Chapter 3

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2 Days Later After The Incident... (NATO):

NATO was at the hospital, sitting next to the hospital bed UN sat at. They were both talking, though NATO was adding some flirts here and there making the other blush.

As they spoke, a doctor had came in, it was WHO. WHO then said "Hey, um... Can I talk to NATO for second please UN?" UN nodded and NATO was a bit hesitant on leaving UN but soon gave in and followed WHO out of the room.

WHO then starts off when she closes the door, "UN's going to be discharged today but he'll need to be watched at all times..." They trailed off as NATO nodded his head and waited for WHO to continue, in which she did.

"So, in order for him to be watched at all times... We got him his own security guard."

NATO was shocked by this info, and then said "Why couldn't it be me??" "Well, because you already have work a-and..." "But WHY, does it need to be another person?? I'll change jobs if I have to!"

WHO then starts to get nervous and then stuttered "I-I'm sorry but we already chose one..." Then WHO pointed down to the seats down the hallway, where a male sat there in a uniform.

The male looked up and waved at them while smiling. NATO then starts to get angry but then keeps his cool and just said "Well, he better not pull any stunts on UN, otherwise I'll be gladly to take his place..." His tone darkened, which made the other more anxious and then said "W-well, um... I'll go leave you to introduce him to UN, I've already explained to UN about this so you don't have to worry..."

WHO then stuttered "U-um... B-bye NATO!" Then they walked off back to work. NATO stood there for a second before sighing heavily and walking over to the other.

The male looked up and waved while having a smug look on his face "Heya, I assume your gonna introduce me to the person I'm suppose to protect?" NATO then takes a deep breath before answering "Yes, yes I am..."

The other then stood up, they were slightly the same height but that didn't bother NATO. The other then asked "So, what's your name pal?" NATO fought back the urge to growl at him and said "NATO."

"Well NATO, nice to meetcha'! I'm FBI!" He said as he held out a hand towards the other. NATO just scoffed and walked away from him while saying "As if I ever asked..." FBI's smile faltered a bit before following NATO into UN's room.

They entered and NATO then gets back into a good mood when he saw UN. UN looks up and smiles in return, then NATO went over to him and hugged him while kissing his cheek as well.

UN slightly blushed from this action and hugs him back, until he saw someone else in the room.

FBI was slightly shocked to see UN again, then tears start to form in his eyes. "U-UN..?" He asked in a hush tone. UN stares back until he remembered him from high school, "F-FBI..."

NATO was confused, did they know each other before..? Then FBI smiles and hugs UN and starts to cry slightly.

"O-oh my god... UN, it's been so l-long! I'm so glad that y-your okay!"

UN then smiles sadly and slowly starts to hug him back, also crying a little as well.

NATO then stands off the side, while also staying close to UN.

"Y-yeah, I suppose your my new guard..?"

FBI nodded and then whispered "I'm so glad to see you again UN... I'll protect you till I die, I won't let anything hurt you...."

They soon broke form the hug and they soon stopped crying, then NATO asked "So, you both know each other or..?"

UN answered "Yeah, we were best friends in high school, until one day he disappeared... Speaking of FBI, where did you go during that time? I was worried sick!"

Too Busy To Love [Countryhumans] - UN x EU (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now