Trollex Dare #8

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"Awww, Barb, you look adorable!" Roxy cooed. Katheryn had brought Barb's baby album to Harmony castle to show Roxy since she never got to see it.

"I know right? She doesn't think she looks cute, but I'm glad you and everyone else agrees with me!" Katheryn beamed. "You should've seen the look on her face when Trollex put these pictures on the jumbotron. It was PRICELESS!"

Barb was busy rocking in the corner. And by rocking, I mean rocking back and forth out of embarrassment and discomfort.

"MoM, pLeAsE pUt It AwAy! I'vE sUfFeReD eNoUgH eMbArRaSsMeNt AlReAdY!" She choked out.

"Come on, Barbara!" Katheryn responded. "Just a little while longer-"

"MOM!" Barb screeched.

"Alright! Jeez! You don't have to shout." Katie closed the photo album and set it off to the side. "Now quit sitting in the corner like a child and join the rest of us."

Barb reluctantly stood up and walked back over to the other council members. She kept staring at the floor, too scared to look anyone in the eye.

Continue with the dares, Auntie..." she mumbled. Roxy smiled at her, then looked at Trollex.

"Sweetie, you've got another one."

"Seriously?!" Delta Dawn asked. "He's had, like, five in a row!"

"Well, I mean, he does have more asks/dares than anyone else in this room," Roxy responded.

"Oh really? How many, exactly?" she asked while crossing her arms.

Roxy quickly looked through the massive pile of asks and dares, counting to herself how many had Trollex's name on it.

"As of right now, he has completed seven dares, with this next one being number eight," Roxy told Delta. "So by the end of this one, he will have completed eight out of sixteen dares. He also has a few asks as well." Delta Dawn's eyes widened.


"Yep! Told you he had a lot."

"Jeez darlin', I feel bad for you," Delta told Trollex. He just shrugged.

"The last few haven't been that bad. I don't mind, really. I just hope our audience isn't getting bored with how many I've been getting." He then turned to Roxy. "I'm ready for the next one! Whatcha got for me, mom?"

Roxy smiled at Trollex's enthusiasm, opened the dare, and read it aloud.

"This one says: I dare Trollex to go on a roasting spree!"

"A roasting spree?" Trollex asked. "Towards who? Everyone?" He started to look a bit nervous. "I-I don't like making fun of others. It makes me feel terrible!"

"Well it says here that you don't HAVE to roast everyone," Roxy stated. "And if you want to, you can just roast Barb a couple of times."

"Seriously?" Barb scoffed. She sounded a bit annoyed. "Why? I just came here to have a good time, and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now..."

"That's what you get for constantly humiliating me, Barbara!" Trollex stated.

"You're not allowed to call me by my full name, Trollex!" Barb yelled angrily. "Only MY mom and dad can do that! And sometimes Aunt Roxy if the situation calls for it..."

"I can call you whatever I want, Miss Grumpy-pants!" Trollex jeered. Barb's hands curled into fists as she marched towards him. Everybody else started to back a safe distance away from the two of them.

"The same thing goes for you, pea-brain!" She growled at him. They glared at each other as they continued to call each other names:


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