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Christine POV

Erik sprang into action. The Jones prepared a bed and Erik carried me over to it and put me in a upward position. My legs were spread. Another burst of pain rips through me. I scream. How could I survive this? Erik grabbed some towels and water. He took a small, wet towel and put it on my forehead. This was torture... The pain kept coming. I wanted to die. Erik kneeled next to me and gave me his hand. He starts to teach me how to breathe. In and out. In and out. I felt like my body was being ripped apart.

        "Erik...I-I can't do this," another scream is forced from my body. This is too much pain for me. "Erik...kill me. Please...please...kill me." Erik only grips my hand tighter... This feels like eternity... I start to cry. I am in so much pain, and there is nothing I can do about it. After an hour of this, I am exausted.

        "Only a little more to go angel... A few more pushes" Erik says urging me on. I push as hard as I can. My nails rake Erik's arms. A few more pushes later the baby is out. It's a girl. But she is not breathing. Erik tries to save her, but I know in my heart she is not going to make it. After a half hour, Erik gives up. Our firstborn did not make it.

        "Erik...we'll take care of the child...Take care of Christine." Killian says gently touching Erik's shoulder.

        I am so numb from physical and mental pain, that I don't even register that Erik has picked me up and brought me to the bathroom. He gently puts me in the bath and starts to clean me. He is extra gentle between my legs. The water turns red with blood. The whole time neither of us say a word. Even if I tried, I couldn't have...I lost my voice. I wan't sure if it was permanent or not, but I didn't care...I had just lost Erik's child. It was a one-in-a-million chance that I would even get pregnant, but I had just wasted that. I didn't deserve to have Erik love or be a mother.

Erik dried me off and carried me to a clean bed and tucked me in. I pretended to fall asleep. That's when Erik start crying. Of course he didn't want me to see. I "woke up" and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me tightly and apologized to me a thousand times...Since I couldn't speak a word, I just wiped away his tears and held him close. We fell asleep together for the first time in forever, with heavy hearts and an ocean of tears.

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