Chapter 8: Rekindle

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"Dude, this would so be great for my YouTube channel!" Tony said enthusiastically as he sat on the swing in the playground.

Tony was wearing a grey hoodie and with his short brown hair, he looked like an early 2000s rapper. Tony was one of Mort's earliest friends in the town. He always tried to lighten the mood and Mort never realized how much he missed his friend's dumb humor.

"It's kinda weird though, I mean you barely talk to us and the first time you say you want to hang out, it's at an abandoned hospital," Kevin said with a chuckle while leaning on the swing's support poles.

Kevin was wearing a red flannel and with his curly ginger hair and thick ginger beard he looked like a lumberjack. Kevin was Mort's closest friend and the two did many things together but after some fighting between the two they distanced from each other. However when Kevin tried to rekindle the friendship, Mort wasn't having it.

"Yeah well I mean, what better way to rekindle our friendships right?" Mort said sitting awkwardly on the conveniently nearby park bench.

"Well it's great seeing you again man," Kevin said with a smile.

"Thanks, same here," Mort said with fake enthusiasm. He was happy to be with his friends again but it felt weird. It was like when you date your best friend and then you break up but promise to remain friends, you guys are now friends but there's always going to be that weird awkward feeling there with every interaction.

"So why exactly are we heading to an abandoned hospital?" Tony asked with his eyebrows raised, starting to slowly swing back and forth.

Mort zoned out as he thought about what to say. "Well, it's um just for a story. I need the background footage." Mort lied. He didn't know if saying "Oh yeah we're going to a possible murder scene haha" was any better. Besides, he hadn't talked to these guys in months so if the first thing he asked of them to do after meeting up is to follow him into a crime scene then they would immediately turn tail, except for maybe Tony who'd probably still be interested.

"So you guys are 100% on board?" Mort asked making certain his friends weren't lying to him.

Tony stuck out his pinky finger. "I pinky promise." Tony said with a chuckle which actually made Mort smile and pinky promise with Tony. Kevin joined in as well with grin on his face making the promise a three way. The deal was sealed.

Tony sprung up from the swing with great enthusiasm "Well what are we waiting for, let's get filming."

Mort put his hands up to stop Tony. "Uh just a wait a second. I'm going to wait a day before we swing into anything, I've only just learned about where all this stuff is and while I do have the equipment, I still need to charge the batteries and all that fun stuff." Mort said, standing in front of Tony to block him from walking.

"So what, did you invite us to the park to just tell us we were doing that tomorrow?" Tony asked, crossing his arms as he stood still.

Mort shook his head "No I... I thought since we haven't hung out in forever, we could spend a day together, just hanging out." Mort said quietly. It made his heart feel weird to interact with his old friends again.

Tony and Kevin both smiled. "Sure man, we're just really happy to hang out with you again." Kevin said happily. Mort gave an awkward thumbs up "Great, well um, wanna go eat?"

The three ate at a nearby dinner/bar called Jeff's Bar. It was actually a place Kevin was looking at working for, which is probably why Kevin suggested eating here. Mort didn't really like the place but he didn't want to seem weird to his friends so he just bit his tounge. The trio was sitting in a booth, each enjoying a meal of their choice and drinks to go along with, Mort the only one drinking alcohol. They were having jokes and telling funny stories about experiences since they last hung out.

"And then I went in for the roundhouse kick, but instead of hitting my target I just fell face first onto the mat." Kevin said followed by a howling of laughter. Everyone grinned and giggled and Mort took another big gulp of his alcohol.

"So what about you Mort, what have you been up to?" Tony asked his friend while reaching for some fries. Mort paused for a second, he hadn't done much. It wasn't because he was bored or lazy he just couldn't find the energy in himself to get up and do things, the only thing he really did was work, drink, and sleep.

Of course he wasn't going to tell his friends this, he wouldn't tell anyone it, since he didn't want anybody to worry about him. "Just living life, got work and many other things to do, you know? Oh! But I did go on a date recently, and we're still seeing each other, " Mort said with a nervous smile as he sipped his drink to hide his embarrassment.

His friends swapped looks before smiling "Hell yeah Mort, we knew you had it in you." Kevin said with immense happiness. Mort kept smiling nervously even though he was very happy to receive compliments.

However, like all good things it had to end, thanks to the help of a complete asshole.

"Well well well, if it isn't the faggot," A familar voice said to the left of Mort. It was Dan, a frequent of the bar who had a rage boner for Mort. Ever since he saw Mort with Wendy, the hate began. The two hadn't seen each other in awhile but it seemed the anger was still there. However usually it was just thrown insults that Mort usually ignored. However now, Mort wasn't in the mood.

Mort looked down at his drink as he heard the troublemaker walk over to the friend's table. "I thought I told you to never come here again," Dan said angrily.

"This isn't your bar, you don't have the power to do that!" Tony said, defending his friend.

"You, shut the fuck up," He said to Tony. He then turned his attention back to Mort. "So Mort, suck any dick recently?" Mort clenched his drink in his hand, he was tempted to smash it into the fucker's face.

"Please just leave us the hell alone Dan," Kevin pleaded. But his plea fell on deaf ears.

"Oh you know what? You probably don't have dick to suck since the only one you could get is six feet in the ground!" Dan said angrily.

Mort threw the glass in his hand at the bastard's stupid face but it whized past and hit the wall behind Dan. Mort sprung out of the booth and charged at Dan, swinging and hitting him in the face. However it barely fazed Dan who just brushed it off and looked back at Mort who had worried look on his face. Dan meanwhile had a pissed look on his. Dan lifted his leg and full forced kicked Mort in the gut causing him to fall backwards and hit his back off the group's table edge making him fall to the floor. Dan began kicking Mort, first starting at his ribs then moving up to his head. By the time he was done, Mort was struggling to keep consciousness.

"Stay the fuck away from here and me!" Dan said, ending on a spit at Mort's unmoving body. Kevin and Tony quickly grabbed their injured friend and quickly left.

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