Chapter 9

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Two Hours Later... (FBI):

Just a little longer, FBI thought as he walked beside UN towards his office. It was quiet, except for the mumbling UN made which slightly 'worried' FBI.

"Heya, UN, you alright? You seem a bit down today..." FBI asked furrowing his eyebrows a bit.

UN then flinches and then stops walking, pausing to try and process what FBI said and soon said

"N-nothing! Nothing, FBI... Just... Thinking is all..." UN seemed a bit uneasy and FBI remembers the past few days he has actually been uneasy around him, but also around NATO and EU as well.

He wondered if something was going on and then places a hand on his shoulder.

"You know you can tell me anything, right? Were 'best friends' after all!" FBI said in a cheerful tone though saying 'bets friends' felt wrong for him to say.

UN hesitates before shaking his head.

"No... Let's just get to work already." UN said, it had a tint of coldness to it which surprised FBI.

But once he knew it, UN was already walking to his office, so he ran to catch up with him.

Better make this quick, wouldn't want anyone to take my chance, FBI thought, looking around as they went into UN's office.

He thought they were going to be alone until he saw ASEAN sitting in UN's chair, like he was waiting for him there.

ASEAN looked up and saw them, he keeps a straight face and asks "Ready?"

FBI was confused at first before UN said "Yep. FBI, your dismissed..."

His tone still had coldness tinting it and seemed to have very much grown on it.

FBI stood there confused until he saw UN look over to him, he shivered as his silver eyes glared at him slightly.

He wondered what he did to make UN like this and soon he got the message and began backing away slowly and soon exited the office quickly.

He stood outside and leaned against the wall next to the door, he was confused to why UN would just, kick him out like that, especially the coldness towards him, where did that come from??

FBI was terribly confused and worried if he had done something wrong, but as if he actually cared.

He then sighed, lately UN had been dismissing FBI away from him more often and around those times, ASEAN would be heading to UN's office and lock the door but they always come out of the office together and they would be talking serious business, he wondered if it was all an act but every time they saw each other, they wouldn't even acknowledge each other.

UN had also been distant towards NATO as well, but he didn't know if he was the same towards EU, it's as if UN changed completely ever since ASEAN started visiting him.

He wondered if ASEAN had been doing something UN, probably something bad if it had such a impact on UN to change his behavior.

He noticed that UN was also beginning to become distracted easily and could get scared yet be so cold at the same time.

He kept wondering if something was going on between them but then got brought back to reality when heard someone trying to get his attention.


EU exclaimed snapping his fingers in front of FBI's face, which got him to flinch and stare at EU weirdly.

"EU..? What are you doing here?"

EU looked at FBI with a shocked, confused, and a little angry expression.

"Don't you remember??"

FBI tried to think of what he forgot but he couldn't remember EU telling him anything.

"No....? Why are you so mad??"

EU then groaned in anger, and answered

"Huh, that's funny, even though YOU were the one who Promised that at break we would head to the cafe to hang a bit."

FBI then finally realized that and they both heard a door open.

They both looked over to see UN and ASEAN talking to each other but they seemed so deadpanned.

EU then nudged FBI, still staring at the other two.

"What's up with a UN and ASEAN? They don't usually look this serious, especially UN..." EU said worriedly.

FBI just shrugged and said "Don't know. Ever since ASEAN started visiting UN's office, UN just changed. Like, he's so cold now." FBI slightly shivered as if UN was really cold.

"Huh... Weird, they used to be great friends, wonder what got them so serious..?"

FBI nodded in agreement as UN waved bye towards ASEAN and walked away out of sight, then surprisingly ASEAN walked towards them with a warm smile.

"Hello FBI and EU, hows your day been?"

FBI was confused before saying "I'm fine I guess..."

"I'm alright." EU answered, also confused.

Then ASEAN's expression darkened and his smile was gone in a blink of an eye.

"I know what's happening, and I don't like it since it happened to involve my close friend as the main 'prize', so I'd recommend you to stop this game at once."

ASEAN was glaring through their souls, no one would ever risk to angering ASEAN otherwise they would be risking their life because of it. FBI was weird out and nervous by how quickly ASEAN's demeanor changed.

EU was feeling the same thing FBI is as well but also tinted by fear too.

"W-What game?" EU asked nervously.

"You know better then to act all stupid about what I'm saying, now don't continue this game otherwise I wouldn't hesitate to get you three fired."

FBI then felt a small boost of confidence and asked "And how you going to do that?"

EU looked over at FBI, shocked and now feels more scared.

ASEAN sneered at FBI, and answered "I have my ways. Now take my saying as a warning if you keep this little game up. Good bye now."

ASEAN then walked away from them out of sight, leaving FBI and EU in shock and fear. They felt nervous now that ASEAN might just get himself involved, in order to protect UN himself.

It was then silent until EU looked over to FBI.

"How about we get going to the cafe now? NATO's probably been waiting for us..." EU said timidly, FBI nodded in response and soon they both began walking to the cafe were NATO was waiting for them, bored out of his mind.

(Things be getting spicy)

Words: 1,074


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