Delta Dare #1

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"Ok, while he's busy doing that," Roxy chuckled. "Let's continue with these!"

"Oh, ok!" Poppy said. "Who's the next one for?"

Roxy glanced at the name that was on the next letter. She smiled and looked at Delta Dawn, who was busy trying to scrape some dirt off one of her hooves. She wasn't paying attention.

"This next one is for Delta!" Roxy announced while clearing her throat. Once the harmony troll mentioned her name, the mayor lifted up her head and turned towards Roxy.

"What?" she asked.

"You've got a dare!" Roxy said happily as she tore open the envelope.

"Aw I really?"

At first, she looked nervous, but that expression quickly melted away.

"Honestly, with everything that Trollex has gone through so far, mine shouldn't be too bad. What is it, doll?"

Roxy unfolded the piece of paper and read the dare aloud:

"This dare is from @imadragonnerd , and it says: Delta, I dare you to sing the songs that Poppy, Branch, and Biggie sang at Lonesome Flats during the world tour."

Delta Dawn's eye began to twitch as a scowl appeared on her face. She crossed her arms and grumbled something under her breath. Poppy gasped.

"Really?!" she asked Roxy. "Oh Delta! This is fantastic! I can sing the background vocals for you if you want! Wait right here. I'll go write down the lyrics for you-"

"There's no need, Queen Poppy," Delta groaned as she glanced at the pop troll. "I know the lyrics..."

"You do?" Poppy asked. Delta nodded.

"That lil' medley of yours is now permanently engraved in my brain till the day I die." She buried her head in her hands and let out a long sigh.

"Oh, I'm sure it wasn't that bad," Roxy said with a smile. Delta slowly turned back towards the harmony troll with a disgusted look in her eyes.

"It was a crime against music! Be glad you weren't there to hear it, it was just so-" A layer of tension began to settle in the room as Roxy's smile quickly faded away. Once Delta saw her expression, she realized she had said something wrong, and quickly covered her mouth with both hands.

"You know what," Roxy grumbled, starting to get a little upset. "I really wish I could've heard it. Unfortunately, I was locked away in a cage like an animal for twenty years, so..." She crosses her arms and looked at the ground.

Delta Dawn slowly uncovered her mouth and lowered her head in shame. "My apologies, doll," she said. "I completely forgot for a second there..."

"It's alright. Those times are behind us now," Roxy said quietly. An awkward silence began to fill the room. Delta Dawn started to bite down on her lip as she began to feel more guilty about what she had said.

"Curse you and your guilt trips..." she grumbled under her breath. She rubbed her temples, walked to the bottom of the grand staircase, then motioned for Poppy to join her.

"I'm just warnin' ya, it really is pretty bad, doll," she said. Roxy lifted her head up and smirked.

"I'll be the judge of that," she said. Delta groaned, already regretting what she was about to do. Background music came out of nowhere as she plastered on a fake smile and started to sing and dance awkwardly:

Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
(So tell me what you want, what you really, really want)
I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
(So tell me what you want, what you really, really want)
I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna (ha)
I wanna really, really, really wanna zig-a-zig ah

Who, who, who, who
Who let the dogs out?
Who, who, who, who
Who let the dogs out?
Who, who, who, who

It's such a good vibration (Yeah come on, come on, come on)
It's such a sweet sensation (Oppa Gangnam style)

About halfway through the medley, Delta's fake smile turned into a real one. She actually looked like she was enjoying herself.

Yeah, Yeah
Gangnam style
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oppa Gangnam style

Hey pretty girl, whatcha doin' tonight (Gangnam style)
I wanna see what you've got in store (Oppa Gangnam Style)

Suddenly, Delta covered Poppy's mouth so that she could be the only one belting out the last verse of the medley. Poppy thought it would be best not to interfere, so she just let her sing.

Party rock is in the house tonight
Everybody just have a good time
Party rock is in the house tonight
We just wanna see ya
Shake that

Once they had finished, Roxy and the rest of the council started to clap. Poppy smiled widely and wrapped her arms around the mayor, bringing her in for a tight hug. It wasn't until she let go of her when Delta finally snapped out of it and started to cringe.

"Wow!" Roxy squealed. "That was amazing! And you said you hated that medley!"

"I do!" Delta replied. "I only did it because your my best friend and I hate seeing that sad look on your face."

"Oh really?" Roxy asked with a smug look on her face. "Then why were you acting like you were actually enjoying yourself?"

Delta opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't answer. Her face was starting to turn red with embarrassment. She quickly turned around and trotted over to a nearby door.

"Where are you going?" Roxy asked as she opened the door. "You didn't answer my question."

Without turning around, Delta said, "I'm gonna go wash that medley out of both my ears and my mouth...with bleach..." And with that, she slammed the door behind her.

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