Chapter 13: Figures

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Mort pushed his friends back and hid along the wall. He peaked out and looked at the figure. It was large, at least seven foot, and just stood in the middle of the hallway. The light was out, looking like it was broken, so the figure was completely pitch black making it hard for Mort to make out any features.

Mort stopped looking and leaned his head against the cold concrete wall. Kevin came up and grabbed his shoulders and pinned him against the wall "What the hell is going on here?" He asked in an angry whisper.

Mort looked at Tony who seemed to be spacing out with a scared expression on his face. Mort looked at his feet and sighed before looking back up. "This place is a suspected murder crime scene, I came to get footage." Mort said with a shaky voice as his shoulders ached from Kevin's strong grasp.

Kevin stared at him wide eyed "What the hell!" Kevin said in an angry whisper as he pushed harder against Mort. Mort winced in pain as his shoulders were sore from last night. Kevin kept tightening his grasp, he knew his "friend" was strong but Jesus. The groups pinning session was interrupted however by Tony's quiet voice.

"Guys, they're gone." Tony said peeking out the door frame. Kevin released his grip on Mort finally allowing blood flow to return to his shoulders. Kevin and Mort walked over to where Tony was and they stared where the figure once was. This time they could see no one was there as the light was now on, slightly illuminating the hallway. The three swapped a fearful expression before they all began bolting to the exit.

Up the stairs, to the left, and down the long hall, the three men ran, not stopping at all to catch their breaths or let their legs rest. They were neck and neck as their legs carried them down the long corridor, Kevin giving Mort his shoulder to lean on. Until finally the sunlight of the main lobby could be seen. The three ran into the lobby, and immediately collapsed onto the floor.

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