Chapter VI

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~Tummy bug~

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~Tummy bug~

Ashton's P.O.V🍋

The rest of yesterday, after me being terrorised by Jaime and his gang, was actually pretty okay.

I had to pick Harry up, from the school nurse office, after lunch, 'cause he threw up. Poor little guy, caught a tummy bug. I thought that he, when he vomited at 2 am this morning, that it was due to the punches, but apparently not. The punches only upset his belly, so he threw up and then after lunch, it was because his stomach couldn't hold the food.

Harry had a slight fever, to which the nurse gave him some fever reducers and also some pain meds, to help his achy tummy.

I then drove us both home and saw, that my 'stepfather's' car wasn't in the drive way, so it was good to go in. Turned out mum was home and she made me some hot chocolate milk and Harry a tea and then send him to bed, me following him, because I knew, he'd like some cuddles.

Mum picked Lauren up from school and that was it. Sure the sick boy threw up a few times, but not to much, since he was mostly asleep, cuddled into either me or Lauren.

As in for today, mum told me to stay at home, with Harry, to take care of him, since she couldn't get the day free and had a double shift. Harry's father was on a business-ish trip and well Lauren was at school.

Harry was currently asleep, with his head on my lap, bundled up in a teddy blanket and a stuffed jigglypuff in his arms. I stroked his slightly sweaty hair, whilst watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, because why not I'm bored, as the poor sicko, stirred awake, letting out miserable puppy whines.

"Hey buddy, what's wrong?" , I asked him, when I saw the uncomfortable expression on his face. He just whined again and hugged the jigglypuff tighter, curling up in a tiny ball, pressing the stuffy against his stomach.

"Aw does your tummy hurts?" , I cooed, Harry nodding sadly.

"I-I don't f-feel good Ashy." , he whimpered and his stomach gurgled and groaned rather aggressively. 

"That doesn't sound good to be fair. Do you want me to rub your belly bubba?" , I asked the tiny human in my lap.

"Pweasey pwease." , he whimpered again and I put my large hand on his angry stomach, softly rubbing circles on it, as I felt the muscles clench and unclench, air bubbles hurting my little brother's tummy.

I put slight pressure on his stomach, causing him to burp a few times so the air left his body.

"Ashy s-stop... gonna be s-sick." , he chocked out, before gagging. I quickly moved him, so Harry hovered over the bucket on the floor.

"Easy buddy, try to relax, everything's fine." , I tried to soothe him, because he was gagging harshly, without getting anything up. I put my hand back on his stomach, with a bit of pressure and that was everything he needed, before he started puking in the bucket.

"That's it. Get everything up." After like five minutes of Harry puking his guts out, he started dry heaving and only bringing up stomach acid, because there was nothing left. He was crying, whining about how everything sucks, that he hates to be sick and he rather be in school than puke on the sofa and I could understand him in some way. Puking is nasty and you always feel gross afterwards.

"You done?" , I asked him in a hushed voice, getting a hum in response. "C'mon what about you take a shower and I make you some chicken noodle soup and tea, so you stay hydrated, yea?" Harry just nodded and I helped him up and to the bathroom, where he then showered, whilst I made some food.

Poor baby, he really hates puking and now he got a stomach bug and mum isn't home, which makes him feel sad.

I left the soup on the stove to get warm and returned to the living room, to get the sick bucket and clean it out.

"Ashy???" , came a shout from upstairs. I walked to the bathroom, seeing my brother wrapped in a huge fluffy towel. "I need some clothes." , he whispered.

"Just wait here, I'll get you some... Do you want one of my hoodies?" , I questioned, when I was halfway out of the door. He smiled a bit answering with a small 'yes'.

I know that he loves my clothes, because they make him miss me less, when he has school or make him feel small and cuddly, when he is sick. It's actually pretty adorable, but the reason behind it is rather sad. He does that, 'cause he is afraid, that I'll leave one day and leave him alone with his father. He once said, that I'm more like his father, than his own and I'd be lying, if I say that that hadn't make me cry, because it did make me cry.

It is sad that I'm my brothers father figure, even though he sees his father and knows who he is.

Shaking my head, I grab a black hoodie with funny emoji faces on it, out of my closet, I never really wear it, I actually bought it for Harry in my size to be honest. I also went to his room, to grab some fresh boxers and socks.

When I returned to the bathroom, I saw Harry sitting on the toilet lid, still wrapped in his towel and slowly drifting off to sleep.

"C'mon bubble, we need to get you dressed and a bit of food in your body and then you can sleep again." I helped him get dressed, not needing to give him a pair of sweatpants, cause the hoodie reaches just above his knees so it is long enough. His argument not mine. 

We then went back downstairs, and eating both a bit of soup. I had to promise him to eat something aswell, because he knows, that I barely eat, so that him and Lauren have food, when we're low on food. 

As I said before... I'd do everything, so they're okay and have everything they want. We finished our food, rather quick, due to Harry only eating a bit, to not upset his tummy and me practically shoving the food down my throat, because I was actually really hungry.

"Ashy... can we watch a movie?" , the eight year old boy asked me in tiny voice, lying his head on my lap again.

"'course we can. What ya wanna watch?"

"Big Hero 6?" , he questioned with puppy eyes, so I nodded smiling and put the film on.

We didn't really watch the film, 'cause after like thirty minutes, we both fell asleep. Harry with his head on my lap, cuddly his jigglypuff and me falling to the side, with my head on his hip.

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