Chapter 15

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"what do you mean Zuko's gone!" Kira shouts

"calm down" Iroh waves his hands "It was Zuko's choice, he-"

Kira angrily stomped out of the cave

"Where are you going?" Iroh asks

"I'm going home!" Kira shouts

Iroh places his hand on his forehead and breathes out "good grief, kids these days. First Zuko now Kira"


On their journey's Kira and Zuko both found themselves remembering the past.


Younger Zuko and his mother, are feeding some bread to four turtle ducks – a mother and her four babies.

"Hey Mom, want to see how Azula feeds turtle ducks?" Zuko throws the rest of the loaf of bread into the water and hits one of the baby turtle ducks.

Ursa is shocked "Zuko! Why would you do that?"

After the baby turtle duck surfaces again, the mother turtle duck charges forth and bites Zuko's ankle hard.

"Ow! Ow ow! Ouch!"Ursa removes the turtle duck from Zuko and gently throws her back into the pond, where she swims off with her babies. 

Zuko is pouting "Stupid turtle duck. Why she'd do that?"

"Zuko. That's what moms are like" Ursa puts her arm around Zuko "If you mess with their babies" She playfully bites behind Zuko's ear." they're gonna bite you back!"

They laugh.

A little while later, young Azula, Kira, Ty Lee and Mai are playing together in the royal yard by a man-made river and a rather large fountain. While Mai sits and watches under the shade of a tree, Azula does a complicated flip but messes up the ending and grunts. 

Ty Lee does the same flip, only she completes the ending perfectly and lands on her feet, arms proudly up in the air. Azula pushes her over, she and Kira laugh.

"Ugh! Azula!" Ty Lee complains

Zuko and Ursa walk by together nearby. Mai sees them, smiles, turns away and blushes. Azula notices her obvious crush, she sees Kira playing with her necklace. Azula smirks and turns to Ty Lee with a plot in mind.

Azula runs toward her mother and Zuko "Mom! Can you make Zuko play with us? We need equal teams to play a game!"

"I am not cart-wheeling" Zuko says annoyed

"You won't have to" Azula rolls her eyes "Cart-wheeling's not a game, dum-dum."

"I don't care. I don't want to play with you!" Zuko shouts

"We are brother and sister. It's important for us to spend time together! Don't you think so, Mom?" Azula shoots her mother an innocent smile.

Ursa places her hands on Zuko's shoulder "Yes, darling, I think it's a good idea to play with your sister" she ruffles his hair "Go on now, just for a little while" Walks away

Zuko glares at his sister, he groaned as he stomped over and stood next to Kira.

"you'll live" Kira says to him

"Princess come here" Azula called

Kira nodded and went over. Azula reaches for apples on the tree that Mai was under earlier. Mai and Kira were now standing in front of the fountain, Azula places an apple on their heads.

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