs. After a few seconds someone stepped into frame. Mort could only see jeans since the person's upper half was off screen. However Mort could see in the person's hand a revolver. Kevin stopped crawling and seemed to look up at the person. "What the fuck?" Kevin could be heard saying in a scared voice before the person in the video lifted their hand and the gun went off. The camera turned towards Kevin's face revealing the bullet hole. Footsteps could be heard moving closer to the camera and a hand moved Kevin's head to be facing the ground. And then finally the person picked up the camera to turn it off. Doing this though also revealed their face, and Mort couldn't believe it.

"Oh my fuck." He said in a shuddering voice and held his hand up to cover his mouth. On the screen showed Tony, smiling ear to ear. Mort threw the camera across the room and got up. He needed to get out and he needed to right fucking now. Mort walked out of the room, and into Tony.

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