Red Sky at Morning

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Dean is driving down the road while Sam is riding the shotgun and Ellie is in the back with her head against the window. Dean looks over at his brother. 
"So, I've been waiting since Maple Springs. You got something to tell me?" Dean asks, Sam looks at him with confusion while Ellie watches on a feeling of dread setting in her stomach.
"It's not your birthday." Sam says with furrowed eyebrows. 
"No." Dean snaps. 
"... Happy Purim?" Sam laughs. "Dude, I don't know. I have no idea what you're talking about-" 
"There's a bullet missing from the Colt. You want to tell me how that happened? I know it wasn't me. So unless you were shooting at some incredibly evils cans..." Dean cuts Sam off.
"Dean I have no idea what you're talking about." Sam tells him, Ellie shrinks into the back seat, lowering herself. 
"Don't lie to me Sam!" Dean shouts. 
"Dean, I swear I'm not lying. If I'm telling you the truth I was actually planning on doing it soon." Sam states, Dean glances at his brother.
"Well, if it wasn't you then who...." Dean glances in mirror to look at his sister but can't see her. Sam turns around to see Ellie slumped in the back with a nervous look on her face. 
"Ellie...." Sam and Dean say at the same time, she sits up and looks out the window. 
"You went after the crossroads demon?! ALONE!" Dean yells, she gives out a sigh. 
"Yes, Dean. I did." Ellie tells him quietly.
"What were you thinking?!" Sam raises his voice, she looks at his brother in disbelief. 
"Are you serious!? You were literally just saying that you were going to go after it! Don't be a hypocrite Sam! Look, I got fed up of your arguments so I took matters into my own hands." Ellie snaps back.
"You could have gotten yourself killed!" Dean shouts. 
"I didn't." Ellie shrugs, both of her brothers shake their heads at their sister. 
"And you shot her." Dean adds. 
"It was a he, and he was a smartass!" Ellie justifies her actions. 
"So, what? Does that, does that mean I'm out of my deal?" Dean asks.
"Don't you think I might have mentioned that little fact, Dean? No. Someone else holds the contract." Ellie explains.
"Who?" Dean and Sam ask.
"He wouldn't say." Ellie states. 
"Well, we should find out who. Of course, our best lead would be the Crossroads Demon. Oh, wait a minute...." Dean snaps. 
"That's not funny." Ellie hits back. 
"No, it's not! It was a stupid freaking risk, and you shouldn't have done it." Dean states, Ellie leans forward looking at both of her brothers. 
"I shouldn't have done it? You're my brother, Dean. And no matter what you do, I'm gonna try and save you. Also, you two were driving me up the wall! I was trying to save both of you. And I'm sure as hell not gonna apologise to either of you for that, all right?" She states. They all fall silent.


The three are impersonating officers of the law to interview a witness, Gertrude Case. She is holding a framed photograph of the victim who drowned in the shower. Ellie admires Gertrude who is an elegant and well-groomed elderly woman, she is also finding it hilarious as she is flirting shamelessly with Sam. 
"But I don't understand. I already went over all this with the other detectives." Gertrude says looking at the three. 
"Right, yes. But, see, we're with the Sheriff's Department, not the police department - different departments." Ellie explains. 
"So, Mrs. Case..." Sam starts. 
"Please. Ms. Case." Gertrude says, looking intently at Sam causing Ellie to smirk.
"Okay. Um, Ms. Case, um... you were the one who found your niece, correct?" Sam asks. 
"I came home, she was in the shower." The elderly woman answers. 
"Drowned?" Sam questions. 
"So the coroner says. Now, you tell me, how can someone drown in the shower?" Gertrude states. 
"How would you describe Sheila's behavior in the days before her death? I mean, did she seem frightened? Maybe she said something out of the ordinary, or...?" Sam asks. 
"Wait a minute. You're working with Alex, aren't you?" Gertrude questions them, the three all exchange a glance. 
"Yep. Absolutely. That's" Dean starts laughing. "Alex and us, we're like this." Dean crosses his fingers while Ellie furrows her eyebrows at him. 
"Why didn't you say so? Alex has been such a comfort. But I'm sorry. I thought the case was solved." Gertrude says.
"Uh... Well, no. No, not yet." Ellie smiles. 
"I see." The old woman states. 
"So, anyways, we were talking about your niece." Sam starts.
"Well, yes. Sheila mentioned something quite strange before she died. She said she saw a boat." Gertrude explains. 
"A boat?" Dean repeats.
"Yes. One minute it was there, then it was gone. It just disappeared right before her eyes. You think it could be a... ghost ship? Alex thinks it could be a ghost ship." Gertrude is addressing all her comments to Sam, staring at him intently. He is thrown off by her intense regard, Ellie and Dean look at each other with an amused expression, not bothering to hide their smirks. 
"Well, um... Could be." Sam says, uncomfortably. 
"Well. You let me know if there's anything else I can do for you." Gertrude starts tracing a finger slowly along Sam's hand who is looking uncomfortable, Dean clears his throat and both him and Ellie are smirking broadly. "Anything at all." 

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