wE bELonG HerE

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𝚠𝚒𝚏𝚒 𝚊𝚟𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝟷𝟷:𝟻𝟿𝚊𝚖

𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎:

GhVhi7uio68r59yFjo7 3nT3r3d th3 ch4t
7oiPt3w706 3nT3r3d th3 ch4t
92548rw7pt38uYt93 3nT3r3d th3 ch4t
Nh854^<58(^8#}ItIg 3nT3r3d th3 ch4t
GhVhi7uio68r59yFjo7 r3n4m3d GhVhi7uio68r59yFjo7 "fangs"
fangs r3n4m3d 7oiPt3w706 "sweet pea"
fangs r3n4m3d 92548rw7pt38uYt93 "josie"
fangs r3n4m3d Nh854^<58(^8#}ItIg "reggie"

fangs: did it work

josie: omg scroll up

reggie: why did you put me here

sweet pea: wheres jones i need to shove my medical degree in his face

fangs: idk also dont text that much and dont use symbols

fangs: my hacking skillz doesnt accept paragraphs and will get destroyed with symbols

reggie: your hacking skillz are shit

fangs: can you do this then

sweet pea: yeah reggie can you

josie: reggie just dont

josie: were just here to ask something

reggie: imma just scroll up and see what these people been talking about

josie: sigh

josie: fangs you know what to do

fangs: @all

bettscoop went online
ronnielodge went online
topazphotography went online
kevviekevkev went online
cherrybombshell went online

cherrybombshell: OMG SWEET PEA HOW TF ARE YOU HERE?!

sweet pea: cheryl hi fangs hacked your gc

fangs: sweets—

cherrybombshell: AHHHHHHH

josie: also me

cherrybombshell: hi person who made me know that i am lesbian

topazphotography: whAt

josie: who wouldn't turn lesbian when they look at me

kevviekevkev: 🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♂️

josie: KEVIN!!!!

sweet pea: hi


kevviekevkev: horrible and also before betty says anything

topazphotography went offline
cherrybombshell went offline

bettscoop: 🙄🙄🙄

kevviekevkev: this should not be the day to hack our gc and ask to come back

fangs: why we belong here

sweet pea: we were here at the beginning

fangs: we were here at the start of this group chat

kevviekevkev: this is a different group chat

josie: youre joking

kevviekevkev: i'm not

ronnielodge: he's not


josie: we know sigh

reggie: o h—

reggie: also betty's broken

bettscoop: Wow, thanks a lot.

ronnielodge: ISTG MANTLE STFU

reggie: no

ronnielodge removed Nh854^<58(^8#}ItIg from the chat

fangs: that took me so long and you just destroy it in seconds

ronnielodge: that's the taste of veronica lodge

kevviekevkev: veronica "single" lodge

ronnielodge: stfu 🥺

sweet pea: why is betty broken again

bettscoop: why is everyone so normal for the last 8 minutes

bettscoop: Veronica is fine, Kevin is fine, Cheryl is fine, Toni is fine, why am i the only one who's not fine?

sweet pea: because you're free

ronnielodge removed 7oiPt3w706 from the chat

ronnielodge: betty, we're just behind a screen. i'm not fine.

bettscoop: Okay. Well, not you then.

kevviekevkev: tbh i didn't really like Alice.


kevviekevkev: hahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahhaha deal

fangs: why tf did you remove sweets-

josie: yeah why

ronnielodge: i will add your real mains if you leave rn

fangs: okay then


ronnielodge: anyways where are you betty?

bettscoop: Jughead is driving me to the hospital.

ronnielodge: well, do you want to see alice when you come here?

bettscoop: Of course, Veronica.

ronnielodge: right, i'll tell the nurses not to move alice.

bettscoop: Thank you.

kevviekevkev: hello?

——— ☁︎︎ ———
595 words
*crycrycry* also stream borrasca for cookies 🍪 🍪 🍪

also i got spoiled— bro it was about Kimber istg WHY SPOIL ME

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