Chapter V

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Luke's P.O.V 🐧 

I woke up, to something squirming, whimpering and sniffling in my arms. It took me a few seconds, to recognise what it was, but when I did, my eyes shot open immediately. 

Michael was crying in his sleep, obviously having a nightmare.

"No... please... m sorry..." , he mumbled in his sleep. He started shaking again and sobbing, screaming, like his life depended on it. I tried to shake him awake, but it was pretty hard to wake him, if he is in a state like this, and this is something, what scares me shitless every time. 

"Mikey, please wake up. This is just a dream. This is not real, not anymore." , I said, whilst shaking him by his shoulders. Tears were streaming down his face and he looked so vulnerable.

"No... NO NO NO PLEASE DON'T." , he screamed, before shooting awake, looking around with wide, scared eyes. Michael started to hyperventilate, scooting away from me, clearly not realising, that I am me.

"Mikey, calm down. It's me Luke. It was just a bad dream, you're safe." , I said softly, trying to not scare him, by talking too loud. He looked at me, scared out of his mind, trying his hardest to breathe. 

I slowly scooted over to him and took his small hand to put it on my chest. "Try to copy my breathing babes. Slow deep breathes. In and out." , he tried his hardest to focus on his breathing but it just semi worked. 

"Look at me." , I instructed and he slowly lifted his head up, to look me in the eyes. "Good. Everything is fine. You're safe. They can't hurt you anymore, so please calm down and take in some nice, slow, deep breathes."

It took Michael a while, but he managed to calm down and control his breathing again. I was glad, that he didn't pass out again. Getting yelled at twice, two panic attacks and a flashback nightmare and everything in a time range of just five hours, is definitely too much for a person, especially for him.

"Why am I here? Where is Cal? What happened to your hand?" , he started questioning, after he drank some water from the bottle that was on my nightstand. 

"You passed out in school, because Mr. Tanner yelled at you non stop, so Calum brought you to his car, where I was waiting, cause I got suspended for a week. I drove you home and Cal will go to his after school, to get you and him clothes for tomorrow, and then he'll come here. You both sleep over here and Calum also said, that he wants you to stay here with me tomorrow. And yea well my hand had some fun with a locker, but it's fine." , I filled him in and he stood up, dragging me to the en-suite bathroom.

Michael got some rubbing alcohol, cotton balls and bandages, from the cabinet and told me to sit down. He put the alcohol on some cotton balls and cleaned my hand from the dried blood and cleaning the cuts on my knuckles, telling me how dumb I am, for doing something stupid like punching a locker, everytime I hissed in pain. He then wrapped my hand and flushed the used cotton balls down the toilet, putting the utensils back, where he got them from.

"I'm hungry... you wanna eat something and watch some movies, until Calum comes?" , I asked him, as I heard my stomach growl.

"PIZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" , he yelled and sprinted down the stairs. I just laughed, following my very childish best friend. He was sitting in front of the oven, staring into it, watching the pizzas. 

'How was he so fast???' , I asked myself, shaking my head. I walked into the living room, plopping down on the sofa and turning on Netflix.

"What do you wanna watch?" , I asked him, when I saw him coming over. He shrugged, before grabbing a teddy blanket from the armchair and sitting down next to me, cuddling into my side.

"What about... AHS season 4???" , he asked, looking at me with puppy eyes. I grinned and put the first episode of the season on. We had to stop halfway through the episode though, because the pizzas were ready and the moment we sat down, the doorbell rang.

"Cal you have a damn key, just use it." , I shouted towards the hallway, pressing he play button of the remote and a few seconds later, we heard the door unlock and open. 

"Sorry forgot that you gave me one... wait... I smell pizza." Calum slammed the door shut and raced over to the couch, we're sitting on, jumping on it and trying to steal a slice from his boyfriend.

Michael slapped his hand away and made a hissing noise, like a cat, glaring at Calum. When Calum tried to reach out for the slice again, Michael bit in his hand. 

"Hey, don't bite me, that's my job." , he shriek surprised. "I'm the one who bites you and not the other way around." 

"Then don't try to steal my pizza." , the oldest boy whined, a crimson red blush, spreading over his cheeks, neck and ears, because of what Calum said. I burst out laughing, already knowing, that the kiwi boy was mentioning something dirty there.

"Hey Cal, there is a pizza for you in the oven." , I told him, still laughing like an idiot. He thanked me and got his food, and then sat down next to his boyfriend pulling him over, so he sat between Calum's legs. The green eyed cuddled with his back into the brown eyed chest and we all got comfortable, turning our attention back to the series on the TV.

This is basically, how we spent the rest of the day to be fair. Us just binge watching AHS, stuffing our faces with junk food and sweets, cuddling, joking around, a huge tickled fight, that ended in a pillow fight, jamming in my garage and then we went to sleep, with all the three of us in my bed.

This was like one of our normal afternoons, and it definitely got me back into a good mood and all calmed down. I love to spend time with my two best friends, but sometimes it just feels like something is missing, and I think the missing piece will be my soulmate.

With the thought, of how my soulmate would be like, and how our first conversation could be, I fell into a peaceful sleep.

Little do I know, that it won't be this peaceful for long.

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