Chapter 14 (SPECIAL)

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You wonder why this chapter is special?

Well let's find out Reader!

Day One... (United Nations):

Ever since, high school...

Since, work...

Since this game started...

UN was oblivious to it all.

Or was that just what you assumed Reader?

Let's find out in the rewinds.

Chapter 3 - Hallway : A 'Happy' Reunion
He quietly follows them without being seen and watched from afar as everything played out in front of him.

Chapter 5 - Amusement Park : Catching Up & Fun Times
He watched from the security cameras from the amusement park along side with ASEAN, who was helping him in this investigation.

Chapter 7 - 8 - Work : Love Triangle? Or Friends With Benefits?
He waited in his office as ASEAN comes back and gives him info he collected on them, he was slightly worried that UN was gonna get hurt in the process but UN shook him off.

Chapter 9 - 11 - Office : Bad Impression
He kept trying and trying as ASEAN tried to help him, he knew that one of the three had bad intentions towards him but he didn't know who. Everyone had played their cards so well that even ASEAN was having trouble. He had seen the way FBI is towards NATO, he had known ever since they first day they met. UN got so frustrated that it took half an hour to cool him down, lucky ASEAN was there to comfort him and now it would take about 5 minutes for him to cool down.


He only acted cold and distant from them was because he didn't know who to trust truly.

He didn't want them to suspect anything he was doing so he kept being like he was oblivious to the whole game they played.

Of course, ASEAN didn't even try to hide his anger and gave them a warning before they went too far or else someone will get hurt, someone like UN...

They thought UN wouldn't know, but instead UN had known all along and never told them.

He accepted NATO in the first place because he felt bad.

There's a secret no one will know ever, except for ASEAN.

People might think they would be in some type of secret relationship together, but really it was just them being close friends.

ASEAN had tried to see if any of the three UN might be attracted to, but he could barely find any leads to who he may like do to how less he described them. Except for one.

He nearly found himself rambling about him and quickly stopped as ASEAN giggled.

Maybe they could have a chance...

Or is it all too late?

Or maybe too soon?

(This ain't over yet!)

Words: 447


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