Chapter 16

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"State your business!"

Kira crossed her arms "I am Princess Kira, the daughter of the late Prince Kihong, I have returned home and demand to see my uncle the Earth King"

The guards looked shocked

"Princess Kira has red hair, how dare you impersonate her!" one shouted

"and how dare you not recognize your princess!" Kira shouted back "take me to my uncle, he can determine whether or not I'm lying" 

The guards looked at each other before leading Kira into the palace and through the halls. Most of the palace was made out of jade, a very expensive stone that is the symbol of the royals. Kira reached into her pocket and took out a jade pendant with the symbol of a dragon carved into it, it was her father's.

Once they reached the throne room the guards knocked before opening the big grand doors. Kira held the pendant in her palm as they walked in. The Earth King sat on his throne and gasped when he saw Kira's red eyes.

Kira took a step forward and bowed to him "Uncle I have returned home"

"You... are you really my niece" the Earth King asks in disbelief

"I am Kira daughter of your older brother Kihong, after escaping the fire nation i had dyed my hair black so i wouldn't be easily recognized and kidnapped again" Kira explained

The Earth King's eyes filled with tears as he stood up from the throne "My dear niece please stand up, do not bow to me. You've come home" the earth King hugged her "you are the daughter of my older brother, you are a princess"

"It's good to see you Uncle, still in good health I see" Kira smiled as she returned the hug

"Servants I want the finest dresses made for my niece, the best made for a princess" the Earth King ordered happily

"yes your highness" the servants bowed and quickly got to work

"Thank you Uncle" Kira smiled "it's good to be home"


Weeks have passed since Kira entered the royal palace, she has been given the best clothes, jewelry, and the best earth bending teacher to teach her. However nothing in the palace could distract her from her endless boredom, how she longed to be traveling with Zuko again, she misses him.

"The party tonight is for Bosco and you" The Earth King tells Kira "to introduce you to the people, so make sure you wear your best"

"I will Uncle" Kira replies as a maid brushes through her hair

"I will leave you to finish getting ready, I will see you soon" the Earth King says happily before exiting the room

"milady is their anything particular you want to wear?" her maid asks

"Whatever you think would be appropriate" Kira replies "I'm not picky"


"Now entering the Earth King and Princess Kira!" A guard announces

All the party guests turn their attention to the front as the Earth King enters with Kira behind him. The guest all gasp in shock, the mysterious lost princess returns to the Earth Kingdom at last, and she's beautiful.

 The guest all gasp in shock, the mysterious lost princess returns to the Earth Kingdom at last, and she's beautiful

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Everyone stared at Kira in awe, the Earth King made a sigh for everyone to stand. The guests all stood up and listened to the earth king speak. 

"Thank you everyone for coming, today is to celebrate my wonderful pet Bosco and my niece's return, please enjoy"

The guests clapped as the Earth King and Kira sat on their throne's, Kira's throne was next to her Uncle's who's was a bit larger then hers was in the middle of the platform. The party went on normal like any other party for a while until they heard someone shout.

"The Avatar! I didn't know the Avatar would be here"

"Aang's here" Kira mumbled to herself curiously

All the guests' attention is now focused on Aang who looks around at the guests as Momo hides back under the hat on the floor and slinks away. Aang blushes and waves at the crowd, laughing nervously.

As Sokka leans in toward Aang and whispers "You keep their attention while I look for the king"

"Watch this, everybody!" Aang jumps out of his busboy clothes and lands on the long dining table as Sokka walks off into the crowd. 

Aang swings his arms over the guests' drinks, waterbending the liquid out of the cups. He jumps onto a pitcher and balances on top of it, while continuing to waterbend. Aang brings the liquid above his head and creates a swirling multicolored ball. The crowd cheers and claps as he spins around. Bosco growls with delight at Aang's antics.'

"It seems Bosco is entertained Uncle" Kira giggles a bit

"indeed" the Earth King replied happily

Sokka sneaks through the crowd and attempts to get a better view of the king. He looks over at Aang and points at the king up on the platform "Aang! The Earth King!"

Aang was entertaining Bosco with waterbending bubbles. Aang notices Sokka and bends an air scooter, whisking down the table. Two Dai Li agents grab Sokka and begin leading him away, pulling his arms behind his back.

Aang has reached the other end of the dining table on his air scooter, knocking over several dishes. He dismounts the scooter and holds his arms up in triumph. Long Feng walks up to Aang from behind the line of guards.

"Avatar, it is a great honor to meet you" He bows "I am Long Feng, Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se and head of the Dai Li. I'd like to talk to you. Your friends will be waiting for us in the library"

Long Feng gestures Aang to follow him, as he goes into the library. Aang hesitates for a moment before hopping off the table and following. Kira watches them curiously as they walk off.

"Uncle I am feeling unwell, I want to talk a walk outside to get some air, i will return after" Kira tells the Earth King

"Alright" he replied "be safe"

Kira stands up and walks away. She stops outside a room as soon as she heard Katara's voice, she opens the door slightly.

"You can't keep the truth from all these people. They have to know."

Aang stepped forward, pointing a finger at Long Feng "I'll tell them! I'll make sure everyone knows!"

Kira walked through the doors quietly and hides behind a statue.

"Until now, you've been treated as our honored guest" Long Feng steps forward and bends down to look Aang in the eye. Aang stares back at Long Feng, angrily "But from now on, you will be watched every moment by Dai Li agents. If you mention the War to anyone, you will be expelled from the city" He turns around and walks over to the hearth with the green fire "I understand you've been looking for your bison. It would be quite a shame if you were not able to complete your quest" Aang appears frightened, but his expression soon changes to that of anger

"Appa's missing" Kira whispers to herself surprised

The doors open and in walks Joo Dee. Kira quietly sneaks back out to the party.

Princess Kira (Zuko love story, ATLA)Where stories live. Discover now