Route 666

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The three Winchesters are sat a gas station. Sam and Ellie are looking at a map laid out on top of the car, Dean has his phone to his ear. They look over at Dean.
"Ok. We think we found a way we can bypass that construction just east of here. We might even make Pennsylvania faster than we thought." Sam tells Dean. Dean lowers his phone and is looking thoughtful, Ellie looks at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"Yeah. Problem is, we're not going to Pennsylvania." Dean tells his two siblings.
"We what?" Ellie asks, looking at Sam who is mirroring the same confused look as his sister.
" I just got a call from an, uh, old friend. Her father was killed last night, think it might be our kind of thing." Dean tells them, Ellie and Sam are still looking confused.
"What?" Sam questions.
"Yeah. Believe me, she never woulda called, never, if she didn't need us." Dean gets into the Impala, Ellie and Sam look at each other with bewilderment. "Come on, are you two coming or not?" Dean asks Ellie and Sam get into the car. They start to drive. Dean explains that this old friend is called Cassie. This rings a bell to Ellie.
"By old friend you mean...?" Sam asks.
"A friend that's not new." Dean says.
"Oh yeah, thanks. So, her name's Cassie huh? You never mentioned her.." Sam says.
"Didn't I?" There's a long pause in the car. Sam looks at Dean expectantly, Ellie leans forward poking her head towards Dean staring at him too. "Yeah, we went out." Sam and Ellie's eyes widen.
"Am I speaking a language you two aren't getting here? Ellie I am surprised you don't remember, it was the job me you and Dad worked in Ohio. Cassie was finishing up college. We went out for a couple of weeks." Dean says, Ellie clicks her fingers.
"Oh yeah! Wait, wait, wait. The reason you left me in that motel room basically every evening for three weeks was because of some chick! You said you were helping Dad!" Ellie says angrily sitting back in her seat.
"Look, it's terrible about her dad, but it kinda sounds like a standard car accident. I'm not seeing how it fits with what we do. Which by the way, how does she know what we do?" Dean looks shifty. Ellie leans forward again, her and Sam look at him shocked.
"You told her. You told her, the secret! Our big family rule number one. We do what we do and we shut up about it! For a year and a half I do nothing but lie to Jessica, and you go out with this chick in Ohio a couple of times and you tell her everything?" Sam questions shouting at his brother. Dean stays silent, staring straight ahead.
"Dean!" Ellie shouts at him.
"Yeah. Looks like." He continues staring ahead and puts his foot down. Sam and Ellie both look ahead angry, and shaking their heads.


Dean, Sam and Ellie get out of the car, Ellie slams her door still angry at her brother. Dean hears her slam the door and turns around before they get into Cassie's place of work.
"Look, I get it you're pissed at me. But do not take it out on my car, or me and you... we will start having problems." Dean says looking into her eyes, pointing at her. She breathes out and shakes her head.
"I am not pissed about the fact you found someone Dean. I am ecstatic for you. I just don't understand why you didn't tell me, you know I hate it when you lie to me." She says. Dean doesn't say anything else, they all just walk into the office. There are two men and a very good looking young woman, Ellie guesses that must be Cassie. The two men leave and Cassie sighs and turns around, looking straight at Dean. Looking slightly apprehensive, Dean nods at her and grins.
"Dean." Cassie says still staring.
"Hey Cassie." They stare at each other for a long moment, Sam and Ellie watch and then look at each other and smirk. Dean clears this throat.
"This is my brother and sister, Sam and Ellie." Dean points to them, Cassie smiles at them, they both return the smile. Her gaze returns to Dean.
"Sorry about your dad."
"Yeah. Me too." Dean and Cassie keep staring at each other. Ellie and Sam look at each other, Ellie mouths "wow" at Sam who lets out a laugh, which causes Dean to break the stare with Cassie and stare at his younger siblings who both look away. Cassie invites them back to hers and they follow her in the car to Cassie's house.
"Alright you two, you better not embarrass me at all in front of this girl." Dean tells them both sternly. Sam looks at him, shocked.
"What did I do?!" Sam asks him.
"Well it's not so much you, it's this little brat I am more worried about." Dean says pointing his thumb at Ellie.
"Hey! I didn't do anything! Bit hypocritical of you since if any boy even looks my way you have no shame in coming over cleaning your Smith and Wesson!" Ellie retaliates.
"Just do not embarrass me!" Dean tells her sternly. Ellie throws her hands up in the air. They reach Cassie's house and sit in the living room, Cassie goes to get them a drink.
"My mothers in pretty bad shape. I've been staying with her. I wish she wouldn't go off by herself. She's been so nervous and frightened. She was worried about dad." Cassie explains as she carries in a tray of tea and cups.
"Why?" Dean asks.
"He was scared. He was seeing things." Cassie explains as she pours the tea.
"Like what?" Dean continues.
"He swore he saw an awful-looking black truck following him."
"A truck. Who was the driver?" Ellie asks.
"He didn't talk about a driver. Just the truck. He said it would appear and disappear. And, in the accident, Dad's car was dented, like it had been slammed into by something big." Cassie explains handing the three cups of tea. Ellie smiles to herself as she knows Dean hates tea.
"Thanks." Sam says as he accepts his cup. "Now you're sure this dent wasn't there?" He questions. Ellie looks over at Dean who is looking at his cup like it's an alien, Ellie smiles at this as he quickly deposits it on a side table.
"He sold cars. Always drove a new one. There wasn't a scratch on that thing. It had rained hard that night. There was mud everywhere. There was a distinct set of muddy tracks leading from dad's car... leading right to the edge, where he went over." Cassie bows her head, getting her emotions under control. "One set of tracks. His."
"The first was a friend of your fathers?" Dean asks.
"Best friend. Clayton Soames. They owned the car dealership together. Same thing. Dent. No tracks. And the cops said exactly what they said about dad. He 'lost control of his car'."
"Can you think of any reason why your father and his partner might be targets?" Ellie questions.
"And you think this vanishing truck ran them off the road?" Sam asks.
"When you say it aloud like that... listen, I'm skeptical about this... ghost stuff.... or whatever you guys are into." Cassie states, Ellie and Sam look at each other while Dean huffs.
"Skeptical. If I remember, I think you said I was nuts."
"That was then." Cassie starts, they stare at each other again, while Sam and Ellie look at each other with a face reading "this is awkward", "I just know that I can't explain what happened up there. So I called you." Cassie explains, the door suddenly opens and a middle aged woman enters. Sam, Dean and Ellie rise to their feet. Cassie goes to take her arm.
"Mom. Where have you been I was so..."
"I had no idea you'd invited friends over." Cassie's mom says.
"Mom, this is Dean, a.... friend of mine from... college. And his brother and sister, Sam and Ellie."
"Well I won't interrupt you."
"Mrs Robinson. We're sorry for your loss. We'd like to talk to you for a minute if you don't mind?" Dean asks.
"I'm really not up for that right now." She says, slight affronted. She leaves the room, those remaining look at each other. After that, the Winchesters decide to leave Cassie to it, after Dean and Cassie share another long stare. They get into their car and go towards a motel.
"Dude, you and Cassie, there's some very intense stares going on there." Ellie states, Sam smirks.
"Shut up." Dean says as they drive into the motel car park. They soon find out that another man has been killed, Sam and Dean go and check it out while Ellie tries to find lore on supernatural surrounding trucks. Sam and Dean come back to the motel room and tell them that Cassie accused the mayor of being racist. Sam and Dean then get into suits.
"I'll say this for her, she's fearless." Ellie says hearing what Cassie said to the mayor. Dean hums in agreement while trying to fix his tie, Ellie rolls her eyes and go up to him fixing it for him.
"Bet she kicked your ass a couple of times." Sam says, grinning. Ellie laughs at this, Dean tries to hit Ellie around the head but she ducks and continues to fix his tie. Dean glances at Sam but returns to look at the mirror.
"What's interesting is you guys never really look at each other at the same time. You look at her when she's not looking, she checks you out when you look away." Ellie grins and Sam matches this grins. "It's just a.. just an interesting observation in a.. you know.." Ellie says with smiling.
"Observationally interesting way." Sam finishes, Ellie clicks her fingers at Sam and laughs, she finishes with Dean's tie and slaps his chest.
"You think we might have more pressing issues here?" Dean says looking between the two.
"Hey, if we're hitting a nerve." Sam says, Dean turns away.
"Let's go." Dean says, Ellie and Sam both chuckle and high five. They drive down to the docks to talk to friends of the most recent victim, Jimmy Anderson.
"Excuse me. Are you Ron Stubbins?" Sam asks. Ron nods.
"You were friends with Jimmy Anderson?" Dean questions.
"Who are you?" Ron asks.
"We're Mr Anderson's insurance company. We're just here to dot 'I's' and cross 'T's'." Dean explains. "This is our intern." Ellie smiles at him.
"We were just wondering, had the deceased mentioned any unusual recent experiences?" Sam asks.
"What do you mean, unusual?"
"Well, visions, hallucinations." Ellie explains. "It's part of a medical examination kind of thing. All very standard."
"What company did you say you were with?" Ron asks.
"All National Mutual. Tell me, did he ever mention seeing a truck? A big black truck?" Dean asks.
"What the hell are you talking about? You even speaking English?"
"Son this truck, a big scary monster looking thing?" Ron's friend asks. They look over at him.
"Yeah actually, I think so." Dean says. The friend hums. "What?"
"I have heard of a truck like that."
"You have? Where?" Sam asks.
"No where. When. Back in the '60s there was a string of deaths. Black men. Story goes, they disappeared in a big, nasty, black truck."
"They ever catch the guy who did it?" Ellie asks.
"Never found him. Hell, not sure they even really looked. See there was a time, this town wasn't too friendly to all it's citizens."
"Thank you." Sam smiles, and the Winchesters make their way back down the pier to the Impala.
"Truck." Ellie states.
"Keeps coming up doesn't it?" Sam says.
"You know, I was thinking. You heard of the flying dutchman?" Dean asks the two.
"Yeah, a ghost ship, infused with the Captain's evil spirit. It was basically part of him." Sam says, Dean nods.
"So what if we're dealing with the same thing? You know, a phantom truck, an extension of some bastard's ghost, re-enacting past crimes." Dean states.
"The victims have all been black men." Ellie says.
"I think its more than that. They all seem connected to Cassie and her family." Dean says, with clear worry in his eyes.
"All right. Well, you work that angle, go talk to her." Sam says.
"Yeah, I will." Dean says. Ellie grabs his arm as they're walking.
"Oh, and you might also wanna mention that other thing." Ellie says, Dean looks confused.
"What other thing?" Dean asks.
"The serious, unfinished business." Ellie says, Dean remains completely silent.
"Dean, what is going on between you two?" Sam asks as he huffs out a laugh.
"All right, so maybe we were a little bit more involved than I said." Dean admits. Ellie and Sam both stare at their big brother. "Ok, a lot more. Maybe. And I told her our secret, about what we do. And I shouldn't have." Dean says.
"Ah look man, everybody's gotta open up to someone sometime." Sam says.
"Yeah I don't. It was stupid to get that close. I mean, look how it ended." Dean says, Sam and Ellie both smile at their brother. "Would you two stop!" They both keep staring and smiling. "Blink or something!" Dean says.
"You loved her." Ellie states, she didn't say it as a question it was a statement.
"Oh God." Dean turns to the Impala.
"You were in love with her, but you dumped her." Sam says, Dean is silent. He stares at the ground, glances at Ellie and Sam, then looks back to the ground.
"Oh wow. She dumped you." Ellie says shocked. Sam and Ellie look at each other as Dean gets in the car.
"Get in the car!" Dean commands.

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