Houses of the Holy

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"I don't understand why I can't go!" Dean says with exasperation as he sits on the sofa, grumpily crossing his arms. Ellie stands in front of him wearing white scrubs. 
"Because you are a wanted criminal, Dean! You have the FBI after you, we can't risk you being caught." Ellie explains, adjusting hr white top, Sam then comes out of the bathroom.
"They are after you two as well!" Dean argues back.
"You were on the news, Dean." Sam tells him, Dean opens his mouth to argue but sees his little sister's expression and decides against it, instead he just scowls at his younger siblings. 
"So, Sammy give me the low down again, would ya?" Ellie says going over to her duffel bag. 
"This woman, Gloria Smithers, she stabbed a man in the heart, no motive to why, she doesn't remember doing it but she says she had to do it because it was 'God's will'." Sam explains. Ellie whistles while Dean shakes his head.
"Do you actually believe this lady saw an actual angel?" Dean asks his two siblings, obviously not believing the story, Ellie walks back over to the sofa and sits next to her brother and shrugs. 
"I don't know man, in our line of work, anything is possible." Ellie says truthfully, Dean shakes his head again in disbelief, they both look over to Sam who also shrugs his shoulders.
"I'm with El on this one." Sam states, Dean rolls his eyes.

Sam and Ellie enter a psych ward. They enter to see Gloria sitting on her bed and reading a book, when she hears the door open she turns. 
"Good morning. You're not the usual people." Gloria states looking at Sam and Ellie who are in the white scrubs and holding clipboards. 
"No, uh, we are just filling in. So how you feeling today, Gloria?" Ellie asks softly.
"I've never felt better." Gloria tells them, lightly smiling. 
"So, no disturbances lately?" Sam asks as they walk forward. 
"You mean am I stark raving cuckoo for cocoa puffs?" Gloria jokes, Sam and Ellie breathe out a chuckle. 
"We didn't say that." Ellie tells her.
"It's all right. I know what people must think." Gloria tells them with a defeated tone. 
"What do you think?" Sam questions her in a soothing and welcoming voice, Ellie gives a small smile at her brother. Ellie was always in awe at how Sam was so tall and was an incredible fighter but was also so soft with people, always listening and giving them a chance. 
"I think what I saw was real." Gloria says, Ellie can see that she is being truthful. Sam looks around, pulls up a chair and sets the clipboard down. He grabs one for Ellie and they both sit down. Sam leans forward, elbows on his knees, and gives an intensely earnest look. 
"I'd like to know what you saw." Sam states. 
"It was all over the news. I stabbed a man in the heart." Gloria tells them with sorrow in her eyes. 
"Why would you do that?" Ellie questions carefully, trying not to use an accusing tone. 
"Because it was God's will." Gloria explains, the two Winchesters exchange a quick glance. Ellie also leans forward towards the girl with intrigue. 
"Did God talk to you?" She asks the woman.
"No. I get the sense God's a little busy for house calls. No, he sent someone." Gloria explains with a straight face. 
"Someone?" Sam says with furrowed eyebrows. 
"An angel. It came to me in this beautiful white light, and it filled me with this feeling. It's, it's hard to describe." Gloria answers.
"And this angel..." Ellie starts.
"Spoke God's Word." Gloria finishes. 
"And the Word was to kill someone?" Sam questions. 
"I know, it sounds strange. But what I did was very important. I helped him smite an evil man. I was chosen. For redemption." Gloria looks at the two siblings who are listening with intent. 
"This man you stabbed, did the angel give you his name?" Ellie says. 
"No, he just told me to wait for the sign. And the very next day I saw it, right beside the man's doorway. And I knew." Gloria says lightly, Ellie finds the peaceful tone she has very disturbing. 
"Why him?" She asks.
"I just know what the angel told me: that this man was guilty to his deepest foundations. And that was good enough for me." Gloria explains. Sam and Ellie exchange a look and thank her, they quickly leave the hospital and get into the Impala. As Sam drives away, Ellie turns to her brother. 
"Dude, what if this is an angel, like an actual angel... What do we do? Surely we can't hunt an angel, they're the good guys aren't they?" She states. Sam shakes his head.
"Honestly, I don't know, it could be.. We just have to keep going with the case and see what happens." Sam says, Ellie sighs.
"Anyway, how are you doing Sammy? With the visions, and everything since you found about what Dad said?" Ellie asks, Sam goes to speak but stops himself. "Please talk to me, Sam." She pleads, he glances over to her and sees her face. Ellie has always been very good at making the Winchester boys talk about how they feel even when they don't want to and at the sight of Ellie's face, Sam's whole facade starts to melt away and he pulls over to the side. He turns to face Ellie and she does the same, leaning against the door and crossing her legs on the car seat. 
"I have been having these feelings for a little while now." Sam admits slowly. Ellie furrows her eyebrows and narrows her eyes.
"Feelings? What do you mean feelings?" Ellie asks softly, not wanting to seem pushy or confrontational. 
"I have been having these waves of anger, it is like this white hot rage inside of me." Sam confesses, Ellie breathes in slightly trying hard not to change her facial expression too much. Sam looks away from his little sister onto the road ahead, "Day by day it's getting worse, I feel like I am not myself anymore, like slowly I am becoming a different person." Ellie reaches over and grabs his hand.
"Look at me, Sammy." She says softly, he slowly turns to face his little sister. "You will never ever be a different person to me, or Dean. You'll always be my brother, nothing will ever change that. Whatever is happening here, this anger you're feeling, it's only going to get worse if you don't tell someone about it. Talk to me please. You and Dean are all I have, I need you to talk to me, Hell you can throw a punch at me if it will make you feel better." Ellie jokes, giving her brother a small smile, Sam lets out a small chuckle at the end of Ellie's sentence and shakes his head. 
"I'm just scared I will end up hurting you or Dean, I am scared these feelings of hate won't go away." Sam admits, Ellie's eyes soften at her brother's confessions.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"I didn't want to scare you." Sam explains. Ellie chuckles at this and shakes her head.
"Scare me? Sammy, it takes a lot more than that to scare me. Anyway, look at you, you may be a giant but you're a teddy bear." She tells her brother who smiles again. "Sam, just tell me in the future okay, we can work through all this. Whatever comes at us, we'll knock it straight outta the park." Ellie states with confidence.
"El, can you, um, not tell Dean. He won't take it as well as you and he takes his big brother role very seriously." Ellie laughs at this.
"I won't tell him but you're gonna have to tell him soon. If he finds out about this somehow he will kill you and if he finds out he knew he will kill me." 
"I promise I will tell him at some point but not right now, with Dean wanted by the police it's just too much." Sam says, Ellie nods and looks at the road. "What if this is what Dad meant..." Sam mumbles, Ellie snaps her head towards him. 
"What do you mean?"
"He told Dean he may have to kill me, what if this is what he meant, he knew I was going to turn into a monster."
"Woah, woah, woah Sam. Let's hit the brakes there okay? What Dad said that day to Dean was completely unfair, I love the man but I hate the fact he said that to him. The pressure that would put on Dean and the implications it would have on you, that's not stuff you put on your kids. Dad loved you, and he told me to look out for you guys, so neither of you are dying on my watch." Ellie says sternly giving him a reassuring look. Sam nods feeling better about telling someone. "Next time you feel bad, tell me okay? We can get through this together. Now let's go check out Gloria's apartment then go back, Dean's probably going crazy by himself." Ellie tells him, Sam laughs and starts the car again. 

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