Chapter 1

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1 Week Later... (NATO):

Lately, NATO had been thinking about UN non-stop ever since the accident in the cafe. He couldn't help but look at UN in a new way.

He wondered if UN felt the same but knew that UN wouldn't have much time on his hands to be with him but of course, NATO would always try his best to spend most of his time with UN.

NATO had also realized that EU had a crush on UN, NATO thinks he does have one on UN as well but thinks it was probably something else. NATO then takes a deep breath and decided he would try and earn UN's heart before EU does. Even if it meant some competition has to happen. Plus Valentine's say was nearing so he had some perfect ideas for UN.

NATO then stood up and started exiting his office and went to the next meeting he had with UN.

He gets to the meeting room and saw UN already at the front, organizing papers and doing things. He then walked over to UN and stood behind him, he smiled and then waited until UN turned.

When UN turned towards him he said "BOO!" And UN screams. UN then calms down when he realizes who it was while NATO,sighed at his reaction. UN pouts "Don't scare me like that!!" "Pfft- Ahah... But you look so adorable like that!~" He kept laughing while blushes from what he had said.

NATO soon calms down and then looks around seeing no one else in the room and asks "What time is it?" UN then checks his watch and answers "7:45, why?" UN questioned NATO while looking up at him, due to UN being shorter then NATO.

Then shrugs and pinned UN to the wall next to them, NATO got there faces close together and started saying seductive things towards the flustered UN. They then got closer and was about to kiss until the door opened, causing both of them to move away from each other and look away while having red faces.

The person who opened the door was none other than EU. EU questioned why the atmosphere freely awkward but then shrugged it off and went towards them.

UN finally composed himself and went back to organizing the papers while NATO secretly watched him, admiring everything he did lovingly. To bad EU caught NATO and then went over to him and whispered "Why you staring at UN like that?"

NATO was caught off guard and began blushing. He says "It's nothing..." EU doubted this and says "You like UN other something??" NATO then gets more nervous and stuttered on his response "N-no..."

"Your stuttering, don't lie to me, do. You. Like. UN?" EU asked in a much more sterner tone while keeping it low so UN wouldn't hear them. NATO swallowed and cleared his throat and slightly nodded his head barely noticeable, NATO hoped EU didn't catch it but he did and he felt jealousy again.

EU then whispers "You know that I like him too, so I'll ask nicely and to not take him away from me." NATO hesitated before just looking away. EU sighs and looked back at UN who had a small pile of papers in his arms reading them and flipping through the pages quickly. They then heard the door open and multiple people talking, the meeting was now starting...

Two hours later... (EU):

EU stretches as he walked to the door to exit the meeting. UN and NATO had left a few seconds earlier and he was the last one to leave the room.

As he went through the door he heard mumbling of two people down the hall next to the doors. He went over to the hall and peaked over to find UN pinned by NATO against the wall.

NATO was flirting with UN, who was blushing a lot. They were both about to kiss until EU interrupted by greeting them and walking towards them, as if he didn't see anything. They both moved away from each other quickly and greeted him, although NATO was a bit hesitant about it.

EU then asked UN "Hey do you wanna hang out for lunch break today?" UN was about to respond until NATO spoke up "Sorry but he's hanging out with me for lunch break today, now let's go we gotta work in our offices." Nato then walked off as he grabbed UN's hand and dragged him away from EU.

As UN passed by EU he whispered "Maybe next time, bye." And they both left EU standing there stunned.

EU just felt more rage build up in him, he wanted to spend time with UN! And of course NATO had to just go a take him away.

EU then looks stares at his hands that were in fists now, he was shaking uncontrollably thinking about what he should do. He then thought of something he would never consider before...

Killing NATO...

EU then shook his head to get the thought out of his head, no... He would do anything to get UN to love him but he would NEVER murder anybody!! It just isn't like him! But wouldn't it be good to get rid of this rage..?

He then shook his head more, and then started walking out of the hallway towards his office, he knew he wouldn't do that to NATO, to anyone! Especially UN! He sighs and found himself inside his office.

He sat onto his office chair and looked at his table which was organized and had a few small piles of paper here and there but mostly clean.

He sighed once more but more heavily. He knew Valentine's Day was nearing so he thought about what he could get UN. He also knew that NATO would also try and get something for UN as well, which made this harder for him.

He had options, either win UN's love against NATO or let NATO have him or...

Kill NATO.

He knew he didn't want to consider it but he just felt like that might feel right to maybe have that as an option... Not that he would ever need to.

He then opened the bottom drawer of his desk that only had stacks of blank papers but when he took the papers out at the bottom was a steel knife which laid there unused.

He sighs, if NATO won't let him have UN, then he'll have something coming after him.

He stares at the knife, taking in all its glory before putting the stack of papers back and closing the drawer, now he just needed to wait until Valentine's Day rounds the corner.

He then looks to the left side of his desk which had a picture of him and UN but younger in high school. He smiled as he remembered them being with each other and playing together. Then he remembered another thing he had done during that time, the memory where he had murdered every, single, student there for UN.

Of course he never told UN about it, nor did he even know about this. He remembered getting angry at this one boy, who had a crush on UN, he remembered till this day, his name, how he looks, and that he had loved UN and tried to get with him.

EU remembered his name was FBI, he was close to murdering him but then he escaped and was never seen again. EU smiles, hoping that... THAT BOY, FBI. Had died in a ditch. Now that he remembered those memories, he wondered if he could do that again now?

He smiled at the thought of it, having UN to himself again, and too bad UN doesn't remember anything that had happened in the past but that increased EU's chances.

Giggles and daydreams about UN, until he heard his phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that he was late to a meeting with UN and European countries so he quickly got up and ran to the meeting room.

Here's Chapter 1 as promised! Cya in Chapter 2!
Words: 1,358


Too Busy To Love [Countryhumans] - UN x EU (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now