Trollex Dare #7

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(FINALLY! After so many technical difficulties and whatnot, I finally got this finished! Trollex has a LOT. Hope ya'll are fine with that! This dare is from @Tayis32 , and so is the next one :3)

"Ugh...the room is spinning so much..." Trollex complained as he put his head in his hands. "That dare wasn't even that difficult, so why does my head feel like it's about to explode?..."

"Its because you have a concussion, sweetie," Roxy told him. She patted him on the shoulder. "Also, you just sang a song in a language you know almost nothing about."

Trollex looked up at her. "Oh yeah...I forgot about that..." he said very quietly. "How long does it take for a concussion to go away?"

Roxy thought for a moment. " usually depends on how bad your head injury is. And, based on how big the bruise is on your head..." she sucked air in through her teeth as she quickly glanced at his wound. "Yours will...probably last about a few weeks..."

Trollex groaned miserably and slid down in his chair. "I hate this..." he mumbled.

"I know you do, but you're gonna have to deal with it for the time being, just like anybody else." Trollex sighed as Roxy began to open his next dare. A small, lose piece of paper fell out of the envelope and onto the ground. Confused, Roxy picked it up, opened it, and read it aloud:

"Dear Trollex, I'm sorry for making you scare Delta Dawn. Please forgive me!" Trollex chuckled a bit and smiled.

"All is forgiven! Besides, I should've known better," he said sweetly. Then he winced in pain and put his hand up to his head.

"This is going to be the most miserable month of my entire life!" he groaned as Roxy put the apology letter back into the envelope and took out the dare. She read it to herself, then she started to smile.

"Hmm...are you sure about that?" she giggled. Trollex flashed her a confused look as she read the dare aloud:

"This next one says: I dare Trollex to embarrass Barb whenever he wants for an entire month, and she can't say no." A small smile began to appear on Trollex's face as he slowly turned towards Barb, who had her arms crossed.

"Pfft! Like that'll ever happen," she scoffed. "Literally nothing makes me feel embarrassed."

"Is that so?" Katheryn responded as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah! In fact, do your worst, cousin! I'd like to see you try to embarrass the Queen of Hard Rock!" Barb said sassily. Trollex just smiled cunningly and rubbed his hands together.

"Oh, I plan on it...just you wait."

25 days later...

"GOOD MORNING, ROCKERS!" Barb screamed into the microphone. The Hard Rock trolls cheered from the audience in Volcano Rock Stadium. Former Queen Katheryn and King Thrash were observing their daughter from the sidelines.

"Now I know what you all must be thinking. "Barb, why do you have us gathered here so early in the morning?" Well, that's because I couldn't wait to show you guys what's underneath this tarp behind me!" She motioned up at what she was referring to as the crowd reacted.

"Riff! Drumroll please!" she shouted. Riff did exactly as he was told. Then Barb motioned for the tarp to be removed.

"It is my pleasure to show you all our brand new, state of the art JUMBOTRON!" The tarp fell to the ground, revealing the giant screen. All of the Rock trolls cheered wildly.

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