Chapter 23

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But what do you say to takin' chances?
What do you say to jumpin' off the edge?
Never knowin' if there's solid ground below
Or a hand to hold or hell to pay


I've always heard people say that they feel like a princess on their wedding day, no time after or no time before.

Well, let me tell you, they've never been to an awards show, in a beautiful gown. Just looking in the mirror for what seems like the first time in years and I actually see a happy, carefree woman, My skin was glowing and I couldn't scratch the smile off of my face even with the impending event that was looming.

Harry stuck to his word and I 'borrowed' some money to buy the stunning dress I was wearing, I say borrow because I plan on giving him every penny back. I have always tried to pay my own way through life and borrowing money just doesn't sit well with me. Liam also offered as he was the one who was taking me, though this honestly made me feel more like a charity case who couldn't afford anything rather than someone just borrowing some money of her friends, albeit their hearts are in the right place and it was never intended like that I just didn't like it. I knew they had more money than sense but that didn't mean they should throw their money around buying things for me, especially on someone like me who was a nobody in this industry. I had decided in the end that I felt more comfortable borrowing from Harry seeing as though our short past has already aged me about 50 years and if anything him giving me money was a lot better than Liam- At least I know Harry, and honestly he probably owes me money just for me having to put up with him.

My makeup was a lot more than what I was used to, full coverage foundation with a beautiful red cut crease with added glitter on the lid and a gorgeous scarlet red lipstick to match my dress. My cheekbones are looking very prominent and my eyes felt a lot bigger and brighter, although that might be because the bruising has gone down massively they were borderline non-existent.

I had a floor-length flowy red dress on, which had a gorgeous clear mesh around the shoulders and glitter around the chest area which then smoothed down to the floor with a slit down my left leg. I felt like a princess and the feeling was completely foreign to me.

However, I couldn't shake the nerves that were eating me from the inside like a parasite trying to escape. I felt sick, excited, nervous all at the same time... but I was overthinking I knew I was, I had been in my head since Liam asked me to come to this damn thing and now it was actually happening; I was a complete wreck, on this inside of course.

"Jordan, stop pacing you're making me nervous" Gemma pitched while perching on the side of the bed watching me back and forth.

Okay, maybe I wasn't handling it as well on the inside or the outside

"I was nervous for my first big award show as well it's completely normal" she tries to calm me down but I am too erratic to think logically.

"Yeah but you were Harry's brother not Liam's date or Harry's plus one everyone is going to be wondering who I am and what I'm doing and I can't deal with it" I ramble but Gemma holds out her leg nearly tripping me to stop me pacing.

"No. You're not Harry's plus one or Liam's date or even "Gemma Style's best friend" she mimics quotation marks over her name. "Tonight you're Jordan and you don't need to be anyone but yourself"

Her words begin to make me feel slightly better that is until Harry knocks and pokes his head around the door "c'mon guys we are leaving in 5 Liam's on his way" he is clearly panicking we are going to be late as he rambles quickly before slowly catching my gaze and smiling while looking at my dress up and down he gives a courteous nod to himself and leaves as soon as he arrived, making me widen my eyes and look towards Gemma hysterically.

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