Trollex Dare #11

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(This dare is from GalaxiaRose )

"Alright!" Roxy stated upon returning to Harmony castle. She picked up the next envelope and smiled. "Next dare is for my fish son in the maid outfit, Trollex!"

"Yay! The first step towards taking this thing off!" Trollex cheered. "What's it say?"

Roxy opened the envelope, read the dare to herself, then started snickering. Trollex immediately began to feel suspicious, and he started to sweat.

"Oh no...what is it?" he asked nervously. Roxy stopped snickering and began to read the dare aloud:

"Sing a techno version of Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride in Hawaiian-"

"Oh! That's not so bad!" Trollex interrupted. "If I can sing a song in Spanish, I'm sure I can sing one in Hawaiian, too!"

" front of your fan club!"

His face immediately turned white. "Nevermind..." he wheezed. He composed himself, then realized something.

"Wait..." he started to say. "Am I gonna have to..." He started to shake as he swallowed the lump in his throat. Roxy nodded.

In a moment of pure panic, Trollex fell onto his fins and pleaded: "Please don't make me wear this while doing this dare! I'll never live it down!"

Roxy patted his head. "I'm sorry, sweetie. Those are my rules," she told him. "You have to keep this costume on for your next five dares. And besides, I'm sure the fangirls will love it!"

"That's what I'm afraid of..." he whispered to himself.

~Somewhere just outside of Pop Village~

Trollex hid behind a mushroom, shaking with fear. He peeked around the corner and saw a sea of fangirls waiting for him. Poppy and Branch had taken the liberty to gather them all up in one spot.

He whipped his head back around to stay hidden and started breathing heavily. No one was there to comfort him at the moment, since all of the council members would be watching from the audience, including Roxy and Titus. "Okay, Trollex, deep can do this!" he told himself. He placed his headphones over his ears and then spoke into a microphone that had been handed to him only moments before:

"What's up, my loyal fans!" He yelled into the mic excitedly. The girls in the audience started to squeal upon hearing his voice.

"Are you all ready to get this party started?" he asked. He took another deep breath, fluffed up his dress a bit, then dashed out from his hiding spot and hovered up to the DJ booth.

Upon seeing him, the crowd went silent. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Then, all of the fangirls started screaming louder than ever before.

They liked the outfit, that's for sure.

Trollex's face flushed a bright red as he stared down at the DJ table. He sighed, cleared his throat, then he pressed a few buttons and began to sing:

Aloha e aloha e
'Ano 'ai ke aloha e
Aloha ae aloha e
A nu ay ki aloha e

There's no place I'd rather be
Then on my surfboard out at sea
Lingering in the ocean blue
And If I had one wish come true
I'd surf till the sun sets
Beyond the horizon

A wiki wiki mai lohi lohi
Lawe mai I ko papa he'e nalu
Flyin by on the Hawaiian roller coaster ride

As he continued the song, Trollex made sure that he was looking at his hands the whole time. He was too afraid to look out at the audience.

A wiki wiki mai lohi lohi
La we mai iko papa he na lu
Pi'I na nalu la lahalaha
O ka moana hanupanupa
Lalala I kala hanahana
Me ke kai hoene I ka pu'e one
Helehele mai kakou e
Hawaiian roller coaster ride

There's no place I'd rather be
Than on the seashore dry, wet free
On golden sand is where I lay
And if I only had my way
I'd play til the sun sets
Beyond the horizon

Lalala I kala hanahana
Me ke kai hoene I ka pu'e one
It's time to try the Hawaiian Roller coaster ride

At this point, Trollex's hands were starting to get really sweaty. He could see that a few of the girls who were standing closest to him had pulled out cameras and had started taking pictures of him. But, regardless, he had to keep going. Once he was finished with the song, he could run off-stage and scream into the void or something.

Hang loose, hang ten, howzit, shake a shaka
No worry, no fear, ain't no biggie braddah
Cuttin' in, cuttin' up, cuttin' back, cuttin' out
Frontside, backside, goofy footed, wipe out
Looking for the wipe-out
Let's get jumpin', surf's up and pumpin'
Coastin' with the motion of the ocean
Whirlpools swirling, cascading, twirling
Hawaiian roller coaster ride

There's no place I'd rather be
Then on my surfboard out at sea
Lingering in the ocean blue
And if I had one wish come true
I'd surf till the sun sets
Beyond the horizon

A wiki wiki mai lohi lohi
Lawe mai I ko papa he'e nalu
Flyin by on the Hawaiian roller coaster ride

A wiki wiki mai lohi lohi
La we mai iko papa he na lu
Pi'I na nalu la lahalaha
O ka moana hanupanupa
Lalala I kala hanahana
Me ke kai hoene I ka pu'e one
Helehele mai kakou e
Hawaiian roller coaster ride

When the song was over, he bowed his head politely to the audience, then dashed off the stage as fast as he could.

Once he knew he was out of sight, he collapsed to the ground and landed face first in the dirt. He could hear footsteps coming up behind him, but he didn't want to turn around to see who it was.

"Trollex? Sweetie?" he heard Roxy ask. "Are you okay?"

"I don't wanna talk about it..." he whimpered.

"Alright," she responded. She got down on her knees and patted him on the back.

"I think this tops the slide incident now as the most embarrassing moment of my entire life..." he groaned.

"Aww, my poor baby," Roxy cooed. Then, she got an idea. "Tell you what, once we get back to Harmony Castle, you can take a nice relaxing bubble bath. Would that help you feel better?"

As soon as she mentioned bubbles, Trollex quickly lifted his head up, smiling from ear to ear.

"Yes, I would like that...thank you, mom!" he said. Roxy smiled.

"You're welcome, sweetie."

The Asks/Dares List

Barb: Asks/2 , Dares/4
Branch: Asks/1 , Dares/2
Delta Dawn: Asks/3 , Dares/3
Essence: Asks/2 , Dares/1
Katheryn: Asks/1 , Dares/2
Quincy: Asks/2 , Dares/2
Poppy: Asks/4 , Dares/2
Roxanne: Asks/2 , Dares/1
Thrash: Asks/1 , Dares/1
Titus: Asks/3 , Dares/0
Trollex: Asks/6 , Dares/6
Trollzart: Asks/3 , Dares/1

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