Chapter 19

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Kira heard a knock on her door and she went to open it. There stood Azula.

"Azula" Kira says surprised "What is it?"

"I just finished talking to the Dai Li not too long ago" Azula replied "...Zuko's here"

"...why?" Kira asks

"the plan, remember" Azula crosses her arms

"I thought he was coming tomorrow" Kira shrugs

"Well here" Azula hands her a container "remove that black dye from your hair, It's not you"

Kira smiles and takes it "thank you Azula"

"Hurry and change, we have guests to go greet" Azula smirks

"right" Kira replies


In the Royal Palace, Zuko and Iroh are sitting at a table in a room, waiting for the "Earth King." Iroh pours some tea into a cup.

"What's taking so long?" Zuko questions

"Maybe the Earth King overslept" Iroh suggests

Dai Li agents begin to circle around the two.

"Something's not right" Zuko says

Azula and Kira walk past the Dai Li and stand in front of Zuko.

Azula and Kira walk past the Dai Li and stand in front of Zuko

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"It's tea time" Azula says mockingly

Zuko quickly stands up "Azula! Kira"

"Have you met the Dai Li? They're earthbenders" Kira says

"but they have a killer instinct that's so firebender. I just love it." Azula smiles

"Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname the Dragon of the West?" Iroh questions

"I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle" Azula looks at her nails condescendingly

"It's more of a demonstration, really" Iroh smiles

Kira takes a step back as Iroh begins drinking his tea. Zuko looks over at him and smiles before going behind him. Iroh begins breathing fire. The room as a fire blast makes a hole in the wall, allowing Iroh and Zuko to escape.

The Dai Li agents begin shooting some rock gloves at them, but miss as Zuko and Iroh turn around the corner. Iroh generates lightning and destroys the wall in front before jumping down, yelling, into a bush below. Zuko stops at the edge.

"Come on! You'll be fine!" Iroh shouts

"No! I'm tired of running! It's time I face Azula and take back Kira!" Zuko turns around and walks back. Iroh smacks his head upon hearing this and runs away

Zuko stands in front of Azula, Kira is standing a bit behind her.

"Yes! I challenge you!" Zuko shouts

Princess Kira (Zuko love story, ATLA)Where stories live. Discover now