Chapter III

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~I just want to go home~

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~I just want to go home~

TW: violent actions, chocking, homophobic insulting, downtalking (is it called like that???)

Ashton's P.O.V 🍋

When I hopped down the last step, my sister Lauren, tackled me in a hug, trapping my arms, and practically squeezing the life and oxygen out of me. I heard some vertebrae in my spine crack, causing her to immediately pull away, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Whoops." , I giggled, squishing her cheeks together and kissing her forehead. "Morning princess. Slept good?" , I asked, walking with her in the, where Harry sat on a chair at the table, with an empty plate in front of him, another plate across from him and one right next to him.

"Yea, I slept fine. I wanted to make breakfast, but Ashy, we have nothing to eat." I sighed heavily, looking if I can find something to eat in the cabinets, my siblings can't reach, but nothing. The fridge looks like a desert, and not even flour, sugar, milk and eggs are left, to make pancakes.

"Lauren put the plates back into the cupboard. I'll buy something to eat on the way to school." , I told her and helped her, by putting away the knifes. "Harry, did you have everything, you need for school?" , I asked him, knowing he sometimes forgets stuff at home.

"Almost. We have nothing to drink too." , shaking my head I turned around and leaned against the kitchen counter, taking in a deep breath.

"We'll have to buy that too then." , I sighed, rubbing my face with my large hands, groaning into them. "Okay, shoes and jackets on, grab your stuff and then we leave. Chop Chop, you're burning sunlight." They both ran out of the kitchen, racing upstairs, to get their bags and jackets, whilst I walked behind them to get my own stuff.

I grabbed my black coat, phone, bag, car and house keys and my wallet, making sure that there is actually money in it, so I don't have to embarrass myself, because I try to buy something to eat and drink, despite my empty wallet. Seeing that I have like twenty dollar left, I headed back downstairs, only to see my siblings waiting impatiently for me, with their shoes already on.

I put on some black Converse boots and together we left the house, with me being the last one, to lock the door.

"Shotgun." , Harry yelled, running to the passenger door of the car, and Lauren groaned annoyed, obviously wanting to sit in the front.

"Hey, let him, this night wasn't very easy on him. Keep and eye on him for me, okay princess?" , I said. She looked at me, with a sad look on her face, knowing, what I meant, but she nodded nonetheless. "Good. Now get in, we have to hurry a bit. Oh and you're on with the music duty, so stop sulking." , I chuckled.

In the car, I made sure everyone was buckled up, before pulling out of the driveway, and heading towards the nearest grocery store, to buy us something to drink and then afterwards we stopped by at a Starbucks, to buy some breakfast bagels and also a coffee for me.

From there on, the drive to school was short, since we all had to head in the same direction, 'cause our schools are right next to each others, we enjoyed the car ride, eating our food and listening to music, occasionally singing.

"Hey Ash, I have a song for you." , my sister told me, and clicked on her phone, until 'American Idiot' by Green Day, started playing. I laughed, turning the music louder and we all started screaming the lyrics, not caring if someone heard us.

I parked the car, in the school parking lot, and waited until the song finished, enjoying how much fun my siblings had. Harry was playing air guitar, Lauren was screaming the lyrics, using her phone as a microphone and I grabbed two pencils and used them as drum sticks, drumming on the steering wheel and dashboard. 

Once the song finished, I turned the car off and we got out. I locked the doors and walked the two younger kids, to their school building, greeting the teacher who was in duty to collect the kids at the gate today.

"Bye princess. Bye bubba. Have a nice day." , I hugged them both, before the walked into the school building. Turning around, I walked to my own school building, already dreading it.

I know what will happen, as soon as I enter the building, and I definitely was not looking forward too it. 

"Hey faggot, who gave you the black eye, I wanna thank them." , said a boy from my year. I looked up, to see Jaime and his gang of junkies standing in front of me, blocking my way, and cornering me against the lockers.

I studied him, noticing his red eyes and blown out pupils, indicating, that he was already high. He was nastily chewing on some gum, with an open mouth, trying to hide the smell of cigarette. His jet black hair was slicked back, and his fully tattooed overly muscled arms, were crossed in front of his chest. He wore a white, muscle tee, which was slightly transparent, to show off his tattoos and over trained body, black ripped skinny jeans with chains and a snap back on his head. The other guys, were like the exact copy of him, two of them looking 100% like him, due to Jaime and the two being triplets.

"What do you want Jaime?" , I asked quietly, fearing his next move.

"Hmm... let me think, there are a lot of thing, I want. I want to fuck my girlfriend, I want some money, and I want for you to kill yourself. I mean, look at you. Who would ever want you, you're disgusting, ugly, fat, and a freak. No one wants freaks, especially not if they're a faggot like you." , he said, stepping closer to me putting a hand around my throat. "No one will ever love you, so why not doing us all a favour and finally killing yourself?"

"He doesn't have the balls to do it, because he's a fucking pussy." , Aiden, Jaime's brother sneered, causing the others to laugh.

"Oh... you want me to help you?" , Jaime asked in a fake innocent voice, before putting pressure on my throat, pushing me up the locker, until my feet were dangling in the air. I tried to frantically get his hands off of me and trying to breath, but it was useless.

Jaime was stronger than I am and I was becoming dizzy from the lack of oxygen, due to him choking me. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, not even being able to sob. After a minute of him choking me, he finally let go of me and I dropped to the floor, landing on my cut arm. 

Gasping for air, I put my hands on my neck, soothing the pain with my cold fingers.

"You should hurry up, with ending it, I don't really want to get my hands dirty, with a filthy faggot like you are." , he growled lowly, spitting in my face and kicking me in the stomach, before walking away with his gang, as if nothing of this ever happened.

Still gasping for air and tears streaming down my face, I stood up, walking to the nearest restroom, to hide my embarrassing existence and to clean myself up. 

School hasn't even started and I already feel like I'm in hell.

I just want to go home.

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