Chapter 8

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Zuko sat next to Kira as she played Pai Sho with Iroh

"We haven't been able to pick up the Avatar's trail since the storm, but if we continue heading northeast..."

 They look up as a larger Fire Nation ship pulls up next to theirs.

"What do they want?" Zuko questioned

A soldier from the other ship walks in and turns to Zuko "The hunt for the Avatar has been given prime importance. All information regarding the Avatar must be reported directly to Admiral Zhao"

"Zhao has been promoted?" Iroh questioned "Well, good for him!"

"I've got nothing to report to Admiral Zhao. Now get off my ship and let us pass"  Zuko ordered

"Admiral Zhao is not allowing ships in or out of this area" the soldier informed them

"Off my ship!" Zuko shouted angrily

The soldier walked off.

"great now you're all worked up again" Kira said taking Zuko's hand "come on you should go rest"

"I'm fine" Zuko told her "I'm not tired"

"How about some fire bending practice then?" Kura asked

"yeah that sounds good" Zuko replied "change out of your dress first though"

"Alright" Kira agreed


Kira walked out on deck "you know I think I like this dress, it's good for fighting"

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Kira walked out on deck "you know I think I like this dress, it's good for fighting"

"good then wear it when you're fighting" Zuko replied

Kira stood across from Zuko and they both took a fighting stance


Iroh walked onto the deck seeing Zuko and Kira sparring

"Is everything okay?" Iroh asked Zuko causing the two to stop "It's been almost an hour and you haven't given the men an order"

"I don't care what they do" Zuko replied

"Don't give up hope yet. You can still find the Avatar before Zhao" Iroh encourages him

Zuko turns back, desperation and fear on his face "How, Uncle? With Zhao's resources, it's just a matter of time before he captures the Avatar" he turns back out to sea and whispers "My honor, my throne, my country, I'm about to lose them all"

Kira walked over and held his hand "It's going to be ok Zuko"

"Let's go to bed" Zuko says pulling her down the hall and into their room

Zuko read through a scroll as Kira changed into her nightgown. She sat on the bed and combed through her hair.

"Zuko why do you still keep me in your room?" Kira questioned

"Do you not want to sleep in my room with me anymore?" Zuko asks

"I didn't say that" Kira replied moving next to him "what are you reading?"

"Don't worry about it just go to sleep" Zuko commanded

"Why?' Kira asked

"because it's late and I'm telling you to" Zuko replied "listen to your prince"

"Well my prince should listen to his future wife and concubine every once in awhile" Kira said

Zuko's face turned red "just go to sleep"


In the middle of the night Zuko climbed back onto the deck and walked past Iroh.

"Where have you been, Prince Zuko?" Iroh asked "You missed music night! Lieutenant Jee sang a stirring love song"

"I'm going to bed. No disturbances" Zuko replied "is Kira still asleep?"

"yes" Iroh answered

Zuko walked into his bedroom and changed into his nightwear. He laid in bed next to Kira and looked up at the ceiling deep in thought, thinking about what the avatar had said to him.

"You know what the worst part of being born over a hundred years ago is? I miss all the friends I used to hang out with. Before the war started, I used to always visit my friend Kuzon. The two of us, we'd get in and out of so much trouble together. He was one of the best friends I ever had, and he was from the Fire Nation, just like you. If we knew each other back then, do you think we could have been friends, too?"

Zuko was brought out of his thoughts by Kira rolling over onto his chest. He sighed and rubbed her head.

Zuko closed his eyes "We'll return home soon princess"

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