Trollex Ask #3

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(This question is from skyblue_tubby .)

"What's happening down here?" Barb asked as she walked down the stairs.

"Oh just...stuff," Katheryn responded. "Mostly stuff involving a bunch of chili peppers and a sick funk troll, but whatever. Where's your cousin?"

Barb smiled and snorted. "Oh, he's coming. He just needed to put something on real quick."

"What?" Roxy asked. Then she remembered and smiled. "Oh yeah! That!"

Suddenly, Trollex appeared at the top of the stairs. He was wearing the maid outfit from his first dare. This was his punishment from Roxy for putting black hair dye in her shampoo bottle. He would have to wear it for his next five dares and/or questions.

"I hate everything about this..." he mumbled.

"Oh stop it! You look cute, and it makes the fangirls happy." said Roxy. "Now come on down here, my son! You have a question that needs answering!"

Trollex grumbled something under his breath and floated down the stairs. He stopped when he was next to his mom and planted his fins on the ground.

"Okay...the pretty princess is ready..." Trollex said in a high-pitched girly voice. Roxy snorted, then read the question:

"So Trollex, what did you think of Prince D's kiss?"

Trollex face turned white. He shuddered. "Oh god...I did not want to remember that..." he groaned. Darnell heard his name and now had his full attention on what Trollex had to say.

"Well it took me by surprise, and it was obvious he's had some practice..." He started to sweat. He felt very uncomfortable. "But other than that...I hated it."

"Are you sure? I heard I can be quite the charmer." Prince D started to walk over to Trollex, making the techno troll sweat even more. He started to panic.

"Yeah, I'm sure! But I'm a straight troll, so I did not appreciate it one bit!"

Darnell chuckled. "I could always do it again, if you want?"


This only made Prince D laugh even harder.

Queen Essence could sense the tension rising in the room, and decided to put an end to this conversation before it went any further.

"Darnell, why don't you go check on your brother," she said. "Make sure he's alright."

"Okay, mom." Prince D left the room. Trollex sighed loudly and floated down to the ground. His face was still pasty white, and now he was shaking in his dress.

"Trollex, are you alright?" Essence asked.

"I'm...fine," he squeaked. "Thank you...Essence."

"You're welcome, dearie."

The Asks/Dares List

Barb: Asks/2 , Dares/4
Branch: Asks/1 , Dares/2
Delta Dawn: Asks/3 , Dares/3
Essence: Asks/2 , Dares/1
Katheryn: Asks/1 , Dares/2
Quincy: Asks/2 , Dares/2
Poppy: Asks/5 , Dares/2
Roxanne: Asks/2 , Dares/1
Thrash: Asks/1 , Dares/1
Titus: Asks/3 , Dares/0
Trollex: Asks/6 , Dares/7
Trollzart: Asks/3 , Dares/1

(I'd also like to say that although I enjoy doing Asks/Dares for our special guests that aren't originally on the list, I'm gonna stop doing them from this point on. So for those of you who have given Prince D, Hickory, Tresillo, Chaz, etc. questions, I'm sorry, but I will no longer be putting them in here. They were called "special guests" for a reason.)
(I have made an exception for Thrash, since he is Katheryn's husband and Barb's dad. He's more of an unofficial member of the council, and has now been permanently added to the list.)

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