just a dream

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3 r d p e r s o n

jughead shouted for betty as she was upstairs, packing up the lost memories of the cooper house

"betty we gotta go!" jug shouted once more while he started to run up the stairs "it's your mom! she's—"

he stopped himself when he opened the door to see the window opened and the curtains going south with the wind

betty escaped

no no no no no no- words came in his head and he went to the window and looked around

she wasn't there.

he reached for his phone, shaking. tears almost started to form by the time he reached betty's contact.

when he called her, her phone started ringing near the pile of boxes on the bed.

he ran back the stairs, almost tripping on one of the steps. he got outside and started to run to wherever his feet could take him. he ran and ran until he heard something.

he heard a car getting started behind him so he turned around and saw betty's car driving off.

he ran back to catch up to the car and but when he stopped to catch his breath, he realized who the driver was.

it was betty— of course it was betty. they have done that trick over a thousand times. misleading betty's mom so i could escape.

betty's mom

he thought quickly because every second he thinks is a second that her mom's fighting for her life

time was moving too fast and he couldn't catch up, it's as if he was stuck in a forest and trying to find his way out.

"right- right! of course she would be there!" a lightbulb appeared on top of his head as he ran back to betty's house to get his coat and lock the doors.

he runs to the horizon and finds his way to the place where only four people know of. memories of heartbreak and sorrow live in the place filled with old candles and rope.

if only he knew why she came there.

——— ☁︎︎ ———
"breathe! please!" dr. middle shouted as she continues to do chest compressions.

Alice Cooper has flatlined for over a minute and a half. almost to the point where her hands spasmed which didn't stop her

tons of nurses decides to flip Alice to the side so that epinephrine (adrenaline) can be injected.

every nurse that worked at Riverdale General Hospital tried to help Alice but it was no use

after 2 minutes, dr. middle is still doing chest compressions, trying to save a life of a mother.

a mother of three children, a wife, an aunt, a friend, and
a classmate.

she knew Alice cooper, she knew that Alice would not give up without a fight. she would never give up so easily.

4 minutes pass and people start to stop, dr. middle becomes confused and a nurse taps her shoulder.

"she's gone, doctor" the nurse says, people start to leave the room to throw the latex gloves they used. the ekg keeps on going on a continuous beep until
someone turned it off.

despite what the nurse says, she keeps on going. she keeps on doing what she's supposed to. she has to save the life of Alice Cooper, sweet Alice Cooper.

"she... she can't die..." she says while slowly stopping. tears start to flow and go to the cold and lifeless body of Alice Cooper.

3 minutes pass and she stops. all of the machines used to sustain her are gone or turned off. she gets a sheet from one of the nurses and gracefully puts it over Alice's dead body.

she almost falls to the floor but the wall caught her. she slowly goes to the ground and sobs silently. Alice Cooper was her friend in high school.

now she's dead....

"please let this be just a dream"
the doctor sniffles and hugs her knees, she continues crying her heart out as a bright and loving soul has left this planet.
——— ☁︎︎ ———
668 words
haha you thought

r.i.p alice cooper. i was listening to sad music so i could write more emotionally— i regret it
i want to cry

why did she have to die?
people leave our lives faster than we catch our breath.
even though she gave her son away and took away betty's privacy, she was mostly an amazing mother...

omg im acting that alice is actually ded in the show *gasp*

but noooo, ofc she ain't ded that's just you talking. you wrote this because your writing is better than mine

anyways, bye

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