Born Under A Bad Sign

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Dean is on his cell phone, leaning against his car. Ellie is next to him listening in on his car. They are both fidgeting and clearly upset.
"Ellen, it's us again. Any chance you've heard from him?... I swear, it's like looking for our dad all over again. We're losing our minds here... No, me and Ellie have called him a thousand times, there's nothing but voicemail. I don't know where he went, or why. Sam's just gone." Suddenly Ellie's phone rings, she looks at it and sees that it's Sam, she hits Dean's arm and they both have shocked expressions. 
"Sammy? Where the hell are you? Are you okay?" Ellie asks frantically. "Hey, hey, hey! Calm down. Where are you? All right, don't move, we are coming!" Ellie says. 


Dean and Ellie walk frantically down a narrow hallway, checking door numbers until they reach room 109. Ellie knocks.
"Sam, it's us. Sam!" Dean shouts through the door. Ellie tries to the door - it's open. Inside, Sam hasn't moved, still sitting numbly on one bed. 
"Sam? Hey." Ellie says softly. They approach slowly.
"Hey." Sam mumbles. Dean kneels beside him.
"Are you bleeding?" Dean asks. 
"I tried to wash it off." Sam explains with tears in his eyes. Ellie sits down beside him as Dean sees Sam's shirt covered in blood; he gropes at it, searching for a wound. Ellie's eyes widen. 
"Oh my god." She says.
"I don't think it's my blood." Sam tells them.
"Whose it?" Ellie questions frantically.
"I don't know." Sam shakes his head still not looking at either of his siblings. 
"Sam, what the hell happened?" Dean asks loudly. Sam looks up at his brother and then at his sister. 
"Guys. I don't remember anything." Sam tells them. 

Later on, Dean and Ellie return to the room, carrying a grocery bag. Sam has changed clothes and is looking a little less out of it.
"What'd you find out?" Sam asks them. Ellie sighs and walks over to him.
"You checked in two days ago under the name of Richard Sambora." Ellie explains.
"Of course, I think the scariest part about this whole thing is the fact that you're a Bon Jovi fan." Dean jokes, Ellie smirks at this a little while Sam looks over with no emotion. 
"Dean." Sam warns. 
"Your room's been quiet, nobody's noticed anything unusual." Ellie tells him. 
"You mean no one saw me walking around covered in blood?" Sam says. Dean and Ellie nod.
"Yeah. That's what we mean." Dean agrees.
"Then how the hell did I get here? What happened to me?" Sam questions with a worried expression on his face.
"I don't know. But you're, you're okay, and that's what matters. Everything else we can deal with." Dean states.
"Oh really? 'Cause what if I hurt someone? Or worse?" Sam states loudly, Ellie breathes out.
"Sam..." She starts.
"What if this is what Dad warned you about?" Sam asks turning to Dean. 
"Hey, whoa, whoa, come on man, let's not jump the gun here. We don't know what happened. We've just got to treat like this, like any other job. What's the last thing you remember?" Dean says. Sam sits down next to Ellie.
"Just us three, just, in that motel room in West Texas, going out to grab some burgers, and..." Sam says.
"West Texas? That was, that was over a week ago." Ellie says with raised eyebrows.
"That's it." Sam states. Dean and Ellie look at each other stunned. "Next thing I knew I was sitting here. Bloody. Felt like I'd been asleep for a month." Sam says, Ellie nods.
"Okay. Retrace your steps. The manager said you left yesterday afternoon and he never saw you come back so.." Ellie explains. Dean pulls back the curtain, he finds a bloody fingerprint on the window. 
"Hey." He points to it. Sam and Ellie look over at the window and then at each other. 

The three walk outside the motel. It's daylight, but raining. 
"Recognize anything?" Ellie asks looking at her brother.
"Not really." Sam says, they go towards a parking garage out back. "Wait." The three all stop. 
"What?" Dean and Ellie ask in unison. 
"I think I was here." Sam tells them.
"You remember?" Dean questions.
"Not really, it just.... feels familiar, you know?" Sam says. Dean and Ellie exchange a look and shrug, goes to the nearest garage. Sam looks over to the second and points. "Try that one. Yeah." Dean tugs on the padlock.
"Wait." Sam says and digs in his pocket, frowning. He pulls out a key, gives Dean and Ellie a significant look. Dean opens the padlock with the key, raising his eyebrows at Sam and Ellie. He pulls the garage door open to reveal a filthy, beat-up VW beetle. The three look at the car, Dean in disgust. 
"Oh, please tell me you didn't steal this." Dean says, Ellie feels a smile tug at the sides of her mouth but it quickly drops when she sees Sam fidgeting. They go into the garage and they open the doors of the car, Sam is on the driver's side. He touches the wheel, and shows Dean and Ellie his stained finger.
"More blood." He states, Ellie looks in the back.
"Sam. Back seat." Ellie points. Sam reaches down, picks up a blood-stained knife that sticks to the floor of the backseat. He stares at it.
"You think I used this on someone?" Sam asks looking at his brother and sister. 
"I'm not thinking anything." Ellie explains. Sam looks around, rubs the knife handle off on the inside of his jacket. Ellie picks up a pack of cigarettes. 
"Okay, not this is disturbing. Come on, Sam, this couldn't have been you. Had to have been someone else, somebody who, uh..." Ellie sniffs the pack and winces. "smokes menthols." Ellie and Dean look at their brother in disbelief.
"Here. Gas receipt. Few towns over." Sam gives the receipt to Dean.

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