The Magnificent Seven

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Sam and Ellie are sitting in the Impala in the dark, they are reading books about crossroad deals with a flashlight. Sam looks up and nudges Ellie, they both see Dean inside the house across from him; he is wearing only an undershirt. Dean grins and gives his brother and sister a double-thumbs up, at which Ellie grimaces while Sam shakes his head, smiling fondly. A hot girl comes into view and Dean shuts the sheer curtains; they can be seen undressing each other in silhouette. 
"Dude, that is so gross." Ellie groans as Sam smiles and turns back to his book when Ellie's phone rings. 
"Hello." Ellie says as she puts it on speaker.
"Hey, squirt." Bobby's voice comes out of the phone, she smiles slightly.
"Hey, Bobby." Ellie and Sam say in unison.  
"Whatcha two doing?" 
"Oh, same old, same old." Ellie answers.
"You two buried in that book again?" Bobby asks. There is a pause while Sam and Ellie grimace at each other. 
"Guys, you want to break Dean free of that demon deal, you ain't gonna find the answer in no book." Ellie sighs at Bobby's words.
"Then where, Bobby?!" Ellie asks, exasperatedly.
"Squirt, I wish I knew. So where is your brother?" They both glance up to see Dean frolicking in silhouette through the curtains.
"Polling the electorate." Sam says, causing Ellie to chuckle. 
"What?" Bobby asks confused. 
"Never mind." Ellie tells him. 
"Well, you three better pack it up. I think I finally found something." Bobby says. They talk for a little longer and say goodbye to the old man. They walk to the house that Dean is in. 

Inside the house, Sam and Ellie knock on the bedroom door, and open it slowly.
"Dean?" Ellie asks. They slowly enter the room. 
"Dean, you - you conscious? Bobby called, and he thinks that maybe we-" Sam stops talking and they both stare in horror. Ellie quickly leaves the room as they hear feminine moans and Dean shouts "whoo-hoo." 
"Oh god." Sam states as they quickly walk back to the Impala. 

Later on, the three are in the Impala with Dean driving, Ellie leans forward in her seat and looks at Dean.
"Let me see your knife." Ellie tells him, he glances at his little sister in confusion. 
"What for?" He asks. 
"So I can gouge my eyes out." Ellie explains and shudders, Dean smiles smugly as Sam and Ellie look at him with disgust. 
"It was a beautiful, natural act." Dean defends himself.
"It's a part of you we never wanted to see, Dean." Sam states, Ellie nods in agreement. Dean chuckles and slaps Sam on the thigh.
"Hey, I appreciate you two giving me a little quality time with the Doublemint Twins." Dean says. 
"Yeah, no problem." Sam mumbles as Ellie leans back in her seat and looks out the window. 
"Really? Well, I got to say, I was expecting a weary sigh or an eye roll, something." Dean says, glancing at Sam and then at Ellie in the mirror. 
"No, not at all. You deserve to have a little fun." Sam shrugs.
"Well, I am in violent agreement with you there." Dean chuckles. "What's Bobby got?" 
"Not much. A crop failure and a cicada swarm outside of Lincoln, Nebraska. Ahh, could be demonic omens -" Ellie explains. 
"Or could just be a bad crop and a bug problem." Dean suggests. 
"Yeah, but it's our only lead." Sam states. 
"Any freaky deaths?" Dean questions. 
"Nothing Bobby could find - not yet, anyway." Ellie answers.
"It's weird, man. I mean, the night the devil's gate opened, all these weirdo storm clouds were sighted over how many cities?" Dean says. 
"Seventeen." Sam tells him.
"Seventeen. You'd think it would be "Apocalypse Now," but it's been five days and bubkis." Dean says. 
"What are the demons waiting for?" Ellie asks her brothers, they both shrug. 
"Beats me." Sam says. 
"It's driving me crazy. I tell you, if it's gonna be war, I wish it would just start already." Dean tells them. 
"I don't know, man." Sam replies. 
"Be careful what you wish for." Ellie says.


The next morning, the three Winchesters pull up outside a farmhouse. Dean gets out munching on a burger. The air is filled with the sound of cicadas.
"Hear those cicadas?" Ellie asks.
"That can't be a good sign." Dean says. 
"No. No, it can't." Sam adds on. Bobby comes up to them.
"So, we're eating bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast, are we?" Bobby asks Dean. 
"Well, I sold my soul. Got a year to live. I ain't sweating the cholesterol." Dean says lightly. 
"Not funny, Dean." Ellie snaps at her big brother.
"So, Bobby, what do you think? We got a biblical plague here or what?" Sam says, relieving the tension between his brother and sister.
"Well, let's find out. Looks like the swarm's ground zero." Bobby says. They walk up to the farmhouse and Dean pounds on the door. 
"Candygram!" Dean shouts. There is no answer so Ellie picks the lock and opens the door; they cover their noses in disgust. 
"That's awful." Ellie gags. 
"That so can't be a good sign." Dean sneers. They draw their guns and Dean enters first. They creep through the house; stopping in the second room, they can hear what sounds like panicked screams.
"You hear that?" Sam asks. They kick open the next door; the sounds turn out to be coming from a television set; a family of three is seated on the couch, several days dead. Sam, Dean and Ellie recoil at the increased stench. 
"Oh, my God." Ellie exclaims, Bobby enters through the other side of the room and also recoils in horror.
"Bobby, what the hell happened here?" Sam questions. 
"I don't know." Bobby shrugs. Dean looks at his brother and sister. 
"Check for sulfur." He tells them. The four of them investigate the room; Dean hears a noise out the front and whistles quietly, then signals to the others than he is going to go check it out. Bobby, Sam and Ellie circle around the other direction. 
Out front, Dean exits cautiously, gun drawn, and looks around. As he comes around the house he is knocked to the ground by a man with a shotgun. A woman comes up behing him. 
"Isaac? Tamara?" Bobby calls coming up from the other side.
"Bobby. What the hell are you doing here?" Tamara asks with a smile. 
"I could ask the same." Bobby says. 
"Heya, Bobby." Isaac replies. Dean raises an arm pitifully from the ground and waves for attention. 
"Hello. Bleeding here." Dean says, Ellie rolls her eyes and comes to help him.

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