Chapter 18

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At the Earth King's Royal Palace, the "Kyoshi Warriors", Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee in disguise, sit before King Kuei and Princess Kira. Kira stared at them knowing full well who they were but it was oblivious to her uncle. Kira knew at this time Azula knew full well of who she was too, she knew what she had to do.

"Look Bosco! The Kyoshi Warriors are here to protect us! Aren't you excited?" The King says happily and Bosco yawns "It's been a difficult week for me. My most trusted advisor, Long Feng, and his Dai Li agents tried to take control of Ba Sing Se from me."

"It's terrible when you can't trust the people who are closest to you" Azula replies

The Earth King pets Bosco "But there is good news. As we speak, the Council of Five is meeting to plan an invasion of the Fire Nation this summer, on the day of a solar eclipse"

For a second, Azula's eyes slightly widen with shock and worry upon hearing this, but she quickly hides it. Kira mentally facepalms, her uncle literally just gave the plan to the enemy.

"Really? Now that sounds like a fascinating and brilliant plan" Azula says

"It is" Kira speaks up "The fire nation will be powerless without their firebending, I'm sure they won't be prepared"

"Indeed" Azula smiles


That night, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee are staying which is a small building in the Upper Ring. Mai and Ty Lee are removing their make-up. A smiling Ty Lee is looking in a mirror. She is wiping the last traces of her Kyoshi makeup from her face. Mai is seated next to Ty Lee, still working on her own face.

"We have been presented with an extraordinary opportunity, girls" Azula says

"Mai finally gets to wear make-up that's not totally depressing?" Ty Lee says as Azula walks past toward a window.

"ha ha" Mai says sarcastically

"I'm talking about conquering the whole Earth Kingdom" Azula clarifies

Their was a knock at the door before someone entered.

Kira walked in and over to them "For one hundred years, the Fire Nation has hammered away at Ba Sing Se from the outside. But now we're on the inside, and we can take it by ourselves"

"me and Kira have been planning this for weeks" Azula held up a letter

"Oh so that's all the secret letters you've been making" Ty Lee says in realization

"Being the princess of the Earth Kingdom I didn't have any suspicion drawn to me" Kira crosses her arms "I could get away with sending letters without any of them being checked"

"Where is Zuko?" Mai asks

"We split ways" Kira replies "but he's not an exception to the plan, I'm sure he's in Ba Sing Se somewhere. You know I even had to make friends with the avatar for our other plan, from the very beginning everything has gone into careful consideration"

"When Zuko was banished Kira made the decision to go with him to find the Avatar for one reason only" Azula explains then smirks "to master all the elements, because in light their is always darkness. Kira is the counterbalance to the Avatar, the Dark Avatar. She is our biggest trump card,"

Kira crossed her arms "and the only air bender left is the Avatar himself, I need to learn air from him"

Ty Lee clapped "so smart"

"So what's your plan princes?" Azula asks turning to Kira

"Well from the inside, we're in perfect position to organize a coup and overthrow the Earth King. The key is the Dai Li. Whoever controls the Dai Li controls Ba Sing Se" Kira tells them


"the palace is so boring" Kira complained as she fanned herself in the garden

"Oh, is it more boring then our palace?"

Kira looked up to see Azula "what brings you out here?"

"to see you" Azula replies sitting next to her "I know the plan didn't involve you falling in love with Zuzu, but I guess things like that can't be helped"

Kira's face turned red "w-what are you t-talking about, i don't l-love Zuko"

"oh please it's written all over your face right now" Azula smirked and poked her face "after we take over you can still marry him, he can be your concubine"

"Oh come on stop teasing Azula" Kira replied lightly swatting away Azula's hand

Azula laughed "you can't hide it from me, you've been in love with Zuzu since we were kids, you can have anything you want when we take over, including him"

Azula smirked and walked away. Kira hid her blushing face with her fan as she sat there just thinking about it, her and Zuko together.

Princess Kira (Zuko love story, ATLA)Where stories live. Discover now