Chapter 11

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(Surprise, surprise, NEW POV! Plus I'll probably shorten the time of when I'm posting chapters to each day, so that it will be quicker. Enjoy that new update schedule.)

Three Days Later... (ASEAN):

He thought his warning was enough.

He thought he ended the game right then and there.

But it started up again when FBI started getting closer to him physically.

Right now, ASEAN was walking around the building to try and find FBI during lunch break.

He wanted to have a good old chat with him.

As he walked around he found him walking down a hallway towards UN's office, what's even better was that he was by himself.

ASEAN's expression darkened as he walked towards FBI, who had his back turned towards him.

ASEAN raised his fist in the air and was about to swing until he got punched instead as he stumbled back, holding his left cheek that stung a little.

FBI's eyes widened as he realized who it was and was about to apologize before getting cut off by ASEAN.

"Not a bad guard... No wonder they chose you... But oh how sad it would be when they realize what you've been doing and you lose your job, actually it feels nice."

ASEAN stood up straight, as FBI gets a fighting stance with his fists up.

ASEAN chuckles darkly "I don't want to fight you, but lately you've been hurting him. Now let's make this easy, you quit this game or we'll do this the hard way..."

FBI gets nervous and looks down, thinking and soon gave ASEAN the answer.


Then FBI swings a punch at him as ASEAN dodges it as he got down and swung his leg under FBI, causing him to fall onto the floor.

FBI tries to quickly stand up but then ASEAN got on top of him and pinning him down on his chest towards the floor, and held his head down as well as he held FBI's wrists together with the other hand on his back.

"Give up already, there's nothing more you can get from UN." ASEAN said in a low tone.

FBI keeps struggling, as he said "NO! I'll take my chances! I'll even have to kill you to get through with my plan!!" In a strained tone.

ASEAN was shocked but then frowned and glared at FBI as he struggled more but ASEAN was putting all of his weight onto FBI's back.

"Don't make this harder then it has to be! I'm doing you a favor before you get arrested for sexual harassment! And if you don't believe me, well I have proof to give to the court to decide your fate." ASEAN growled deeply.

As FBI struggles more, a syringe clinked onto the floor from FBI's pocket.

ASEAN sees it and realizes what FBI was gonna do, ASEAN quickly let's go of FBI's head as he went to grab the syringe from the floor.

ASEAN keeps FBI pinned down as he reached for the syringe before FBI yelled "NO!"

Then they heard footsteps from the hallway, they both turned their attention to see...

"Ah... There you are UN, came just in time to join the game." ASEAN said smiling a bit.

UN just nodded as FBI's eyes widened.

"W-wait! UN please help me..." FBI said in a worried and nervous tone, half of which ASEAN could tell was fake and the other full of fear.

UN just stared at FBI with crossed arms as his wings flared up a bit as if he were trying to adjust them and move them from being stiff all day.


FBI gets nervous, did UN hate him or something?

As silence grew, a few faint footsteps could be heard down another hallway near them but at a far distance.


Finally, UN sighs lightly and walks towards them getting closer and waved a hand up, to which ASEAN hesitated at first before complying and getting off of FBI, letting him sit up and rub his arms and back in slight pain.

"Why did you do that?? I thought I told you when we were in the office!?" UN exclaimed while also speaking in a hushed tone.

"Look, I knew I had a bad feeling if we were to wait until he went inside then we would be in big trouble. Plus I wanted this over with already! I only did what was needed of me to do to protect you." ASEAN said in stern tone though his face showed worry which slightly surprised FBI, since it's been sometime ever since he had seen that from ASEAN.

UN looked sympathetically at ASEAN, since he remembered what ASEAN had told him yesterday in his office.

UN then smiled warmly and hugged him as ASEAN hugged him back.

"I... I just don't want to lose another one, that's why..." Then ASEAN trails off and hugs UN tighter.

"Sh... It's alright, I promise you. We'll be alright..." UN said in a soft tone as ASEAN tries hard to keep back the tears.

What they hadn't realize or hear was FBI slowly getting, grabbing the syringe from the ground and slowly crept up behind them.

ASEAN felt FBI behind but it was too late when UN dropped into ASEAN's arms faintly.

ASEAN's eyes widened as he looks up and the last thing he saw and heard...

Was FBI raising his hand in the air in a fist as he spoke those last words...

"Night night Bitxh."

Then it went black....

(Heck, is all I have to say.)

Words: 902


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