Essence Dare #1

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(Warning! This dare is gonna have some swear words in it! Sorry if it's written terribly.)

"Okie dokie!" Roxy said as she stared at the last envelope in her hand. "After this next dare, I'll have to go check the mailbox again to see if any more have arrived since we started."

"Ok, who's that last one for?" Poppy asked. Roxy read the name on the letter and smiled, then she turned towards the queen of the funk trolls.

"Essence!" She announced.

"Oh dear..." Queen Essence replied while looking rather nervous. "I don't know whether to be scared or excited."

"Well whatever the dare is, I know you'll do great!" King Quincy told his wife. Essence smiled at him and blushed.

"Thanks honey." She turned back to the harmony troll and sighed. "Ok, what is it?"

Roxy tore open the envelope and unfolded the piece of paper as everybody waited anxiously. "Alright! So this dare is from @tougetatoo101 , and it says: I dare Essence to sing Boss Bitch by Doja Cat!" Everybody gasped. Essence was taken aback.

"Wait. Say that again? I have to sing Boss what?" She asked, wondering if she had heard her right. Roxy chuckled nervously. Although everyone on the council were adults, they all tried to refrain from swearing since it wasn't very "mature" for a leader to curse.

"'s called Boss Bitch. It's a song by Doja Cat," the harmony troll said. "I think I've heard it once before while watching Birds of Prey with Titus during movie night."

Essence sighed. "Alright, I don't recognize the song's name or the artist, but I'll sing it. Do you have the lyrics?"

"Of course I do!" Roxy said. "Follow me. It's probably on file in the hip hop room."

Queen Essence reluctantly followed her down a hallway while Titus and Quincy rushed out of the main room in the opposite direction to grab something. Once they reached the hip hop room, Roxy typed a command into a hidden panel on the wall and, in an instant, a long row of filing cabinets popped out of the wall, along with a shiny microphone and tablet.

"That sure is a lot of songs..." Essence chuckled lightheartedly. "How long'll it take for you to find the one I've gotta sing?" Roxy smiled.

"About 20 seconds," she said. Suddenly, an automated female voice started speaking to them, which startled Essence a bit.

"Welcome, Queen Roxanne," the voice said. "How may I be of assistance?"

Roxy picked up the tablet and began speaking into the microphone.

"Parental Warnings, Category B, please!"

"Are you sure that's the selection you'd like to make?"

"Yes. Thank you, Ortensia!"

"No problem, harmony troll."

Roxy pressed a button on the tablet, and one filing cabinet popped out in front of her. She rushed over to it, pulled out a file, then searched through that until she found the sheet music.

"Here you go, Essence!" Roxy said as she handed the music over to the funk troll.

"There's so many swear words! Do I really have to do this?" Essence asked nervously. Roxy nodded.

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