Cooper Dare #1

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(Sorry this took me so long. Hopefully ya'll read my announcement over at Forever My King about what's been going on. But for those of you who haven't...let's just say my life is at an all time low right now, and I needed some time to heal from some recent traumatic events.)

(This dare is from Glaceons700101 )


Roxy picked up the next dare, looking utterly confused.

"Hey Essence?" she asked.

"Yeah?" Queen Essence replied.

"Might wanna call Cooper over real quick. This next one is for him!"

A few moments later, both of the royal funk twins walked into the castle.

"You need something, mom?" Cooper asked. Essence smiled at him.

"Yes! Roxy?"

Roxy looked at him and waved the letter in her hand. "Cooper, you have a dare here!"

"Ooo! Cool! What's it say?" Cooper said excitedly. Roxy cleared her throat, opened the dare, and read it aloud:

"I dare Cooper to eat 1000 chili peppers in under 10 minutes"

"What kind of chili peppers?" Cooper asked. "I know that there's lots of different kinds."

Roxy furrowed her brow in confusion. "It doesn't say, but I'd say-"

"DONT EAT ANY CAROLINA REAPERS!" Branch screamed. "Your whole face might melt off!"

Cooper shrugged. "Well, no matter how hot it is, I won't be able to feel it, cause I nearly burned all my taste buds off when I ate a whole tub of wasabi last week."

"You what?!" Essence screeched. "Why would you do that?!"

"I thought it was pistachio ice cream..." He let out a goofy giggle, then tried to hide his face with his hat.

"'re gonna be the death of me, I swear..." she groaned.

"You'd think after eating the first spoonful, you'd figure out it's not what you thought it was..." said Prince D.

Cooper gave him the side eye. "In case you haven't noticed, my smart twin brother, I can be quite stupid."

"Oh I've noticed..."

"ANYWAYS!" Roxy yelled. "Let's get on with the dare, shall we?"

The harmony troll ran off to go get the peppers from their pantry while Essence continued to scold Cooper for being a big dumb. He hung his head in shame while Darnell patted him on the back.

"If it makes you feel any better, Cooper," he started. "I once tried to shove a whole bag of jellybeans up my a-"

"DARNELL!" Quincy scolded. Prince D wheezed and collapsed to the floor. Cooper looked shocked.

"Did you actually?!" he asked.

"I said I tried, I never said I succeeded," Darnell coughed.

A few moments later...

"I'm back!"

Roxanne entered the room pushing a giant wheelbarrow full of red chili peppers and stopped right next to Cooper.

"Now that's a lot of chili peppers..." he whispered to himself. "What kind are they?"

"Carolina Cayenne Chili Peppers!" Roxy replied. "Rated at about 100,000-125,000 SHU (Scoville Heat Units)."

"Yikes! I-I'm not sure if I wanna do this anymore, guys," he said.

"I'm sorry, son, but it's a dare. You don't have a choice," King Quincy told him. "Sooo, just try your best, okay?"

"Okay, dad!"

Roxy pulled out her stopwatch and set the timer to 10 minutes. "Are you ready, Cooper?"

Cooper took a deep breath and plastered on a look of determination. "Yes! Let's do this!"


9 minutes and 28 seconds later...


Every troll in the room cheered as Cooper collapsed to the floor. He was sweating and his face was turning green.

"I don't feel very good..." he groaned. "Bro, is my tongue still in my mouth?"

Prince D knelt down and peered inside of Coopers mouth. His breath reeked of peppers.

Darnell gagged. "Yeah, it's still there." He quickly got back up and backed away from his brother as quickly as possible. Cooper smiled weakly.

"Good..." He slowly got to his feet, then walked over to Roxy.

"Your majesty, where's your bathroom?" he asked queasily.

"Through that door, take a left, then its the second door on the right," answered Roxy. Cooper nodded.

" if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go throw up."

The Asks/Dares List

Barb: Asks/2 , Dares/4
Branch: Asks/1 , Dares/3
Delta Dawn: Asks/3 , Dares/3
Essence: Asks/2 , Dares/1
Katheryn: Asks/1 , Dares/2
Quincy: Asks/2 , Dares/2
Poppy: Asks/5 , Dares/2
Roxanne: Asks/2 , Dares/1
Titus: Asks/3 , Dares/0
Trollex: Asks/7 , Dares/8
Trollzart: Asks/3 , Dares/1
Special Guests: Asks/1 , Dares/4

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