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it's been a week ever since the death of Alice Cooper. the town was in mourning and people were remembering the kind soul.

most people only heard about Alice through the register, which has not been in business ever since everyone left for college, and for that, people started to decorate the outside of the building with flowers and dedications to bring them peace.

if you visited the register, you would've thought it was a garden at first but it was just all of the different kinds of flowers put together since none of the townspeople knew what flower Alice adored.

everyone from the chat had learned about the dedication and decided to add a painting for Alice to show the smile that she would have when she saw the flowers.

of course, betty knew this but she never went, she never visited or even looked at it from afar as she thought it would bring her despair. nevertheless, she cried and cried until the sun set and rose. she tried so hard to be strong but seeing her mom's dead body broke her. it shattered her to pieces that were too hard to pick up.

jughead tried to help but it nothing helped. he tried so hard to put her back together but it was no use. he couldn't fix her when he tried and he really tried...
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two nights before the funeral that jughead arranged, betty found alcohol. of course, she knew alcohol was bad but she didn't care, she just wanted to forget her problems.

when jug found out, he was unfortunately busy so he called Veronica which was the right choice. Veronica was the one who knew how to fixed betty but in this case, she really couldn't.

when she walked in her old house, she sees betty lying on the floor and looking at the ceiling with a bottle of vodka. Veronica quickly went to betty and tried to snatch the bottle but betty retaliated and didn't let Veronica take it.

Veronica sighed and slowly walked over to the kitchen to get a glass of water for betty while betty looked at her direction and asked "what... are... you... doing... here?"

Veronica went to her and gave the glass of water. betty sat up, took it and drank it in one go and was prepared to do the same with the bottle but Veronica took it. "i am here to fix you up, Jughead is very busy planning the... you know"

She explained while putting the bottle somewhere betty can't reach. betty sighed in frustration and pondered. "right... theeeeee fuuuuneral" betty began slurring her words and that's when Veronica knew that she needed to shove three liters of water in betty's throat.

As Veronica goes to the kitchen, she changes the subject hoping to cheer betty up a bit. "you know, Jughead's a good guy fixing everything for you. you should keep him"

betty smiles as Veronica pours water into the same glass with ice cubes, just to add some eye candy. "you know, i lied to you." betty blurted out, Veronica spun her head around and gasped in response.

"betty, you lied to me?" Veronica ran to betty angrily, stomping on the floor and giving betty the glass of water. some droplets spilled but none of them noticed

she drank the glass of water while Veronica waited her to finish. "i'll make some grilled cheese if you tell me why'd you lie to me"

betty put the glass down, feeling refreshed already. "it wasn't that much of a lie, just hiding the sad old truth that we didn't actually fuck" betty sighed before continuing

"i just left reeling about the fact that jughead still loved me after all these years" betty secretly smiled and veronica noticed "do you love him too?" veronica asked, knowing the real answer but wanting betty to say it for real.

"i don't know but i think i do" betty turned around and laid down the sofa in comfort "that's not a real answer, betty" veronica tried to pry the information of off betty's drunken mind

"exactly" betty put a pillow over her head and closed her eyes, awaiting for sleep to overtake her. veronica sighed and went upstairs to just look in the mirror to admire herself.
——— ☁︎︎ ———
718 words
hello chapter that may be the last one for the month or two, idefk just let me breathe please

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