Chapter 22

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At the Fire Nation Royal Palace, Zuko's tossing and turning in his bed, unable to sleep. He opens his eyes and gets up, donning a cloak. He looks at Kira, who's sleeping peacefully in his bed, and kisses her forehead before leaving. He walks to the Capital City Prison, he stops and looks above. A guard walking around the balcony spots him.

"Who's there?!" the guard shouts

Zuko, without speaking a word, turns around and walks away. The guard, seeing Zuko leave, resumes his patrol.

The next night Zuko walks through the halls of the Capital City Prison and the guard is alerted to his presence.

The guard readies his spear, with it pointed directly at Zuko "you again? Stop where you are!" Zuko raises his head, looking at the guard "Prince Zuko..."

Zuko grabs the guard by his collar and slams him against the wall "I'm going in for a visit. You're going to stand guard here, and no one is going to know about this" he releases the guard.

Zuko enters Iroh's cell, and approaches him "Uncle, it's me" Iroh, sitting on the floor, turns away from Zuko with a scowl on his face "You brought this on yourself you know. We could have returned together. You could have been a hero!" Iroh shifts but does not look at him "You have no right to judge me, Uncle. I did what I had to do in Ba Sing Se, and you're a fool for not joining us" Iroh continues ignoring him

"You're not going to say anything?" Zuko kicks up a small stool and destroys it with firebending "You're a crazy old man! You're crazy! And if you weren't in jail, you'd be sleeping in a gutter!" Zuko leaves, slamming the door behind him as Iroh's head drops slightly and he closes his eyes.


Zuko and Kira are sitting on a cliff side together, watching the sunset.

"Did you ever notice how a sunset is like fire?" Kira asks "the beautiful colors are like a flame disappearing"

Zuko smiles "You're right, but no flame is more beautiful then you"

"how long did it take for you to think of that" Kira teased

"Oh shush" Zuko chuckles and lightly flicked her forehead

"Ahem" the two turn to look at Azula "Zuko, we need to talk"

"Do you need me to leave?" Kira asks

"No of course not, you'll be officially apart of the family soon, their's no reason to hide anything from you" Azula tells her then turns to Zuko "So, I've heard you've been to visit your uncle fatso in the prison tower"

Zuko stands up angrily "That guard told you"

Azula crosses her arms "No. You did. Just now."

"Okay, you caught me" Zuko sits back down "What is it that you want Azula?"

"Actually, nothing. Believe it or not, I'm looking out for you. If people find out you've been to see Uncle, they'll think you're plotting with him. Just be careful, Dum-Dum" Azula tells him "that's all, now I'll leave you two alone, I have wedding preparations to help with, remember Kira we're going to measure you for your dress later"

Kira smiles "Alright"


The following night Zuko's back at the prison.

He slides food into Iroh's cell as Iroh keeps his back to him "I brought you some komodo chicken. I know you don't care for it, but I figure it beats prison food. I admit it, I have everything I always wanted, but it's not as all how I thought it would be. The truth is, I need your advice" he grips the bars "I think the Avatar is still alive, I know he's out there, I'm losing my mind" 

"Please, Uncle, I'm so confused I need your help" he tuns angry "Forget it, I'll solve it myself! Waste away in here for all I care!" He glances back before leaving, and a tear slides down Iroh's face

"You know ignoring him won't change anything" Kira enters the room

"Tough love is always the hardest" Iroh replies

Kira slides something into his cell "good luck Uncle, I'll be back another time" she leaves


Zuko walks alone in a dark alley. He lowers his hood as a huge man with a metal leg approaches him.

"You're sure you weren't followed?" Zuko questions and the man nods "..I've heard about you. They say you're good at what you do, and even better at keeping secrets. The Avatar is alive. I want you to find him, and end him"

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