Chapter 10

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Zuko's ship is docked in a port. Members of the crew have gathered for music night on the ship. Lieutenant Jee plays a lute as Iroh sings. Several other crew members play instruments or dance.

"Winter, spring ... Summer, and fall ... Winter, spring ... Summer, and fall ... Four seasons ... four loves ... Four seasons ... for love"

Kira walked over to Zuko "Are you not going to join them?"

"No, I'm tired" Zuko sighed then looked at her "new  dress?"

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"No, I'm tired" Zuko sighed then looked at her "new  dress?"

"Yeah" Kira replied "do you like it?"

"y-yes" Zuko blushed

"Cheer up, everything will be ok" Kira took Zuko's hand and smiled at him

"I hope so" Zuko said kissing her hand which made Kira blush now too

The music stops as they notice Admiral Zhao boarding the ship, along with two soldiers. The crew looks in surprise at the admiral. Zhao said something to Iroh before walking over to Zuko and Kira. Zuko stood in front of her.

"I'm taking your crew" Zhao declares

"What?!" Zuko shouts

"I've recruited them for a little expedition to the North Pole" Zhao explains

"Uncle, is that true?" Zuko asks

"I'm afraid so. He's taking everyone" Iroh puts his arm over his face in woe "even the cook"

"Sorry you won't be there to watch me capture the Avatar. But I can't have you getting in my way again" Zhao says before looking at Kira "you're free to join me of course Princess"

Zuko charges at Zhao in anger, but Iroh cuts him off "No!"

"Sorry Admiral Zhao, my loyalty is with my fiancé" Kira says as she places a hand on Zuko's shoulder 

"Yes of course" Zhao says "as a concubine should"

Zuko growled angrily. Zhao notices a pair of swords on the wall. He takes one off the wall and begins practicing with the sword he has removed from the wall.

"I didn't know you were skilled with broadswords, Prince Zuko" Zhao says suspiciously

"I'm not. They're antiques. Just decorative" Zuko replies

"Have you heard of the Blue Spirit, General Iroh?" Zhao asks

"Just rumors. I don't think he is real" Iroh answers

"He's real, all right" Zhao hands the broad sword to Iroh "He's a criminal, and an enemy of the Fire Nation. But I have a feeling justice will catch up with him soon" Zhao moves to exit the cabin "General Iroh, Princess Kira, the offer to join my mission still stands ... if you change your mind"

He leaves


Zuko's laying down on his bed as Kira rubs his temples.

"Is your headache better?" Kira asks

"yeah" Zuko sighs

The door opens and Iroh sticks his head in "The crew wanted me to wish you safe travels"

"Good riddance to those traitors" Zuko says bitterly

"It's a lovely night for a walk. Why don't you join me? It would clear your head" Iroh asks

Zuko doesn't reply.

"Or just stay in your room and sit in the dark. Whatever makes you happy" Iroh says walking out

Kira looks at him "Zuko-"

"Go with him, I want to be alone" Zuko said turning over

"Are you sure?" Kira asks "I can-"

"just go!" Zuko snaps

Kira looked at him worriedly before leaving and joining Iroh on his walk. Then, the ship explodes.

"Zuko!" Iroh and Kira shout

They run back to the ship to see it completely destroyed, no hope of survival.

"Zuko no" Kira fell to her knees and started crying


At the Fire Navy base. Zhao meets with Iroh and Kira over tea.

"I'm devastated to hear about Prince Zuko. Just ... devastated" Zhao says

"The Fire Lord will not be pleased when he learns who was responsible" Iroh tells him

"You know who was behind the attack?" Zhao questions

"Pirates" Kira replies "We had a run-in with them a while back. They wanted revenge."

"So, have you two reconsidered my offer?" Zhao asks

"Yes, we accept. It will be an honor for me to serve as your general" Iroh replies "To the Fire Nation!"

"To victory!" Zhao shouts

Kira looks down into her tea sadly " the fire nation"


The ships are set to begin the trek north. On board, Iroh meets up with Zuko, who is disguised as a shipman.

"Our plan is working perfectly. Zhao doesn't suspect a thing" Iroh tells him

"You didn't have to do this" Zuko says

"No nephew of mine is going to stow away on a ship without some backup" Iroh smiles

"How's Kira?" Zuko asks

"She's devastated" Iroh answers "When she learns you're still alive she's not going to go easy on you"

"I know" Zuko replies "just make sure she stays safe"

A door opens.

"Someone's coming. Stay hidden until we get to the North Pole and the Avatar will be yours. Good luck" The two head their separate ways


Zhao, Iroh, and Kira stand on top of the lead ship.

"My fleet is ready. Set a course for the Northern Water Tribe" Zhao commands

Dozens of Fire Navy ships fire up their engines in preparation to launch the assault on the Northern Water Tribe.

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