Chapter 2

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Valentine's Day... (EU):

The blue organization was walking through the building they all worked at, it was quite big so it would be hard to navigate around in. EU had got lost in it three times before without UN's help, he was glad to have UN there to help him.

Right now he was looking around for UN, while holding a bouquet of red roses. He couldn't find him at his office so he figured he was at the cafeteria where people had the option to eat there or eat somewhere else. They also hosted parties there since it didn't really have that many people in it.

He gets to the cafeteria but found no one there. He sighs, he doubt that he would find UN in the morning, due to how much he has to do. Especially in the afternoon.

EU sighs and starts walking back to his office, maybe he'll find him at lunch break give it to him there. He then thought he could make chocolates as well or maybe just something sweet for UN.

EU smiled and then thought that maybe he could confess his feelings to him as well, but then said it would be for later and went inside his office.

2 Hours Later... (EU):

He was excited to see UN and walked to UN's office. He was happy that he would possibly get to hang out with UN for lunch break, but it was only a possibility of course, because he was afraid NATO would get to him first before EU could.

EU walked a bit faster at the thought of NATO confessing his feelings towards UN, and the thought of UN, his UN, accepts NATO's feelings, angered EU more.

EU finally gets to UN's office door and took a deep breath. Before he could knock, he heard mumbling from the other side of the door.

He paused before putting his on side of the door and listen in on what's happening inside. He heard UN's voice, he was happy before he heard his voice, NATO's.

He felt anger built up inside him as he listened in on the conversation they had.

"Mr. N-NATO..!"

"Shh, UN calm down, relax a bit..."

"B-but, we can't..."

"Shhh, it's alright, plus this is fine with you as well, right..?"

He heard a muffled sigh.

"Of course it's fine, just... I don't think I'm ready yet..."

EU widened his eyes at what he heard UN said.

"Well we could just go slow and easy..?"

He then heard silence before hearing UN speak up again.

"Okay... But it's a maybe..."

"Okay, anything for you UN~ Also don't mind if I do this~."

Then heard something he would never hear UN would make.

"A-ah~ N-NATO..!~ D-don't do that... We're still at work..."

"Aw c'mon, let's have a little fun at least~ Plus your a bit stressed out and I think you need a break."

"I-it's fine, NATO, really-" "Nope, you're worrying me UN... Just at least get some rest or weight off of your shoulders. For me?"

"... Fine NATO, just for you."

"Great! Now how about we take this a little further?~"

"NATO!! Wait! Don- A-ah..!~"

EU had enough of this, he could feel more anger build up in him but then he takes a deep breath and calms down. He needed to interrupt them before anything else happened. So he then knocked on the door and waited while having a calm composure and warm smile.

Too Busy To Love [Countryhumans] - UN x EU (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now