Chapter 1

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Doing something new is always scary. Moving to a new town, into a new home, and going to a new school are at the very top of the list for 17 year old Harry Styles. Harry and His mother are from the big apple. It's easy to go unnoticed there, and that is exactly what Harry did. He did not have any friends, nor a mate back in Manhattan.
So it should go without saying that he was nervous about leaving the big city and living in a small town like St. James. An entire hour away from the city he loved. But this is where the work was for his mom. And the Omega didn't want to leave Harry alone for that long everyday as she commuted to and from work.

So Sunday they traveled by train with only two suitcases each, out to this new town. Harry's nerves were getting to him the whole time, surely making the entire train car on the LIRR extremely uneasy, as did any omega in distress. But, this was something out of his control. So he put in his headphones and leaned his head on the window and watched the snow fall. The train ride was short, and his expectations of this town were low. But he was as ready as he could ever be.

Throughout the day his mother and him unpacked everything their omega bodies could handle doing, which unfortunately was not enough. If only Harry's father was still alive...

Harry tried not to think too much about the death of his beta father. Lung cancer is what got him in the end. The man never smoked a day in his life either. Crazy how these things happen.

When the house was as set up as it was going to get for the day, Harry finally moved on to his room at 9pm. He barely had enough time to make it feel like his before he was falling asleep, racked with nerves about his first day of school the next day.

As Harry and his mother pulled up to Harry's new high school, he almost had a panic attack.

"Harry, sweetie, have a great first day. Make some friends," Anne said to Harry as he opened the door and exited into the cool January air.

Harry tucked his neck into his chest as he walked to the main office. The smells of new people and places were overwhelming for the Omega. At times like these Harry wishes he was mated, as being scented by his Alpha. Ah, the things he would give to have an Alpha.

He's hit back with reality by a nice looking Omega man, "Are you Harry Styles? Are you here for your map and schedule?"

Harry felt comfortable enough for a moment to untuck his neck from his chest and replied, "yes please," in an almost inaudible tone. Grabbing his papers from the nice man, he mumbled a thank you and moved on to his first class.

His first class, and favorite, was English. They were in the middle of learning different kinds of poetry, and the famous poets in history. It was more lecture-like than he was used to, but he was left with homework to create a haiku, a sonnet, and a freestyle. Harry felt excited about his new class, being that poetry was something he did in his free time anyway.

The next 4 classes went by very quickly, as he was mainly trying to catch up on what they had been learning before he moved to St. James. Now was time for the inevitable worst part of anyone's first day at a new school: lunch. Walking into that cafeteria was enough to have Harry shaking. He shook all the way over to an empty table and put his head down for a moment as he tried to calm down.

"Hey mate you alright?" a beta boy with blonde hair was standing on the other side of the table and sat down with his lunch tray.
Harry just stared for a moment before replying, "Yeah, yeah I'm good." He pulled the lunch from out of his backpack and started munching on his veggies and hummus.

"You were shaking over there for a moment," the blonde boy stuck a few fries in his mouth before swallowing and introducing himself, "I'm Niall by the way. Nice to meet ya, what's your name?"

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