Trollex Ask #2

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(This one will be a bit shorter, since I'm trying to finish this before I arrive at a friend of mine's wedding. So if it's bad, I'm sorry.)

Katheryn picked up the pile of letters that Roxy had dropped and giggled.

"I'm so sorry, Trollex, but this next one is also for you," she said as she handed the next envelope to Roxy.

"Oh JoY!" Trollex squeaked as he buried his head into his mother's shoulder. Roxy chuckled.

"You don't sound very joyful," she said. "In fact, you sound kind of upset."

"I'm JoYfUl!" He choked out. "WhAt'S tHe QuEsTiOn?"

"Calm down first, then I'll tell you," Roxy said as she opened the envelope. Trollex took a deep breath, then nodded, signaling to his mom that he was ready and to go ahead and read it.

"This ask is from @imadragonnerd and it says: Hey Trollex, are you SURE you don't have a crush on someone?"

Trollex's eyes widen. He sighed, slowly stood up, hovered over to the front door, and opened it. He poked his head out, looked around cautiously, then slowly closed the door.

He then proceeded to check every nook and cranny within listening distance of the council before he returned to the group.

"Whatcha looking for there, Trollex?" Titus asked suspiciously.

"My fan club," he whispered. "They have eyes and ears everywhere, so I need to check to make sure none of them are listening before I give you my answer."

"Oh, ok." Once Trollex returned to the group, he took another deep breath. Everyone was leaning forward slightly, waiting patiently for his answer.

"...I honestly don't know," he answered. Everyone groaned.

"Seriously?!" Delta complained. "You build up that suspense for nothing? That's cruel." Trollex crossed his arms and looked at the ground.

"I don't know if I have a crush on her or not, but I think she's rather cute..." he mumbled.

The room went completely silent. Everyone turned to look at Trollex at the same time, which only made him feel more uncomfortable.

"Go on," Roxy coaxed as a goofy smile appeared on her face. Trollex sighed.

"I accidentally bumped into her after one of my raves the other day," he continued. "She was very pretty. I don't think I've ever seen her before, which is strange since I'm the king and know practically everybody, so I don't even know her name..."

"Maybe she's shy, sweetie," Roxy said as she stood up. "Have you tried talking to her?" Trollex shook his head.

"I was in so much shock that I just apologized for bumping into her, then quickly swam the other way. I only ever saw her that one time," he said. "Maybe one of these days I'll accidentally bump into her again. Then I'll get to know her better and maybe we can even become friends. Who knows. But, until then..."

He lifted his head and smile softly at nobody in particular. "I guess she'll just be my mystery girl." He looked at Roxy with a tired look in his eyes. "Do I have any more?" He asked.

Roxy flipped through the pile. "Not for a while," she responded. Trollex let out a long, exhausted sigh.

"Thank goodness!" He turned around and started floating towards the grand staircase.

"Trollex!" Roxy called after him. "Where are you going?"

"I'm GoNnA gO tAkE a NaP nOw!" he screeched.

"Oh, ok!" Roxy giggled as Trollex slowly made his way up the stairs. "I'll let you know when you have more, okay?"

Trollex gave her a tired thumbs up.

"Good night, sweetie!"

"GoOd NiGhT!"

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