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The three Winchesters are in a motel room, Sam and Ellie are sitting on the foot of one of the beds watching their big brother pacing. 
"Come on guys, we have to check it out. It is a legend, it's our freaking Grand Canyon. This is a huge one and we won't have another chance to check it out, it only happens once every four years and newsflash but there is a big possibility I won't be here for the next one." Dean tells them, Sam and Ellie look at each other with a fed up look. 
"Exactly Dean, the clock is ticking here, we need to try and find a way to get you out of the deal. Look, I get it. It's the Morton House and it's a big one but I'm not gonna lie I'd rather let what ever is in that house live and try to figure out a way to save your ass." Ellie states as Sam nods a long with her. 
"Yeah, who even knows if the legend is real. So what? A few kids have gone missing from there on a leap year. But I think we need to be focusing on your deal." Sam adds on, Dean looks at them and stops pacing. 
"Exactly, this is MY deal. I decide when we deal with it and when we don't deal with it, and right now we aren't dealing with it. Now, I am going to check out the Morton House, you can come with me if you want or you two can both just sit there, getting more and more frustrated over the fact you can't get me out of this deal." Dean says with a sarcastic smile. Ellie sighs and shakes her head, she turns to the middle Winchester who matches her defeated face. She slaps her thighs and stands up. 
"Right then, I guess we are going to the Morton House." Ellie mutters, Sam then stands up slowly breathing out. 
"Let's get ready then." Sam adds, Dean smiles at his younger siblings, Ellie turns to see this expression and scowls. 
"Wipe that smug smile off your face before I smack it off." Ellie snaps, Dean's eyes widens as his smile drops he then nods his head and starts packing. 


Dean is driving the Impala as Sam is up front shining a flashlight towards the house, Ellie is in the back doing the same.
"Guys, there's some people hear I think, and they are not being that subtle about it." Ellie tells her brothers, Dean tuts and sighs. 
"Stupid kids. They can't just leave anything alone can they? Imagine if they knew the truth." Dean states, Ellie nods in agreement to this and they slowly drive away.

They slowly park up outside the house and step out of the car, Ellie looks up at the house and shakes her head. Dean notices this and turns to his little sister. 
"What's wrong?" Dean asks with furrowed eyebrows. 
"It's just so Scooby Doo isn't it? Look at it. Imagine if every case was like this." Ellie explains, Dean smiles at this and throws an arm around her shoulder. 
"Well come on gang, we have a mystery to solve." Dean jokes, Ellie gives him a slight smile as Sam breathes out a laugh and throws his duffel bag over his shoulder. 
They slowly enter the house flashing their torches around, they hear voices from upstairs. The three exchange a look and proceed up the stairs with precaution. Suddenly, they come face to face with two men wearing camo and headtorches. They flash their torches at them.
"Freeze! Police officers!" Dean shouts. 
"Don't move!" Ellie adds on. 
"All right, all right, take it easy. Let's see some ID." Sam tells them, the two men look around frantic. 
"Let's see some identification." Dean states, one of them hands Dean his license. 
"What- are we under - under arrest?" One of them ask. 
"We are unarmed." The other one adds on, Ellie looks over Dean's shoulder at the I.D. 
"Want to explain that weirdo outfit, Mr., uh. Corbett?" Ellie asks. Suddenly, one of the men straighten up and look at the three Winchesters properly. 
"I know you." He says. 
"Yeah, sure you do. Give me some identification." Dean tells him. 
"Yeah, ho--whoa, hold on a second. I know the both of you guys. Yeah, and the girl except you've gotten hotter." He says as his eyes wander up and down the youngest Winchester body, Ellie raises her eyebrows in amusement while Dean and Sam clench their jaws. 
"Hey, her eyes are up here pal, and I suggest you keep them there if you wanna be able to have kids in the future." Dean snaps, Sam then recognises one of the men he nudges Ellie and points to him who also then recognises him. 
"Holy shit." She mutters. 
"What?" Dean asks. 
"Uh, West Texas... the... the tulpa we had to take out. Those two goofballs that almost got us killed... The hellhounds or something?" Sam explains. 
"Fuck me." Dean states.
"Yeah, we're not hellhounds anymore, okay? It didn't test that well." He explains. 
"Ed, what's going on?" Corbett asks.
"They're not cops, buddy - no, not at all." Ed explains. 
"Ed, Ed, you had a partner, too, didn't you - A different guy?" Dean asks. 
"Oh, yeah, yeah." Ed nods. 
"Is he around here somewhere?" Ellie questions. 
"He's running around, chasing ghosts." Ed answers, Ellie rolls her eyes and then pinches her nose. 
"God, give me strength." She mutters.
"Okay, well, listen, you and Rambo need to get your girlfriends and get out of here." Dean tells him. 
"All right. Listen here, chisel chest okay?" Ed starts, the nickname causes Ellie to smirk at Sam as Dean looks more and more fed up. "We were here first. We've already set up base camp. We beat you." Dean turns to Sam and Ellie. 
"They were here first." He explains, Ellie smiles at this as Sam shrugs mockingly. Suddenly, Dean grabs Ed and shoves him against a wall. 
"Ed..." Dean starts. 
"Yeah?" Ed mumbles evidently terrified of the older Winchester. 
...where's your partner?" 
"He's ghost hunting." Ed gulps, Dean sighs and let's him go. The three Winchesters walk into the living room. 
"What are you doing in the Morton House, Ed - on leap year - what are you thinking?" Ellie snaps. 
"We're here to spend the night, okay? It's for our TV show." Ed explains, Ellie gives Sam a look as he smiles sarcastically. 
"What? Great. Perfect." Sam mutters. 
"Yeah, nobody's ever spent the night before." Corbett explains with a bright smile. 
"Uh, actually, yeah, they have." Dean states as he turns towards the young man. 
"Uh, we've never heard of them." Ed says. 
"Yeah, you know why? 'Cause the ones that have haven't lived to talk about it!" Dean explains, raising his voice at the end. 
"Oh, come on, I don't believe you." Ed retorts, Ellie rolls her eyes and goes over to Sam pulling some papers out of his duffel bag.
"Look - missing persons reports going back almost a half century. John Graham - gone. Julie Wilkerson - gone. There are tons more. All of them came to just stay the night through, always on a leap year. The only body they ever found was the last owner, Freeman Daggett." Ellie explains to them with a fed up tone in her voice, Ed inspects her papers. 
"These look legit." Ed mumbles. 
"They are legit! Look, Ed, we ain't got much time here, buddy. Starting at midnight, your friends are going to die." Sam adds on. Suddenly, three people come running down the stairs and into the living room, Ellie spins round to see what is happening and recognises the first man as Harry, Ed's partner. She soon finds out the other two are called Maggie and Spruce.
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Guys! Guys! Oh my god! We got one! Corbett! Corbett, we saw one! We saw one!" Harry screams as he runs up to Ed.
"Get outta here!" Ed shouts back with voice full of excitement, they all crowd around each other as the three Winchesters watch on impatiently, Ellie turns to her brothers who both in turn shrug. 
"It was a full apparition! It was like a class four. It was a spectral illumination! Harry explains to his friend. 
"It was amazing!" The girl exclaims, Harry then notices Sam, Dean and Ellie. 
"Hey, aren't those the fuckers from Texas?" Harry asks. 
"Yes." Ed answers, Dean rolls his eyes and goes over to them. 
"All right, let's have this reunion across the street, guys." Dean says. 
"Crap. What are you guys doing here?" Harry questions. 
"Come on, come on. We'll get you ice cream - our treat. What do you say? Let's go." Dean adds on. 
"Yeah, I say no." Harry snaps back, Ellie starts to lose her temper, Sam notices this and grabs the back of her jacket, she turns to her brother.
"I'm going to punch him." She mutters to him causing him to smile slightly. 
"Look at this. Look, look. Ed, Ed. No. No. Look at this. Okay, honest-to-god proof, all right?" Maggie explains as she shows the group their footage on the laptop. The three Winchesters peer over to watch the footage as the group look on excitedly. 
"What kind of reading did we get?" Spruce asks. 
"Uh it was a 10.9." Harry answers. 
"10.9?" Ed repeats with excitement in his eyes. 
"Yeah, it was a 10.9. It was almost 11. I came out, and I was like, "what's going on?" And I was like - wait, watch this. Oh! He got blasted. It was crazy!" Harry exclaims. The three siblings walk away from the group. 
"Think we were off on this? I mean, that was just a death echo." Ellie states. 
"Yeah, but what's it doing here? Did anybody get shot here?" Dean asks, they look at Sam who shakes his head. 
"No, not that I could find." Sam answers. 
"What's a death echo?" Spruce asks from behind, the three whip their heads around to see him watching them with a camera, Ellie rolls her eyes at this. 
"Look, we got a problem here. That ghost ain't it." Sam explains. 
"Yeah, that's real. Like, that happened." Harry says, ignoring Sam. 
"What's a death echo?" Spruce asks again, Ellie sighs and loses her patience, she steps forward.
"Echoes are trapped in a loop, okay? They keep replaying how they died over and over and over again, usually in the place where they were ganked. It's about as dangerous as a scary movie." Ellie explains. 
"So maybe the echo's not dangerous, but maybe something else is." Sam adds, Ellie notices Spruce moving his camera up and down her body. She turns to him slightly.
"You're right. All right, we need to get out of here, guys. Come on. Let's go. Let's go. Pack it up." Dean states.
"Guys, time is running out!" Ellie shouts, she then notices the Spruce's camera is still on her, she turns to full face him. "I suggest you either turn that camera off or you turn it somewhere else because if you don't I will make sure you don't have any fingers left to hold it with." Sam pulls her away from the now very scared cameraman. 
"Alright El, cool it." Sam mutters in her ear, he then turns to Spruce. "But if you don't back off my sister, I will make sure your body never leaves this house." Sam states to him with a hard look, Ellie smiles slightly at this as Dean continues to argue with the group. 
"We got more material. We got all kinds of stuff. We'll make you guys recurring guest stars." Harry suggests. 
"Wait! Wait! Where's Corbett?" Ed asks. "No man left behind." Suddenly, there is an anguished scream heard in the distance, Sam, Dean and Ellie all turn and look at each other. "That was Corbett." Ed states with a worried look on his face. 
"Corbett!" Maggie shouts, as she, Harry and Ed all run upstairs while the three Winchesters try and protest.
"We'll get him!" Dean shouts.
"Go back!" Ellie adds.
"Guys! Fuck!" Sam shouts as they all run after them. "Tell us where you are!"
"Let me go!! Guys!" They all hear Corbett scream, they race around the house. His screams continue and then slowly fade away.

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