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09 - Stranger across the street

09 - Stranger across the street

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It was a nice afternoon. The sky was clear, the birds were singing, the flowers were blossoming, and most importantly, three women laughed amongst each other in a not-so-busy clothing store. But there was one big flaw in the whole equation to a perfect day: the fourth woman in the place was sulking.

[Y/N]'s eyes were glued to the horrible place across the street, a boutique called Diamant; while her aura was fiery, as if she just wanted to storm in there and set the whole store on fire. She would if she could, but the wives were babysitting her this time around so it was a bit hard to get her hands on a lighter.

Her co-wives were helping her out, and although they were always happy to spend time together at [Y/N]'s work, they grew worried about her constant hatred towards the owner of the other boutique, Amy.

This time, however, she was a fireball of pure anger.

Makio frowned when she noticed how pissed off her co-wife was, so she let go of whatever she was doing to pay full attention to her.

"Alright, what's wrong? Tell me who I have to punch this time"

[Y/N] finally averted her eyes from the glass, and that's how the girls found out that she was actually tearing up as well.

"I—" she sobbed, "I work so hard... and... and nobody comes here, but Amy just stands there and everyone praises her store!"

Suma tilted her head as she stopped sewing the patterns of a dress. "She works hard too then"

[Y/N] shook her head dramatically, her tears falling down as shiny as diamonds.

"No! I've been observing her, she just stands there! LIKE A BRICK WALL!! And people go in her store because everytime they are on their way here, she draws them in by singing or praising them or some other BULLSHIT"

As she crossed her arms like a little kid and looked away, the wives exchanged a look and nodded. Hinatsuru gently placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"Just talk with her, she'll understand. Maybe, if you get to know each other, she might end up being a good person after all"

[Y/N] blinked her tears away, her big eyes searching for the approval of the other two wives, finding Suma's cheerful nods and Makio's shrugging. Her eyebrows furrowed and she stood up, determined to get rid of that rivalry that had been going on for around  a year.

"I will!"

[Y/N] put own her flashiest sunglasses and hat before flamboyantly leaving the store. They heard her high heels click-clack inspirationally before she left. Iconic, simply iconic.

Makio let out a snort as she watched her go out, " 'kay, who wants to bet she comes in asking for a kunai?"


A long year of agony, a whole year of constant anger and screwing each other up. It was time to bury the hatchet.

With all the swag that only the body of a goddess like her could have, she opened the double chocolate-colored doors of the boutique. It was full, literally people were fighting over a purse that [Y/N] could make in her sleep... no, even sleeping she would've done a better job with it. She was sure of it.

She then closed the doors, she just wanted to see what she was up against. Amy's gold locks were standing right there next to the doors, and she was staring at [Y/N] with the fakest of smiles.

[Y/N] put on a bitch pose, shifting her weight on one leg and putting one of her hands on her hip, lifting her chin up in superiority.

"Good morning, commoner, how may I assist you?" asked Amy, batting her long eyelashes shamelessly.

[Y/N]'s mouth opened as wide as her eyes when she heard those words. She let out an exaggerated gasp and dramatically stared at the worm who dared to call her a commoner.

Of course, she failed to notice that Amy's store had a fairy tale kind of theme, and clients were called like that.

"Excuse me?! How dare you call me a commoner?! You'd be worth the triple you're worth now if I spit on you."

Amy's shoulders sank, she was confused. "Oh, are you not a client?"

"A client, you say?" [Y/N] laughed, "I wouldn't buy your clothes even if my options were limited to wearing them or dog shit for a lifetime."

Amy let out a soft giggle, gracefully covering her lips to muffle it. She found [Y/N] to be a very funny person.

The self-proclaimed goddess, unamused, cleared her throat before continuing with her speech. She had almost forgotten what she was there to do.

"Excuse my behaviour. You see, I'm Uzui [Y/N], the owner of Divinité" she pointed to her store right behind her.

"Oh! I didn't know there was another shop there!"


"Oh my! Are they brand new? When did they start selling?"

[Y/N] stared at her dumbfounded. She just couldn't believe that Amy had no idea of her existence or her shop.

"We started four years ago" [Y/N] managed to say, her brain was trying its hardest to work properly.

"Really? Mine was a year ago! How come I not notice? I didn't think that place was active because everyone comes here so often, I'm suuuper busy! Are you busy too? I don't ever see people coming out of there"

Bitch, what?

[Y/N] was about to explode. But, as the queen she is, she crossed her arms and kept her composure.

"Are you blind?"

"No! My eyes work perfectly, thank you for worrying, you're so thoughtful!"

"What I mean is, how low does your IQ have to be for you to be so stupid?" she muttered, snarling.

And with that, she turned around, almost stomping, and crossed the street back to her shop. Three pairs of eyes followed her as she entered the shop and immediately began touching Hinatsuru's body in search for something.

"Uh... [Y/N], what are you doing?"

"Do you guys have your kunais on you now? I just wanna check them for a new design that crossed my mind."

Makio grinned, extending her hand at Suma, who rolled her eyes and sighed as she placed 3,000 yen on it.

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