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"Hey EU! Look what I found!"

"Huh? What's that?"

"I don't know but it's looks cool and funny at the same time!"

"I don't know... It doesn't seem safe..."

"Aww, c'mon EU! Might as well try!"

"Alright UN... If you say so, but what are we even going to do with it?"

"I don't know, it seems like some type of necklace..?"


"Should I put it on??"

"No! No way! We don't know what this thing does! Plus I'm not willing to even risk losing you again!"



"Alright fine, but at least hold onto my hand..."

"Is that just an excuse to hold my hand? EU, you know you don't have to make a silly excuse for that!"


"Alright, alright, but I'm still wondering what this could do."

"Or maybe it does nothing and we're safe from it..."

"C'mon EU! Have some fun in life for once!"

"I don't have one... Neither do you."



"Well let's try?"

"Sure, but still hold onto my hand."




"Is there anything happen?"

"No... Phew, were safe."

"This is disappointing really... I actually thought it would do something!"

"Well maybe we should put it back where you found it now."

"Too bad I forgot..."


"Alright, I'll put it back-"

"Wait... why is it glowing..?"

"EU... I'm getting a bit nervous..."





"Ugh.... EU..? W-where are we..?"







"H-huh..? Why does everything l-look so blurry and d-dark here...?"

"EU, are you okay..?"

"I think I feel a little bit woozy after that fall from the sky... Why didn't you fly??"

"Well I woke up on the ground!"

"Well, how come you appeared here instead of the sky?? You don't seem to have any injuries..."

"Well, I don't know! Maybe it's because I wore the necklace..?"







"Don't try to return the question!! Who are you?!"

"Woahwoah, there bud! You can put down that bow and we'll answer you!"


"Alright, now lets calm down... I'm UN and this is EU..."


"I-I'm Linar I suppose..."

"Alright now lets just this straight, if you want us to leave then we can! We just don't know where we are... Do you happen to know..?"


"Your on an island... But..."

"But what..?"

"Your gonna have to speak to the protector of this land..."

"And who may that be..?"




~ To Be Continued ~


Too Busy To Love [Countryhumans] - UN x EU (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now