Trollex Dare #6

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(This dare and the next one are from the same person: @Tayis32 )

The next day, the council members returned to Harmony Castle. King Trollex was the last troll to show up, since he now had a concussion from the day before and needed a bit more time to get there. When he finally arrived, Delta Dawn was the first one to greet him.

"Hiya, darling! How's your-" She gasped and froze. There was a giant bruise about the same size as his hand located right in between his eyes.

"It looks that bad, huh?" he groaned.

"Well...I mean...uhmm..." Delta stuttered. Then she sighed. " looks awful..." She still felt guilty for kicking him. I mean, who wouldn't?

"How do you feel?" Roxy asked. "I brought you a chair to sit on if you don't feel like standing."

"Thanks, I appreciate it," he said while sitting down. "And I've felt better...How do you feel, mom?"

"Like a million bucks!" she giggled. "Isn't that right, honey?" Titus nodded with a goofy grin on his face.

"Alright! Let's continue where we left off yesterday before I kicked you all out," Roxy said while grabbing the huge pile of questions/dares. "Now Trollex, sweetie, I know you have a tiny concussion-"

"This concussion isn't tiny," he interrupted. "I woke up this morning and swam straight into my bedroom wall 'cause I was so dizzy and I couldn't find the door!"

The entire room went silent.

"As I was saying..." Roxy continued. "I know you have a concussion and are very uncoordinated today, but you have some more dares. Hopefully they won't require you to move from that chair."


Roxy ripped open the next dare and read it aloud:

"This one says: I dare Trollex to sing True Colors in Spanish!"

"In Spanish!?" Trollex screeched. "I only know English!"

"That's why I invited someone special to join us today!" Roxy whistled loudly, and the front door opened.

"Have I been summoned?" Tresillo announced as he walked through the door.

"Yes, you have!" Roxy responded. "Trollex here needs a quick Spanish lesson. He needs to sing a song."

"Say no more!" Tresillo said. He looked over at Trollex and gasped. "Hay dios mio! What happened to your face?!" Trollex frowned.

"It's...a long story..." Delta told him.

"To put it simply, I have a concussion..." Trollex said blandly.

"Oh..." Tresillo said. "Well, then this'll probably end up taking a lot longer than I thought, so why don't you guys leave for a bit and come back later."

"Alright! Just let us know when you're ready!" Roxy replied. Then, the council members left the room.

3 hours later...

"Ok! We're ready!" Tresillo called down the hall from the main room.

"Finally!" Barb groaned. "That took forever!"

The council members all began to file back into the main room. Then, they realized what had taken them so long.

"I heard that this song may bring up a few memories for some of you," Tresillo said while looking in Poppy and Branch's direction. "So I decided to add a bit of mood lighting."

He had dug through what Roxy liked to call her "decor cabinet" and hung up some paper lanterns around the room, tinting the room blue, purple, and pink.

"If some of you would like to dance, go right ahead," he continued, still looking at Poppy and Branch. "Just know that the lyrics will be in Spanish and Trollex will be singing."

Everybody nodded. Tresillo looked back at Trollex. "Whenever you're ready, man!"

Trollex took a deep breath, then began to sing:

Tú, con los ojos tristes
No pierdas el coraje
Oh, me dí cuenta
Que es difícil tener coraje
En un mundo lleno de gente
Puedes perder el rumbo de todo
Y la oscuridad dentro de ti
Te puede hacer sentir inferior

Branch extended his hand out to Poppy, who smiled and took it gladly. The two of them walked out onto the dance floor and began to slow dance together as Trollex continued to sing.

Muestrame una sonrisa entonces
No estés triste
No puedo recordar cuando fue
Te vi reír por última vez

Si este mundo te vuelve loco
Y soportastes todo lo que pudistes
Sólo llamame
'Cause I will always be there

Y veo tus verdaderos colores
Brillar a través
Veo tus verdaderos colores
Y es por eso qué te amo

"Won't you dance with me, my queen?" Titus asked Roxy as he offered his hand to her.

"Always," she replied, taking his hand and walking out onto the dance floor. Quincy and Essence followed suit. Then, the couples began to dance.

Así que no temas demostrar
Tus colores verdaderos
Tus colores verdaderos son hermosos

Veo tus verdaderos colores
Shining through (True colors)
Veo tus verdaderos colores
Y es por eso qué te amo
Así que no temas demostrar
Tus colores verdaderos
Tus colores verdaderos son hermosos
Como un arcoíris
Como un arcoíris

As the song ended, the couples just stood there, gazing into each other's eyes. Then, the rest of the trolls began to clap, especially Tresillo.

"Excellente, Trollex! Muy bien!" he said. "For someone who has never spoken Spanish before, and has a concussion, that was amazing!"

"Thanks!" Trollex responded, giving him a small smile. Then, Tresillo began to walk towards the front door.

"Well, my work here is done! Have fun! ¡Adiós, muchachos!" he called out behind him.

Everybody else said goodbye and waved as he opened the door and left the castle.

(I know that learning a language isn't easy. Believe me, I know. I've been taking Spanish classes for many years and STILL don't know what I'm saying half the time. So if I made any errors in the lyrics, I'm sorry. Have a good day!)

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