No Exit

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Sam, Dean and Ellie are getting out of the Impala, they walk up to the roadhouse, when Dean turns to them.
"Los Angeles, California." Dean states. 
"What's in L.A.?" Ellie asks.
"Young girl's been kidnapped by an evil cult." Dean explains.
"Yeah? Girl got a name?" Sam pipes up.
"Katie Holmes." Dean answers, Ellie and Sam both laugh.
"That's funny." Ellie tells her brother.
"And for you, so bitchy." Sam adds on. From inside the roadhouse comes the sound of breaking glass and shouting voices. Dean turns to Ellie and Sam. 
"Of course, on the other hand - catfight." Dean raises his eyebrows. The three enter the roadhouse to hear Ellen and Jo shouting, the Winchesters enter cautiously. 
"I am your mother, I don't have to be reasonable!" Ellen shouts.
"You can't keep me here!" Jo retaliates.
"Oh, don't you bet on that, sweetie." 
"What are you going to do, are you going to chain me up in the basement?!"
"You know what, you've had worse ideas than that recently. Hey, you don't wanna stay, don't stay. Go back to school." Ellen argues.
"I didn't belong there! I was a freak with a knife collection." Jo answers her.
"Yeah, and getting yourself killed on some dusty back road, that's where you belong?!" Ellen turns and sees the three Winchesters. "Guys, bad time."
"Yes, ma'am." Sam and Ellie say in unison. 
"Yeah, we rarely drink before 10 anyway." Dean fakes a smile.
"Wait, I wanna know what they think about this." Jo says walking over to them. A mom, a dad, and two kids under three, all wearing bright yellow t-shirts that read "Nebraska is for Lovers" enter. 
"I don't care what they think!" Ellen shouts.
"Are you guys open?" The dad asks shyly. 
"No!" Jo shouts.
"Yes!" Ellen overlaps Jo's shouts and they stare at each other.
"We'll just... check out the Arby's down the road." The dad says as they quickly leave. The phone rings, Jo glares at it, then at Ellen, who stalks over to answer it. 
"Harvelle's. Yeah, Preacher." Ellen says into the phone. 
"Three weeks ago, a young girl disappears from a Philadelphia apartment." Jo shoves a file folder at Dean. "Take it, it won't bite." 
"No, but your mom might." Dean states, Jo pinches her lips, still holding out the folder. He takes it reluctantly. Ellie and Sam look over Dean's shoulder. 
"And this girl wasn't the first. Over the past 80 years 6 women have vanished. All from the same building, all young blondes. Only happens every decade or two so cops never eyeball the pattern. So we're either dealing with one very old serial killer, or-" Jo explains.
"Who put this together? Ash?" Dean asks.
"I did it myself." Jo states plainly. Dean looks impressed.
"I gotta admit. We hit the road for a lot less." Ellie points out. 
"Good. You like the case so much, you take it." Ellen tells them, Ellie widens her eyes. 
"Mom!" Jo shouts.
"Joanna Beth, this family has lost enough. And I won't lose you too. I just won't." Ellen tells her firmly. 
"I am older than Ellie and she hunts!" Jo points to the younger Winchester.
"Woah, woah, woah, please do not use me as a good example for anything." Ellie says putting her arms up.
"She has been hunting since before she could talk, it's different." Ellen says, Ellie looks at her brothers for help, but they just shrug their shoulders. After a little bit more arguing, the three Winchesters quickly leave with Jo's case. 


The Impala roars into town. They park in front of the apartment building where the young girl went missing. They enter the building and go the the missing girl's apartment, Ellie picks the lock and they enter. 
"I feel kind of bad, snaking Jo's case." Sam admits, Ellie nods.
"Yeah, maybe she put together a good file. But could you see her out here working one of these things? I don't think so." Dean says.
"She has a point though, she is older than me." Ellie states, Dean looks over at her pulling out an EMF reader. 
"Yeah, but you're a badass, El, I am pretty sure you could kick Sam's ass." Dean says, Ellie smiles at this. Dean turns to Sam, as he pulls out his EMF reader. "You getting anything.
"No, not yet." Sam tells them. Sam runs his reader over the light switch, it purrs. Ellie walks over to it. 
"What's that?" Ellie asks.
"What?" Dean and Sam say together following her eyes. There's black goo on the side, Ellie touches it.
"Holy crap." Ellie looks at the boys as they both touch the goo too. They stare at each other.
"That's ectoplasm. Well, guys, I think I know what we're dealing with here. It's the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man." Dean says, Sam and Ellie both roll their eyes at the reference.
"Guys, I have only seen this stuff, like, twice. I mean, to make this stuff you have to be one majorly pissed off spirit." Ellie tells them.
"All right, let's find this badass before he snags any more girls." Dean says.
"Thank god, I am not blonde." Ellie mutters, Dean turns.
"Well, that's the pattern so far, but still stay in my sight okay." Dean points at her and she rolls her eyes at his protectiveness. They exit the apartment and walk down the hallway, they hear voices and hide around a corner. Dean frowns as he realises the woman's voice belongs to Jo. 
"It's so convenient." Jo says to the Landlord.
"Yeah, it's a great building, fixed it up real nice. All the apartments come furnished, too." The landlord explains. 
"It is so spacious. You know, my friend told me I absolutely have to come check it out, and I have to admit, she was right. You did a really good job with this place." Jo compliments, Dean steps out.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean says angrily.
"There you are, honey." Jo grabs Dean around the waist. "This is my boyfriend Dean and his buddies Sam and Ellie." 
"Good to meet ya. Quite a gal you've got here." The landlord smiles.
"Oh yeah, she's a pistol." Dean says, smacking her ass.
"So, did you already check out that apartment? The one for rent." Jo asks Dean. 
"Yeah. Yes. Loved it. Heh. Great flow." Dean lies.
"How'd you get in?" The landlord looks confused.
"It was open." Dean lies again.
"Now, Ed, um, when did the last tenant move out?" Jo questions.
"Oh, about a month ago. Cut and run, too. Stick me for the rent." The landlord says angrily.
"Well. Her loss, our gain! 'Cause if Dean-o loves it, it's good enough for me." Jo smiles sweetly.
"Oh sweetie." Dean says smacking her ass again. Jo pulls out a wad of cash.
"We'll take it." Jo says.

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