Trollex Dare #4

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While they were on their way back to Harmony Castle, Roxy opened up the next dare and read it to herself. Her sister Katheryn glanced over her shoulder in order to read it too, then Roxy motioned for Trollex to come over to her, and she showed it to him. Upon reading it, Trollex smiled mischievously.

"This'll be fun," he whispered to her.

Once they had arrived back to Harmony Castle, Trollex and Barb ran ahead of everyone else in order to get in first. Barb needed to grab a glass of water, and Trollex was preparing to do his dare. Roxy had Quincy, Essence, and Titus walk in first while the remaining council members followed suit.

"So, Roxy, I saw you opened the next dare. Who's it for?" Queen Essence asked. Roxy smiled.

"Oh! It was for Trollex. He's getting ready to do it now," she responded.

"Oh ok. What was-"

"BOO!" Trollex shouted as he jumped out from behind the door.

Quincy and Essence jumped and held onto each other while Titus proceeded to scream like a little girl in terror. Both Roxy and Trollex started laughing hysterically.

"Jeez Titus, I didn't know you're voice could hit such an octave," Quincy snorted.

"I didn't know either," Titus mumbled.

Once Roxy had calmed down a bit, she managed to say: "Do Barb next! She should be coming out of the kitchen any second now." Trollex nodded, rushed over to the kitchen door, and waited for Barb to come out.

Within seconds, Barb came running out of the kitchen.

"What's going on?! I heard screaming-"


Barb screamed, then smacked Trollex across the face. He stumbled back a bit, then held onto his face and started laughing again. Barb started to growl and was preparing herself to tackle him to the ground.

"Why you little-" 

"BARBARA!" Katheryn screamed. "It was just a dare. Calm down!"

Barb glared at Trollex as she stomped past him in a huff. Once she was a safe distance away from him, Trollex rushed off to find the last person he was supposed to scare, who was probably still in the bathroom. I mean, she didn't come with them to Techno Reef, so where else could she be?

"Auntie!" Barb shouted, still upset that Trollex had managed to scare her. "What was his dare?"

"It was from @Tayis32 , and it said: I dare Trollex to scare Titus, Essence, Quincy, Barb, and Delta Dawn!" Roxy responded with a goofy grin on her face.

"Oooo I don't think scaring Delta would be such a good idea," Branch said nervously. Roxy chuckled.

"Why not?"


A loud noise could be heard coming from somewhere in the castle. The council rushed towards the source of the noise until they found Delta Dawn kneeling on the ground next to Trollex, who now had a visible hoofprint on his face and was unconscious.

"Come on, darlin', wake up!" She was panicking.

"Delta! What happened?!" Roxy screeched as she rushed over to Trollex's side. This was the first time anybody had ever seen Delta so visibly terrified.

"I didn't mean to, doll! I swear it!" she responded. "He just snuck up behind me and gave me quite a fright! It was a reflex!"

"I'm sure it was," Roxy responded calmly. She picked her son up in her arms and started to carry him back towards the kitchen. "Could you run ahead and get him some ice for his head?"

"Of course, doll!"

Now, at least everybody knew to never sneak up behind Delta Dawn, or any country troll for that matter, ever again.

(Trolls who haven't received questions yet: Roxanne and Katheryn.)

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