Dream a Little Dream of Me

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Dean and Ellie walk into a bar trying to figure out where Sam has gone. They look around and Ellie spots him sitting in the corner, nursing a drink. He is tilting his glass back and forth slowly, almost spilling the contents. Ellie's face softens and her heart breaks as she looks at Sam, she can see all the hope she usually sees in him is gone. She looks over to Dean whose eyebrows are furrowed. They walk over to their brother.
"There you are. What are you doing?" Ellie asks. Sam turns to them and shrugs. 
"Having a drink." He states like it's obvious. 
"It's two in the afternoon. You're drinking whiskey?" Dean questions. 
"I drink whiskey all the time." Sam argues back, Dean and Ellie look at each other, then back at Sam. 
"No, you don't." Dean and Ellie say in unison. 
"What's the big deal? Dean, you get sloppy in bars and hit on chicks. Why can't I?" Sam snaps. Ellie looks around the bar and sees that there isn't many people in the bar, with only one woman who's quite a bit older than Sam. 
"It's kind of slim pickings around here." Ellie tells him, Dean smirks at this and they turn back to their brother. 
"What's going on with you?" Dean asks, Sam shakes his head, and doesn't say anything for a few moment, he looks completely lost. 
"I tried, Dean." Sam sighs, Dean looks confused. 
"To do what?" Dean follows up. 
"To save you." Sam answers, Ellie sighs and looks at Dean, they both pull up a stool next to Sam. 
"Can we get two whiskeys? Double, neat." Dean says to the bartender. 
"I'm serious, Dean." Sam states. 
"No you're drunk." Dean mutters. 
"I mean where you're going... what you're gonna become." Sam looks close to tears causing Ellie to well up, he then scoffs and shakes his head. "I can't stop it. Ellie can't stop it. I'm starting to think maybe even Ruby can't stop it. But really, the thing is, no one can save you." 
"Sam-" Ellie sighs. 
"This is what I've been telling you." Dean says. 
"No, that's not what I mean. I mean, no one can save you, because you don't wanna be saved. I mean, how can you care so little about yourself?" Sam asks him, causing Ellie to also look at Dean wondering the answer to the question. Dean takes in all this, and scoffs, and smiles a little. 
"What's wrong with you?" Ellie asks Dean, he looks over to her but before he can answer, Ellie's cell rings. 
"Hello... Yes, this is Miss. Snyderson.... What?.... Where?" Ellie looks surprised and then looks over to her brothers. 


Bobby is lying in a bed with the three standing next to his bed. 
"So, what's the diagnosis?" Sam asks. 
"We've tested everything we can think to test. He seems perfectly healthy." The doctor explains. 
"Except that he's a comatose." Ellie states. 
"Miss. Snyderson, you're his emergency contact. Anything we should know? Any illnesses?" The doctor asks. 
"No, he-he never gets sick. I mean, he doesn't even catch a cold." Ellie answers. 
"Doctor, is there anything you can do?" Sam asks. 
"Look, I'm sorry, but we don't know what's causing it... so we don't know how to treat it. He just... went to sleep, and didn't wake up." The doctor explains. The three share a look and then they look over at Bobby. 


The three enter Bobby's motel room. 
"So, what was Bobby doing in Pittsburgh?" Sam asks. 
"Unless he's taking an extremely lame vacation...." Dean trails off as Ellie closes the door as they walk into the center of the room.  
"I mean, he must have been working a job, right?" Ellie questions her brothers, they all continue to walk around the room. 
"Well, you would think there'd be some sort of sign of something, you know?" Dean states. Ellie opens a drawer but it is empty, Sam does the same. The room looks completely clean. 
"Research, news clippings..." Dean trails off as Ellie turns to the closet. "Or a frigging pizza box or beer can." Dean walks away from the dresser he was looking in, and Ellie walks over to the closet. She sees Bobby's clothes hanging there, she turns on the light and Dean and Sam turns around to her. 
"How 'bout this?" Ellie asks, she moves the clothes out of the way and on the wall behind them hangs all of the news clippings, maps and pictures they were looking for. There's pictures of roots, mushrooms, seeds and a map where Bobby has written 'Pittsburgh' in big letters and underlined it. There's post-its with addresses and numbers. There's a piece of paper about a plant. 
"Good old Bobby, always covering up his tracks." Dean chuckles. 
"Either of you make heads or tails of any of this?" Sam asks. Ellie takes one of the papers about a plant and reads the title of it. 
"'Silene capensis', which of course means absolutely nothing to me." Ellie states. 
"Here. Obit." Sam takes a newspaper clipping. "'Dr. Walter Gregg, 64, university neurologist.'" 
"How'd he bite it?" Dean asks. 
"Um... actually, they don't know. They say he just wanted to sleep and din't wake up." Sam explains. Dean takes the clipping from him and looks at his brother and sister. 
"That sound familiar to you?" Dean asks them. 
"All right, um... So let's say Bobby was looking into the doc's death. You know hunting after something-" Ellie starts. 
"-that started hunting him." Dean finishes. 
"Yeah." Sam nods. 
"All right, you two stay here. See if either of you can make heads or tails of this." Dean points to the closet.
"What are you gonna do?" Sam asks. 
"I'm gonna look into the good doctor myself." Dean states, he walks out the door.
Ellie turns to Sam who immediately looks away back to the closet. 
"Are you gonna tell me about what the hell is going on?" Ellie asks him, he doesn't turn around. "Sam. You know that I will jump on your back and ruffle your hair until you talk." Sam turns around quickly to avoid being jumped on.
"I didn't like it when we were kids and I definitely will not like it now Ellie." Sam states. 
"Well what's going on with you, Sammy. Getting drunk in the afternoons? Fighting with Dean over everything?" Ellie says sitting on the foot of the bed. Sam sits next to her and stares at the floor. 
"We can't save him, El. And I can't deal with the fact he is going there because of me." Sam explains. 
"Sammy, what Dean did is not your fault. You were dead, we didn't know what to do. Hell, I am sure if Dean didn't do it, I would have done it. It's what we do. We only have each other and we would kill or die for one another. But Sammy, I can't watch you self destruct over this. I am going to do everything in my power to stop this from happening to Dean, but I need both of my boys to just be my boys, okay?" Ellie says, Sam looks over to her and she nudges him causing Sam to smile. 
"I just don't know what's happening with Dean, Ruby, this whole war. I don't know anything anymore." Sam tells her with tears in her eyes. 
"Well, I know one thing for certain Sam. Is that I am here, I am what's happening and I will not leave you. I will always be here." Ellie says, her tone is so certain and sure that Sam is a little comforted by it. 
"How do you do it, Ellie? How are you so collected and calm about everything all the time, you keep me and Dean in line. I don't know how you do it." Sam says, shaking her head.
"It's because I am easily the best Winchester. Now let's go save Bobby." Ellie claps her hands together and stands up walking to the closet, Sam smiles slightly and stands up. 
After a little bit of research, Dean calls and tells them that the doctor was doing experiments on sleeping disorders and using this new substance that sends people into a really deep sleep. 

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