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"What? Dean, what did he tell you?" Sam asks his brother, confused. Ellie looks down and sighs knowing this isn't going to end well.
"He said that he wanted to watch out for you, to take care of you." Dean explains, Sam furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head.
"He told you that a million times." Sam breathes out.
"No, this time was different. He said that I had to save you." Dean adds. Ellie continues to look at her feet, refusing to see the look on her brothers' faces. 
"Save me from what?"
"He just said that I had to save you, that nothing else mattered; and that if I couldn't, I'd..." Dean looks up at the sky, struggling to finish his sentence.
"You'd what, Dean?" Sam asks him.
"That I'd have to kill you. He said that I might have to kill you, Sammy." Dean tells his brother with tears in his eyes.
"Kill me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Sam questions quickly standing a bit away from Ellie and Dean, Sam turns his sister. "Did you know about this, Ellie?" Ellie looks up with a grimace on her face, she slowly nods, Sam scoffs and shakes his head looking up at the sky.
"Look, I only found out about it the other day." Ellie defends herself, Sam looks back at his brother and sister.
"I mean, he must have had some kind of reason for saying it, right? Did he know the demon's plans for me? Am I supposed to go Darkside or something? What else did he say, Dean?" Sam narrows his eyes.
"Nothing, that's it, I swear." Dean promises Sam. Sam looks at his sister.
"How could either of you not have told me this? Ellie, I thought we told each other everything." Sam says. Ellie opens her mouth to talk but has no idea what to say so quickly shuts it again and looks at the ground. 
"Look, this is Dad, he begged me not to." Dean tries to explain, Sam raises his hands in frustration.
"Who cares?! Take some responsibility for yourself, Dean! You had no right to keep this from me!" Sam shouts. Ellie looks up and steps forward.
"Look, Sammy, do you really think Dean wanted any of this?" Ellie tries to defend her big brother. 
"Look, I wish to God he'd never opened his mouth. Then I wouldn't have to walk around with this screaming in my head all day." Dean says. Sam turns and takes a few steps away, fuming. 
"We've just got to figure out what's going on, then, what the hell all this means." Sam tells his brother and sister. 
"We do? I've been thinking about this, I think we should just lay low. You know? At least for a while. It'd be safer. And that way I can make sure -" Dean starts, Sam shakes his head and interrupts.
"What? That I don't turn evil? That I don't turn into some kind of killer?" 
"He never said that Sam, we both know you better than anyone else in the world. So, let's just take a step back and take a breather. I know you're not going to turn evil, so does Dean." Ellie tries to explain. 
"Jeez, if you aren't careful one of you will have to waste me one day." Sam sneers.
"I never said that! Damn it, Sam, this whole thing is spinning out of control. All right? You're immune to some weirdo demon virus, and I don't even know what the hell anymore. And you're pissed at me, I get it. That's fine, I deserve it. But we lay low until we figure out our next move, okay?" Dean explodes. 
"Sam, please. Hey, please, just give us some time. Give us some time to think, okay? I'm begging you here, please. Please." Ellie pleads, Sam nods reluctantly. 


Sam leaves a motel room, looking back at his brother and sister sleeping, he sighs and throws his bag over the shoulder. He walks quietly past the Impala to a small black car, he opens the door with a coat hanger, looks around, and gets in. He drives away.

A few hours later, Ellie slowly wakes up, she sighs and opens her eyes rubbing them. When the room finally comes in to focus, she sees Dean still asleep. She looks over to Sam's bed and sees it empty with all his stuff gone. She widens her eyes and frantically searches the room, she quickly stands up shaking Dean's shoulder.
"Dean, get up, quickly. Sam's gone. Shit!" Ellie tells him quickly, grabbing some clothes and running to the bathroom to get changed. 
"What? What do you mean?" Dean sits up and also searches the room for his brother. "Where is he?" Dean shouts as Ellie closes the bathroom door, he grabs some clothes and quickly puts them on.
"I don't know, dude! We should have seen this happening. God, Sam would never let this go that easily." Ellie replies back, quickly running out the bathroom, changed. She starts packing her stuff while grabbing her phone, she quickly calls Bobby. 
"Hey, squirt. Long time, no speak. Everything okay?" Bobby asks.
"Hey, Bobby. We've been better, look, Sam's gone ran off. We just wanna know if you've heard from him?" Ellie explains.
"No, sorry squirt, I haven't heard from him at all, I'll keep a look out and see if any of my network have heard anything." Bobby says trying to reassure the girl. 
"Thanks, Bobby. Sorry for not calling for a little while, and for suddenly calling because of this." Ellie tells the old man. Ellie has always been very close to Bobby and he has always had a soft spot for the youngest Winchester, he looked after her a lot when she was little and often viewed her as the daughter he never had, and as much as Ellie loved her father, she always saw Bobby as a father figure, he showed her more affection and did more fatherly things for her than John did, he even taught her to ride a bike. 
"Don't worry about it squirt. I know time's are rough at the moment. Just keep safe and give me a call every now and then okay?" Bobby tells Ellie, she gives out a small smile.
"Promise, Bobby. Speak soon." Ellie hangs up the phone and turns to Dean who is also hanging up the phone. 
"Bobby hasn't heard anything from him but will keep an eye out." Ellie explains to her brother. Dean nods, and continues packing.
"That was Ellen, she hasn't heard anything from him either." Dean adds, Ellie zips up her duffel bag turning to her big brother. 
"We'll find him, okay. This is Sam, he's smart. He will be covering his tracks but we know this boy better than he knows himself. We'll find him." Ellie says softly to Dean, he zips up his duffel, throws it over his shoulder and looks at her. He nods and matches his sister's smile. 
"I know squish, I know." Dean says, they exit the motel room and walk towards the Impala. "At least he didn't take my baby, or then I would be tracking him down and killing him." Ellie chuckles lightly at her brother's statement, she puts her bag in the back of the car and gets in. 
"All right, lets find Sammy." Ellie says as she starts calling some fellow hunters in her phone, Dean starts driving.

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