Woman in White (Part One)

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A young man, 26 years of age, looks out of his 1967 Impala at the apartment blocks. The 20 year old girl next to him, follows his eyes looking at the same building. The two are clearly siblings, both have bright green eyes and brown hair, the girl, Eleanor Winchester, Ellie for short, has curly brown hair that falls messily on her shoulders, the curls she got from her mother, while the man, Dean, has short spiked hair.
"So.... Dean... We just gonna stare at this building or are we gonna actually go and get our brother?" Ellie asks eyeing her brother. Dean turns to look at her, Ellie gives him a big old grin.
"Yes, Eleanor, we are going to go in... I am just thinking about the best way to handle it.." Dean says trailing off at the end.
"Best way to handle it?!?! Dean, the boy left 2 years ago and we haven't heard a peep from him since, I think we both know there is only one way to handle it.." Dean and Ellie look at each other, then at the same time they say "We have to break in." Ellie laughs, while Dean smiles, they bump their fists and get out of the car, they plot as they walk up to the building and figure the best way is to go up the fire escape and go through their brother's window. Ellie knows Sam will be pissed about this but they don't really have a choice.
They reach Sam's apartment window, Ellie gets out her pen knife, trying to snag the latch of the window. Dean tries to snatch the knife out of her hand saying "Come on slow poke, we don't have all day, just give it here." Ellie keeps the pen knife out of reach and slaps her brother around the head, Dean glares at Ellie while Ellie just grins saying "Hey, we both know I am the best at breaking and entering, you just make a mess." She finally gets the window of the latch, and smugly turns to Dean smiling while he just rolls his eyes, they slowly enter the apartment, Ellie trips over a chair, knocking some magazines of the table making a noise, Dean lightly smacks Ellie around the head, Ellie whispers "Ow!" while Dean snidely remarks "Yeah you're really smooth" Ellie just rolls her eyes moving further into the living room, she enters the kitchen when she suddenly hears fighting in the living room. She leans against the kitchen door watching her two brothers fight, Dean then knocks Sam to the floor while saying "Whoa, easy tiger." Ellie laughs, Sam breathes hard confused about what is going on.
"Dean?! You scared the crap out of me!" Sam says exasperatedly.
"That's because you're out of practice" Dean smugly remarks, Sam replies by grabbing his brother's hand and yanks, he slams his heel into Dean's back and Dean falls to the floor. "Or not.. Now get off of me!" Dean says, Ellie laughs even louder causing Sam to let go of Dean and look around the room to see his little sister leaning against the door. He looks back at Dean confused. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Sam asks.
"Well I was looking for a beer." Dean jokes as Ellie walks over to where her brothers are. Dean puts his hands on Sam's shoulder, shakes them and then lets go. Ellie then pulls Sam into a hug, Sam loosens up in the hug, Ellie tries to let go put Sam keeps holding her, Ellie laughs more hugging him back, Dean smiles at the interaction, over Ellie's shoulder, Sam looks at his brother and says again "What the hell are you doing here!?!" Sam lets Ellie go and she says "Okay. All right. We gotta talk."
Sam looks at them both with a small smile and says "Uh, the phone". Ellie and Dean both scoff while Ellie remarks "If we'd'a called, would you have picked up?" Just as she says this, the light turns on and she sees a beautiful blonde girl standing there wearing very short shorts and a cropped Smurfs shirt.
"Sam?" The girl calls out. All three turn their heads in unison. Ellie looks at the brothers and smirks seeing Sam looking worried while Dean has a very wide grin, Ellie rolls her eyes at her eldest brother's reaction, moving closer to him ready to stop any snide remarks from coming out of his mouth.
"Jess. Hey, Eleanor, Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jessica." Ellie gives her a small wave while Dean looks at her appreciatively.
"Wait your siblings Eleanor and Dean?" Jess smiles as Sam just nods, Dean and Ellie move closer to her.
"It's just Ellie" As she shakes Jess' hand "You know, I gotta tell you. You are completely out of my brother's league." Dean laughs at his sister and adds "Oh, I love the smurfs." Ellie rolls her eyes and smiles apologetically to Jess and Sam as she moves back towards him.
"Just let me put something on." Jess turns to go but Dean's voice stops her. "No, no, no. I wouldn't dream of it. Seriously." Dean goes back over to Sam and Ellie, not taking his eyes off Jess, Ellie stomps on Dean's foot, making him take his eyes off Jess, he looks at Ellie with an angry expression and tries to smack her around the head but Ellie dodges and smirks at him while Dean just glares at his sister. Ellie breaks the silence, looking at Jess saying "Anyway, we gotta borrow your boyfriend here, talk about some private family business" Dean finishes her sentence of by saying "But, uh, nice meeting you."
"No." Sam states, and walks over to Jess and puts his arm around her. "No, whatever you want to say, you can say it in front of her."
Dean and Ellie look at each other and Ellie continues saying "Okay...." They then both look at Sam and Jess straight on. "Um. Dad hasn't been home in a few days."
Sam shrugs at this statement stating "So he's working overtime on a Miller Time shift. He'll stumble back in sooner or later." Dean ducks his head and then looks up at them finishing what his little sister was saying "Dad's on a hunting trip. And he hasn't been home in a few days."
Sam doesn't change his expression, but Jess looks up at him and he says "Jess, excuse us. We have to go outside."

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